
  • 网络consumer theory
  1. 消费者理论的前提性知识新探

    Newly Research on Prerequisite Knowledge in Consumers Theory

  2. 以往的消费者理论只关注于消费者拥有商品完全所有权的决策情境,而忽视了普遍存在的委托代理关系。

    Former consumer theories only focuses on the condition that consumers have complete ownership of the goods they buy , while ignores the principal-agent relationship which exists at large .

  3. 本文在简要回顾消费者行为理论中的自我概念研究现状基础上,提出并在理论上推导出男性消费者自我概念结构SELF理论及其立体结构模型;

    In retrospect of the self-concept in consumer behavior theory , the paper discusses the male consumer self-concept , self-theory and related model .

  4. 本文在回顾消费者行为理论和消费与产出相关性理论的基础上,对中国的银行卡消费同GDP增长及消费的关系进行了实证研究。

    This paper reviews the consumption behavior theory and the consumption output theory , and conducts empirical analysis the relation of consumption via bankcards and GDP growth in China .

  5. 因此,期望这一研究在完善消费者行为理论的同时,能够有助于C2C商家更好地从事商业活动,有助于C2C交易市场向更为良性的方向发展。

    Therefore , the study not only can perfect the theory of consumer behavior , but make C2C businesses and C2C trading market better at the same time .

  6. 遗憾的是建立在工业经济与实体社会基础上的消费者行为理论不足以解释网络购买行为,简单延用4P框架和传统消费者行为理论难以阐明网络购买行为的内在机理。

    It is a pity that the online purchasing behavior can not be explained by the theory of consumer behavior based on the physical society and industrial economics , it is very difficult to clarify the inherent mechanism by using 4P frame and the theory of consumer behavior simply .

  7. 消费者剩余理论在企业营销策略问题上的研究

    A Study on the Theory of Consumer Surplus in Enterprise Marketing Strategy

  8. 消费者行为理论通常被分为确定性(选择)理论与不确定性理论。

    Consumer 's behavior theory usually consists of certainty theory and uncertainty theory .

  9. 基于消费者剩余理论的顾客让渡价值分析

    A Study on the Customer Delivered Value Based on the Consumer Surplus Theory

  10. 基于消费者接受理论的移动商务成功因素研究

    Research on Success Factors of B2C Mobile Commerce Based on Consumer Acceptance Theory

  11. 主要包括公司社会责仟理论、消费者主权理论和利益相关者理论。

    The theories involve corporate social responsibility theory , consumer sovereignty theory and stakeholder theory .

  12. 研究的理论基础是消费者选择理论和效用理论。

    The theoretical framework of this study is based on consumer choice theory and utility theory .

  13. 消费者选择理论的重构&品牌与数量选择的两步法经济分析

    Reconstruction of the Theory of Consumers ' Choice & two Steps Economic Analysis of Brand and Quantity Choice

  14. 依托消费者行为理论,并通过实证研究的方式,对长三角地区的主要城市居民的体育消费行为特征进行研究,供参考。

    Following the theory of consumption behavior and using positive analysis , it find out the consumer 's behavior characteristic .

  15. 构建了双渠道供应链的问题模型,并基于消费者效用理论构建了需求和利润模型。

    Constructing the dual-channel supply chain model , and the demand and price models based on the consumer utility theory .

  16. 这可以从消费者行为理论、规模经济理论以及地租衰减理论得到很好的解释。

    All this can demonstrated by way of the consumer behavior theory , scale economic theory and rent reduction theory .

  17. 效用、偏好与制度关系的理论探讨&反思消费者选择理论偏好稳定之假设

    Effectiveness , Preference and System & The Reflection and Discussion on the Preferences Stability Assumption of the Theory of Consumer 's Choice

  18. 依据消费者行为理论与认知理论,将顾客忠诚定义为顾客的一种知识。

    Customer loyalty is defined as a sort of knowledge on the basis of theory of consumer behavior and the theory of cognition .

  19. 第三章理论基础,介绍消费者认知理论和消费者支付意愿理论。

    The third chapter is the basic of the theory , which introduced the theory of the consumer cognition and the consumer behavior .

  20. 基本理论是对论文写作的理论基础的阐述,它将传统消费者行为理论和新消费理论结合共同指导旅游消费领域,力求研究的系统性。

    Basic theory expound the theory base of writing the thesis , which study tourist consumption behavior with traditional and consumer behavior theories .

  21. 首先,对消费者行为理论和产品开发的相关理论进行回顾和梳理,为本文的研究提供理论指导。

    Firstly , reviewing and combing the theory of consumer behavior and product development theory , and provide theoretical guidance for this study .

  22. 从这一概念的基本涵义出发,应用生态位理论和消费者行为理论提出了生态居住区位理论和模型。

    Based on this , ecological theory and model of residential location is put forward , referring to the Niche Theory and Consumer Behavior Theory .

  23. 如何进行引导和推广,涉及到消费者行为理论的应用,本文同时也对消费者行为理论进行了阐述。

    How to guide and promote is referring to the appliance of the consumer behavior theories , this paper also expatiate to the consumer behavior theories .

  24. 第一部分是消费者保护理论和金融消费者问题概述,这部分分为三节。

    The first part is the overview of the problem of consumer protection theory and of financial consumer . This part is divided into three sections .

  25. 本文在研究顾客价值管理时,综合运用了交易成本理论、关系营销理论、战略管理理论、网络组织理论和消费者行为理论。

    This dissertation applies transaction cost theory , relationship marketing theory , strategic management theory , network organization theory and consumer behavior theory in CVM research .

  26. 第二,对商圈理论、中心地理论、消费者行为理论在社区商业投资中的应用进行了理论的研究和延伸分析。

    Secondly , the theories of trading area , center geography and consumer behavior were studied in this paper for the application of the Community Business investment .

  27. 论文的理论依据是:应用了消费者行为理论、人力资本理论、新增长理论、教育成本分担理论,利用这些理论对我国高等教育消费问题进行分析。

    The theoretical bases of this paper are consisted of consumer behavioral theories , human capital theories , new economic growing theories , educational cost sharing theories .

  28. 另外,论文运用经济学相关理论对顾客价值进行了解释,主要运用了效用理论、消费者剩余理论和无差异曲线理论。

    In addition , this paper analyzes CV through some correlative economic theories . They are avail theory , consumer remain theory and none difference curve theory .

  29. 本文讨论了微观经济学新发展中的两个主要内容:不确定性下消费者选择理论及其发展和市场理论的发展。

    Abstract This paper considers the two new theories in microeconomics : the theory of consumer choice under uncertainty and its developments . and recent developments in market theory .

  30. 通过这些讨论,扩展了经济学中消费者行为理论的范围,为质量经济学的建立打下了重要基础。

    Through this discussion , the field of the consumer behaviour theory in the economics is expanded , the main base of the economics of quality is set up .