
piān zhí xínɡ rén ɡé zhànɡ ài
  • paranoid personality disorder
  1. 偏执型人格障碍案例分析

    The Analysis of Paranoid Personality Disorder

  2. 各量表进行K-means聚类分析,81例海洛因依赖者被分成3种临床类型:偏执型人格障碍(37.04%),躯体型人格障碍(16.05%)和反社会人格障碍(46.91%)。

    According to the K-means cluster analysis , the 81 heroin dependent patients fell into three subgroups : paranoia ( 37.04 % ), somatic ( 16.05 % ), antisocial ( 46.91 % ) personalities .

  3. 边缘型人格障碍(61.7%)和强迫型人格障碍(58.5%)最常见,其次是偏执型人格障碍(52.1%)。

    Borderline personality disorder ( 61.7 % ), compulsive personality disorder ( 58.5 % ) were the most common diagnoses .