
huí sù
  • backtrack;trace;recall;look back upon
回溯 [huí sù]
  • [recall;look back upon;trace] 上溯,向上推导

  • 这种鱼有回溯的习惯

回溯[huí sù]
  1. 论回溯建库中的编目审校工作

    On the Check / Pro of Work of Recall Catalog for Original Library

  2. 我国经济伦理学研究的回溯与前瞻

    Recall and prospect of economical ethics in China

  3. 珀西对兰花的痴迷可以回溯到1951年。

    Percy 's enchantment with orchids dates back to 1951 .

  4. 有的“高亮强迫症”在阅读过程中会不断地点击选中任意文字,使其呈高亮显示,有的“高亮强迫症”会把某些文字标为突出显示,将其当作书签便于回溯。

    This highlighting ranges from constantly clicking the text at random1 , highlighting the words as they are read , or highlighting the words as a bookmark to stay on track .

  5. N皇后问题回溯算法探讨

    Discussion about Backtracking Algorithm of n-Queen Problem

  6. 数据包的IP地址回溯方法探讨

    On the IP Traceback Methods of the Packet

  7. 基于k跳回溯机制的服务切换路由重建算法

    K-Hop Backtracking Based Rerouting Algorithm for Handoff Processing

  8. 基于哈希和流量分析的IP回溯

    Hash and Traffic Analysis Based IP Traceback

  9. 一个预测RNA二级结构的回溯算法

    A Backtrack Algorithm for Prediction RNA Secondary Structure

  10. VisualProlog的回溯机制分析

    Analysis of the Backtracking Mechanism in Visual Prolog

  11. 通过对N皇后问题棋盘矩阵的旋转,改进了回溯算法,并通过计算机集群并行实现了N皇后的计数问题。

    Traditional backtracking algorithm has been improved by rotating the chessboard matrix and put into solving N-queens counting problem in computer cluster .

  12. Viterbi译码的FPGA免回溯实现

    A Implementation of a Non-backtracking Viterbi Decoding Algorithm in FPGA

  13. 命令对每个活动CPU上正在运行的进程执行堆栈回溯。

    The btc command does a stack traceback for the running process on each live CPU .

  14. 联合利华在中国的上一次收购还要回溯至1999年,那一年它收购了冰淇淋生产商蔓登琳(MountainCream)。

    Unilever last hit the acquisition trail in China in 1999 when it bought ice cream maker Mountain Cream .

  15. 项目实际上开始于一个非常简单的内部使用的ASP框架,其可以回溯到1999年。

    The project actually started with a very simple ASP framework written for internal use back in1999 .

  16. 但从世界贸易组织(wto)最新的统计数据(这些数据回溯到2006年)看不出有哪里不对。

    But there is no sign anything is amiss in the latest World Trade Organization statistics - which , admittedly , date back to 2006 .

  17. n皇后问题是非结构化的问题,人工智能中的搜索策略&回溯法是解决这类问题的有效方法。

    The n_ queen problem is a non-structured problem , the search principle in the artificial intelligence-the backtrack method is an effective method for sloving such problems .

  18. 局部搜索算法和基于回溯的搜索算法是求解CSP问题的两种基本算法。

    The best known algorithms for CSPs are based on local search and backtracking .

  19. 该设计使用串行结构,回溯算法,占用LEs仅2195个,与并行译码相比节省了约50%的硬件资源。

    Compared with parallel decoder , it saves about 50 % hardware resources .

  20. Prolog语言实现中的智能回溯算法

    An Algorithm for Intelligent Backtracking in Implementation of PROLOG

  21. 此外,最近在新的故事场景和回溯中却发现更多缺陷(bug)。

    In addition , more bugs have been recently found both in the new stories and also in regressions .

  22. 他们在采集不同人种的口腔黏膜DNA样本,试图从这条街回溯人类走遍世界各角落的旅程。

    They are scraping DNA off the cheeks of this kaleidoscope of people and attempting to retrace humanity 's journey to all corners of the earth on this single street .

  23. 基于合作过滤机制的ICMP回溯DDoS攻击源方法

    An ICMP Traceback Method of DDoS Attack Source Based on Cooperative Filtering Mechanism

  24. 头脑风暴事实上回顾到了一种很长久的方式,回溯到了1939年,当广告执行总监亚历克斯F第一次设计出来。

    Brainstorming actually goes back a long way , all the way back to 1939 when it was first devised by advertising executive Alex F. Osborn .

  25. 另外,他们还会为每一个版本打上标记,一旦发生严重的bug可以回溯到原来的版本进行修复。

    In addition they tag every release and in the event of a critical bug can go back to fix it .

  26. 采用DCG(DefineClauseGrammar)方法实现的自然语言理解,出现了大量回溯。

    There is a lot of backtracking by using DCG ( Define Clause Grammar ) method with NLU ( Natural Language Understanding ) .

  27. 最后,用回溯的方式构建实际的LCS

    Finally , you construct an actual LCS using the traceback

  28. bta命令对处于某种特定状态的所有进程执行回溯。

    The bta command does a traceback for all processes in a particular state .

  29. self链接特别有用;如果有一个不是自己下载的Atom文档,那么通过该链接就可以回溯到规范来源。

    The self link is especially useful ; if you ever end up with an Atom document that you didn 't download yourself , this is your trail of breadcrumbs back to the canonical source .

  30. GOF的模板方法及其在回溯算法中应用研究

    Research on Template Method of GOF in Back Tracing Algorithm