
  • 网络Avoidant personality disorder;avoidant PD
  1. 回避型人格障碍的患者总是活得很漠然且像个隐士,这样才能藏匿已然默认的在心里的自身的缺点和缺陷。

    The Avoidant remains aloof and a recluse in order to conceal her self-perceived shortcomings and flaws .

  2. 结果:社交焦虑障碍与回避型、强迫型人格障碍共病率较高,社交焦虑障碍组的回避型人格障碍得分和PDA总分明显高于强迫症组和广泛性焦虑症组。

    Results : Social anxiety disorder group had higher scores than OCD and GAD group in the total PDA scores and Avoidant Subscale scores .

  3. 回避型与精神分裂人格障碍的人会在文本交流这种潜在匿名的环境中顺利进行治疗吗?

    Will avoidant and schizoid people fare well in the potentially anonymous environment of text conversation ?