
tài tai
  • Mrs;madame;Mrs.;wife
太太 [tài tài]
  • [Mrs.;madame] 对已婚妇女的尊称(带丈夫的姓)

  • 有位杜太太给您留了口信

太太[tài tai]
  1. 贝克太太,我很高兴与您相识。

    I am delighted to make your acquaintance , Mrs Baker .

  2. 他初到这座城市时租房住在布朗太太的家里。

    He lodged with Mrs Brown when he arrived in the city .

  3. 老太太说话时拄着拐棍。

    The old lady leant on her stick as she talked .

  4. 那边那个女人是老板的太太。

    That woman there is the boss 's wife .

  5. 他的房东太太心地善良,待人亲切。

    His landlady was a kind , homely woman .

  6. 他不禁感到不得不钦佩这位老太太。

    He could not help feeling a grudging admiration for the old lady .

  7. 有位格林太太要见你。

    There 's a Mrs Green to see you .

  8. 您的胸围是多少,太太?

    What is your bust measurement , Madam ?

  9. 要是哪位太太嫌邻居太吵闹,打电话投诉,你跟她怎么说?

    What would you say to Mrs So-and-so who has called to complain about a noisy neighbour ?

  10. 史密斯太太将在九月份加盟这所学校,她在初级教育方面颇有经验。

    Mrs Smith , who has a lot of teaching experience at junior level , will be joining the school in September .

  11. 不干胶标签上的完整地址写的是彼得伯勒的一位P.R.斯莱特太太。

    The full address on a stick-on label was that of a Mrs P. R. Slater of Peterborough

  12. 贝勒太太迈向电梯,按下按钮。

    Mrs. Baylor strode to the elevator and punched the button .

  13. 那件事更加深了古尔太太对他的好印象。

    That improved Mrs Goole 's already favourable opinion of him .

  14. “好了,吃吧!”老太太催促道。

    ' Come , eat ! ' the old woman urged .

  15. 梅格觉得老太太那双圆溜溜的小眼睛正盯着她。

    Meg felt the old woman 's beady eyes on her .

  16. 理查德的母亲磨破嘴皮子,终于说服他娶了个西班牙太太。

    Richard 's mother badgered him into taking a Spanish wife .

  17. 贝林厄姆太太正在那里将糖搅进茶里。

    There was Mrs Bellingham , stirring sugar into her tea

  18. 我十分同情亚当斯太太和她那些失去了父亲的孩子们。

    My heart goes out to Mrs Adams and her fatherless children .

  19. 我对奥思太太写出内容如此翔实的文章表示赞许。

    I commend Ms. Orth on writing such an informative article

  20. 莫雷尔太太伸手去拿绕成圈的花园浇水用的软管。

    Mrs. Morrell reached for a loop of garden hose .

  21. 她与哈迪太太进行了一番女人之间的交心之谈。

    She had had a woman-to-woman chat with Mrs Hardie .

  22. 杰克和他太太现在是一对快乐的鸳鸯。

    Jack and his missis are as happy as two lovebirds now .

  23. 艾伦太太的烹饪风格很大程度上承传于她的婆婆。

    Mrs Allen 's style of cooking owes much to her mother-in-law .

  24. 卡安太太需要有人帮把手将食品杂货拿回家。

    Mrs Caan needs a little help getting her groceries home

  25. 不要在意这个老太太,她有点儿老糊涂了。

    Don 't mind the old lady . She 's getting senile .

  26. 他和太太计划乘船环游世界。

    He and his wife were planning to go on a world cruise

  27. 房东太太对待他就像对待危险的罪犯、对待社会弃儿一样。

    His landlady had treated him like a dangerous criminal , a pariah .

  28. 您的描述令人惊叹,德拉蒙德太太,您真是独具慧眼。

    That 's a marvellous description , Mrs Drummond . You 're unusually observant

  29. 法默先生和琼斯太太都承认密谋杀死了琼斯先生。

    Mr Farmer and Mrs Jones both admitted conspiring to murder her husband .

  30. 那种事最容易激怒我太太。

    That 's what bugs my missus more than anything