
  • 网络consumption chain
  1. 生猪生产与消费链安全评价及预警研究

    Research on the Assessment and the Warning of Pig Production and Consumption Chain Safety

  2. 会展业不仅对城市经济带来直接贡献,更重要的是带动第三产业的消费链。

    The meeting exhibition industry not only directly brings contribute to economy in the city , but also arouse " the consumption chain of third industry " .

  3. 周而复始的顾客生活活动的价值追求,又形成顾客生涯循环消费价值链。

    The cycle of the value pursuit in customer life also forms value chain cycle of Customer Lifetime Value .

  4. 这一格局发展的必然结果就是消费信贷链的破裂,集中的表现就是美国的次级房贷危机。

    This pattern of development is the inevitable result of the breakdown of consumer credit chain , is focused on the performance of the subprime mortgage crisis in the United States .

  5. 处方药消费价值链中个角色已经或者即将发射重大变化,而且角色间的关系和各自作用也会随之再定位、再分配。

    Prescription drug consumption value chain , a role has been or will soon launch a major change , and the role of the relationship between the respective roles and the concomitant reorientation , redistribution .

  6. 在政府管理材料-产品-消费残余链方面,通过一个竞争性的一般均衡模型,展示了政府可以运用的影响材料流动的税收/补贴政策体系。

    In the aspect of governmental management of material-product chain , by using a competitive general equilibrium model , we demonstrated a tax / subsidy policy system that government could possibly use to influence material flowing .

  7. 在循环经济中,政府进行材料-产品-消费残余链管理的主要目标是通过影响链条中各市场主体之间的行为链和市场,使整个链的运行与发展循环经济的目标相一致。

    In the cyclic economy , the essential target of government managing is to keep the entire chain operation consistent with the objective of developing cyclic economy through affecting chain activities of market subjects and markets themselves .

  8. 可见,对快速消费品供应链的成本管理研究具有重要的现实意义。

    Clearly , study on supply chain cost management of fast moving consumer goods has important practical significance .

  9. 为了强调材料-产品链的后端部分,本文将材料-产品链改称为材料-产品-消费残余链。

    In order to emphasize the rear of material-product chain , this dissertation renames the material-product chain as the material-product-consumption residue chain .

  10. 但如果就此认为,该公司应较处于消费品供应链中其他环节的公司具有显著溢价,则似乎缺乏合理性。

    But it seems unreasonable to think it should trade at significant premiums to other parts of the consumer supply chain in which it operates .

  11. 在快速消费品供应链中,目前面对的最主要的问题是上游的生产供应与下游的需求不平衡的问题。

    In Fast Moving Consumer Goods ( FMCG ) supply chain , the most serious problem confronting businesses is the imbalance between the supply of upstream FMCG supply chain and the downstream demand .

  12. 数字音乐的兴起,带来了流行音乐从创作、传播、销售到消费的产业链整体的革新,但是尚未形成比较完善的新型商业模式。

    The rise of digital music , has brought the pop music whole chain from the creation , dissemination , distribution to consumption innovated , but has not yet formed a relatively complete new business model .

  13. FSC-S&OP通过五个关键步骤实施,使快速消费品供应链中生产企业与经销商协同运作,最终实现了供应链上下游的供需平衡。

    And , by the five key implementation steps , businesses could realize effective as well as efficient coordination between manufacturers and dealers in the supply chain , finally achieving the balance between supply and demand in the FMCG supply chain .

  14. 所谓现代物流,简单来说,是指供应、采购、生产、运输、仓储、销售到消费的供应链,是高效率、多功能、全方位、一体化、多功能的复合型服务产业。

    In terms of modern logistics , from surface it refers to a supply chain connecting each circle of provision , procurement , manufacturing , shipment , warehousing , distribution and consumption . It is a complicated service type of high efficiency , multi-functions , all-directions and integration .

  15. 快速消费品对供应链成本较敏感。

    Fast moving consumer goods are more sensitive to supply chain costs .

  16. 对精益消费模式下供应链绩效评价的探讨

    The discussion of SCM performance evaluation based on Lean Consumption

  17. 本文以飞利浦公司消费电子产品供应链作为主要研究对象,分析供应链中阻碍绩效提升的关键问题,提出改善方案,帮助供应链绩效持续改进。

    Philips consumer electrical supply chain is the research object of the paper .

  18. 面向快速消费品行业供应链的需求计划应用研究

    A Study on the Application of Demand Planning in the Supply Chain Management of FMCG

  19. 而对于消费电子行业供应链,由于其行业特点,供应链错综复杂、过于追求精益化、全球性采购、市场需求极不稳定等因素导致供应链正面临着更加严峻的风险。

    In the consumer electronics industry , the conditions are even worse , for the characteristics of the much more complicated supply chain : excessive lean management , global sourcing and the rather more unstable market demand .

  20. 但是任何企业的影响都很难量化,而其在消费价格、供应链、竞争对手以及劳动力市场的冲击也没有定论。

    Yet the economic impact of any company , even one as large as Wal-Mart , is hard to measure . There is no defining answer to its impact upon consumer prices , supply chain , competitors and labor market .

  21. 通过绿色设计、绿色制造、绿色营销和绿色消费,生态供应链铸造了可持续发展的绿色质量,统一了企业经济效益、社会效益和生态效益,最终实现了人与自然的和谐。

    Through the green design , green manufacture , green marketing and green consumption , the ecological supply chain founds the sustainable green quality , unifies the enterprise 's economical benefit , social benefit and ecological benefits , and realizes the peace coexistence between human and nature .

  22. 越来越多的食品在世界的某个地方种植或饲养,但在其它地方加工和消费。这种食品链的全球化意味着,一个国家的疾病爆发或者食品恐慌,很快就会影响到其它国家。

    The globalisation of the food chain , which has seen more and more food that is grown in one part of the world but processed and consumed in others , means that a disease outbreak or food scare in one country can quickly be felt elsewhere .

  23. 因此,围绕某项生活的价值追求,由相关消费的价值环节,构成顾客组合消费价值链。

    Therefore , focus on the value of the pursuit of life , the value of consumption by the relevant part form a combined consumption value chain .