
  • 网络consumption;Consumption Rate;CONSUME
  1. 我国消费率自1982年开始呈下降趋势,2000年以后低于60%,远远低于钱纳利70%的标准。

    The consume rate has been descending since 1982 , even less than 60 % after 2000 which is less than the standard of 70 % ( which Chenery proposed ) .

  2. 甚至储蓄率很高的东亚国家,消费率都保持在65%以上。

    The consume rate is above 65 % in those east Asian countries which having high save rate .

  3. 消费率演变过程则呈现与投资率相反的“U”型曲线。

    Investment rate curve resemble an inverted " U " and consumption rate curve resemble an " U " .

  4. 这位美联储(Fed)主席警告说,全球经济失衡推动引发了此次危机,需要加以纠正。经济失衡是指国民储蓄率、消费率和投资率之间存在的巨大落差,体现为巨额贸易赤字或盈余。

    The Federal Reserve chairman warned that global imbalances the big gaps between national saving , consumption and investment rates reflected in large trade deficits and surpluses had helped cause the crisis and needed to be corrected .

  5. 到目前为止,亚洲各国的消费率仍然保持稳定。

    For now , consumption rates in Asian countries are holding .

  6. 大社会福利概念下对低消费率的认识与解决

    Increasing the Consumption Rate under the Concept of Broad Social Welfare

  7. 对我国目前消费率偏低的思考

    The Thought of the Low Consumption Rate in Our Country

  8. 提高我国消费率问题的思考

    Reflections on the Problem of Highlighting the National Consumption Rate

  9. 中国居民消费率较低是现在中国宏观经济面临的最主要问题之一。

    It shows that China faces the problem of low household consumption .

  10. 改革开放三十年来中国居民消费率偏低的原因分析

    Analyzing Causes of Low Consumption Rate of Chinese Residents since Economic Reform

  11. 我国最终消费率偏低的心理成因实证分析

    The empirical analysis on psychological causes of low consumption rate in China

  12. 而教育公共支出对与居民消费率的作用并不显著。

    However , the impact of public expenditure on education is not significant .

  13. 中国居民低消费率的原因分解与政策启示

    Reason Analysis of Chinese People 's Low Consumption and its Revelation to Policy

  14. 我国消费率低的情况已引起了中央政府的足够重视。

    China ' sconsumption of low has attracted enough attention from the government .

  15. 中国农村居民消费率研究

    The Study of Rural Consumption Rate in China

  16. 深入分析消费率偏低的原因,并有针对性地采取切实有效的对策措施,才能真正扭转这一现状。

    Analysing the reason thoroughly and taking valid measures will change the present condition .

  17. 储蓄&投资转化率低的原因在于消费率低;

    The reason of low transform rate of saving to investment is low consumption rate .

  18. 最终消费率每增长1%,进口增长0.31%。

    When final consumption rate grows every 1 percent , imports will grow 0.31 percents .

  19. 非再生资源的消费率模型

    A Consumption Rate Model of Depletable Resources

  20. 提高消费率势在必行

    Raising Consumption Rate : An Inevitable Choice

  21. 高消费率、低储蓄率是美国经济结构不平衡的根源。

    High consumption rate and low savings ratio are the root of American economic framework imbalance .

  22. 对消费率问题的研究一般可以归结为对消费与投资比例关系的研究。

    The researches on consumption rate are regarded as the studies of the proportion to consumption .

  23. 消费率偏低主要是居民消费率部分偏低,且下降迅速。

    While the consumption rate especially the citizen consumption rate is lower and declines more rapidly .

  24. 十五期间投资率和消费率的运行趋势分析

    Tendency of the Rate of Investment and Consumption during the period of the 10th Five-Year Plan

  25. 从现实情况来看,消费率过低而储蓄率过高,将可能严重制约我国国内市场需求的发展。

    A low consuming rate and a high savings rate may restrict our domestic market demand .

  26. 本文首先对农村居民消费率进行理论上的引入和解释,对自改革开放二十多年以来的农村居民消费率进行实证分析。

    As the data analysis to rural consumption rate in our country since reform and opening-up .

  27. 研究结果表明,国民收入分配格局对居民消费率有显著的影响。

    The results show that the distribution of national income has a significant impact on consumption .

  28. 对消费率的深层思考

    Deeper Thought on Consuming Rate

  29. 1990年以来中国居民消费率变动的实证分析

    A Positive Analysis of China 's Household Consumption Rate and Its Change since the End of 1990s

  30. 必须把适当提高居民消费率和消费倾向作为经济增长的一项重要任务。

    Proper increase of residents consuming rate and consuming confidence should be taken as an important task .