
huí yīn
  • echo;reply;response;turn;gruppetto
回音 [huí yīn]
  • (1) [turn]∶由一组四个或四个以上音符(包括上方、下方辅助音)绕着主音符或标出的音符构成的音乐装饰音,从上方音符或从主音符(如常用于19世纪音乐中的)开始

  • (2) [gruppetto]∶16世纪有颤音特性的装饰音

  • (3) [echo]∶由反射声波引起的声音的重复

  • 猿啼的杂乱回音

  • (4) [reply]∶回答的信

  • 立候回音

回音[huí yīn]
  1. 电话里有回音,我听不清楚。

    There was an echo on the line and I couldn 't hear clearly .

  2. 她大喊“喂”,然后倾听回音。

    She shouted " hello " and listened for the echo .

  3. 你那封信有回音没有?

    Have you had an answer to your letter ?

  4. 短声波即使遇到小物体都会产生回音。

    Short sound waves bounce off even small objects .

  5. 我上个月给他们写了信,到现在还在等回音。

    I wrote to them last month and I 'm still waiting for a reply .

  6. 他在意大利给她写过信,但没有收到回音。

    He had written her in Italy but received no reply .

  7. 他只听见了自己的回音。

    He heard nothing but the echoes of his own voice .

  8. 像蝙蝠一样,它们发出声波,然后根据收到的回音来了解周围的环境。

    Like bats , they send out sound waves and make sense of their environment from the echoes they receive back .

  9. 我去过三封信,但一直没有回音。

    I 've written him three times but have had no reply .

  10. 至今仍然未见回音。

    As yet , we have received no answer .

  11. 我们的信件看来没有收到,因为已经寄了好几天了,可至今还没有接到回音。

    Our message doesn 't seem to have got through , we 've had no reply though it was sent several days ago .

  12. 有这样一个人,他的声音不怎么样,但练歌房却很好,他经常在房间里练歌,因为房间的回音使他的歌声显得非常好听。他对误以为真,觉得自己必须在剧院里向公众一展他的歌喉。

    A man that had a very course voice , but an excellent musique-room , would be still practicing in that chamber , for the advantage of the echo .

  13. 如果你要求的薪酬高于公司愿意支付的水平,即使你适合该职位,你也可能收不到回音。

    You may not get a call back if your salary asks are above what the company is willing to pay - even if you 're qualified5 for the role .

  14. 我们的信件看来没有收到,因为已经寄了好几天了,可至今还没有接到回音。comethrough获准

    Our message doesn 't seem to have got through , we 've had no reply through it was sent several days ago .

  15. 他寄出了他的一个DNA样品,是从他脸颊内侧收集到的涂片样品。之后他等待回音。

    He mailed in a sample of his DNA , gathered by swabbing the inside of his cheek , and waited .

  16. 她尝试了六次都没有回音,于是就给CEO发电子邮件抱怨。

    Six times she tried , but no response . So she e-mailed the chief executive to complain .

  17. 于是,短信不再即时回音,QQ不再有靓影悄然跳动。

    Thus , SMS is no longer an immediate echo , QQ Liang Ying quietly no longer beating .

  18. 传统的回音壁谐振微腔是采用半导体工艺在硅基二氧化硅材料上形成微结构,然后通过CO2激光进行回流热处理得到微腔。

    The traditional WGM resonators used the semiconductor process with silica material to form microstructure , then through the CO2laser reflow heat treatment to get micro cavity .

  19. 我们研究了包括N个周期耦合的回音壁模式光学腔结构,该体系内的相互作用表现出了一个只有在量子光学中才发生的现象:多极电磁感应透明。

    We theoretically study a parallel optical configuration which includes N periodically coupled whispering-gallery-mode resonators . The model shows an obvious effect which has a direct analogy with the phenomenon of multiple electromagnetically induced transparency in quantum systems .

  20. 大声的从打牙齿间用里迸出d音,齿龈下露出z音,剩下的音则消失在喉咙的回音中。

    Loud with the propped strongly on the z teeth , the escaping from under the gums and then the rest of the word lost in the echo of the throat .

  21. 我没有听到回音或是中断,每个和我进行测试通话的人都说听不出Wi-Fi通话与蜂窝网络通话有什么差别。

    I heard no echoes or clipped words , and everyone with whom I tested it said the Wi-Fi and cellular calls were indistinguishable .

  22. 福斯克在好莱坞到处推销这个故事,最终从哈维·韦恩斯坦(HarveyWeinstein)那里得到了回音,他的公司正在扩展电视业务。

    After pitching the idea around Hollywood , Mr. Fusco eventually heard from Harvey Weinstein , whose company has been expanding its television business .

  23. 特别的,为了克服F-P腔量子计算的可集成性困难,在一系列的工作中,我们直截了当的建议利用回音壁模式光学腔来构建硅芯片上的量子硬件。

    To overcome the scalability difficulty of current FP-cavity-QED-based quantum computing , we propose a new quantum hardware model with whispering gallery modes ( WGMs ) on a silicon chip .

  24. 回音壁模(WGM)圆盘谐振腔作为一种新的光电探测器在生物病原体的检测方面获得了应用。

    Whispering-gallery-mode disk microcavity , as a new photonic sensor , is a useful component for detecting biological pathogens .

  25. 星期五,乔治·克鲁尼(GeorgeClooney)对普遍的懦弱显得更不客气,他对“好莱坞截稿日”说,自己在散布一封请愿书,要求大家团结起来,却没有得到任何回音。

    On Friday , George Clooney was even less polite about the widespread cowardice , telling Deadline Hollywood that when he circulated a petition of solidarity , he heard nothing but crickets in response .

  26. 在论文中详细分析通话过程中的回音产生的原因,有针对性地采取措施,采用AEC回音消除技术消除回音。

    In the paper I have analyzed many reasons of echo during the communication , using AEC echo cancellation technology to eliminate the main reason for the echo .

  27. Napster创始人、Facebook首任总裁肖恩•帕克(SeanParker)去年10月在纽约主持“创始人论坛”(FoundersForum)活动时,向与会企业家们抱怨起了硅谷的“回音室”现象。

    Sean Parker , the Napster founder and first president of Facebook , railed against Silicon Valley 's " echo chamber " when he hosted the Founders Forum event for entrepreneurs in New York this October .

  28. 提出了一种结合时域与频域,利用Levinson-Durbin及检测前回音的双重标准作为TNS的启用机制。

    In this paper , we proposed an efficient time-frequency threshold using both Levinson-Durbin algorithm and pre-echo checking to determine whether to enable TNS .

  29. 假设您打开了一个MP3数据音轨,而在音轨中间的某个位置,您想要数据有一种特殊的“过滤”效果,比如添加一种回音音效。

    Suppose you open a track of MP3 data , and somewhere in the middle of that track you want to have the data " filtered " in a special way , perhaps adding an echoing sound effect to it .

  30. 对平面圆腔的回音壁模(WGM)腔模特性的分析表明;

    The whisper gallery mode ( WGM ) characteristics of the plane-circular cavity are analyzed , and the results indicate that wavelength-scale cavities have good mode-selecting power .