
xiù jué qì ɡuān
  • olfactory organ
  1. 鳐类和银鲛类嗅觉器官的研究

    A study on the olfactory organ of skates , rays and chimaeras

  2. 哦那应该是因为你的嗅觉器官

    Well , that would be because your olfactory organ 's

  3. 鼻子是嗅觉器官。

    The nose is the organ of smell .

  4. 部分鲇形目鱼类嗅觉器官的研究

    Studies on the Olfactory Organs of Siluriformes Fishes of a Part

  5. 非洲雏鸵鸟嗅觉器官的形态学研究

    Study on the Morphology of Olfaction organ of African ostrich chick

  6. 吮吸脚既用于来回走动,也用作为嗅觉器官。

    These are used both for moving about and as organs of smell .

  7. 品尝:通过味觉和嗅觉器官确定葡萄酒品质与风格的过程。

    Tasting . Determining the quality and characteristics of wine by means of the organs of taste and smell .

  8. 对鱼类嗅觉器官的发生、宏观和微观形态结构、嗅觉生理等方面的研究进行了综述;

    The advancements in the development , morphology ( macrostructure and ultrastructure ), physiology of olfactory organ of fishes are reviewed .

  9. 人类的鼻子有两大功能,一是用来呼吸,二是作为嗅觉器官。

    Human nose has two big functions , it is to use breath , 2 it is to serve as olfactory .

  10. 有些鱼,在静止不动时可以通过一种叫作纤毛的小绒毛让水通过自身的嗅觉器官,来接收(水中的)化学信号。

    Some fish can pick up chemical signals when immobile by pumping water through their olfactory system via tiny hairs called cilia .

  11. 并指出,依据鱼类嗅觉器官开展系统进化方面的研究,以及基于嗅觉分子生理机制而开展的有关行为学方面的研究,可能是未来鱼类嗅觉器官的重要研究方向。

    The research on the systematics , physiology and molecular biology of fishes based on olfactory organ will be the focuses in the future in the view of the authors .

  12. 草鱼嗅觉有关器官形态结构的初步观察

    A preliminary observation on olfactory organs of Ctenopharyngodon idellus

  13. 斑马鱼的嗅觉、听觉器官都在体表可见,可以很容易地用行为学实验手段对嗅觉和听觉功能进行检测。

    The organs of olfactory and auditory are both visible on the surface , such structure makes it very easy to detect the olfactory and auditory function by means of behavior experiments .

  14. 视觉是人类观察世界、认知世界的重要功能手段,人类感知外部世界主要通过视觉、触觉、听觉和嗅觉等感觉器官,其中80%的信息是由视觉获取的。

    Vision is an important media for people to observe and realize the world . People feel the world through vision , feeling , hearing and smelling , however , 80 percents of the information is gotten through vision .

  15. 但这些人们通常可以通过嗅觉和其他感觉器官来判断。现在有一个300美元的“优雅”不锈钢,会不断用讨人厌的移动警报提醒你。

    These are all things people usually remember to do anyway , by the smell and all , but now there 's a $ 300 " elegant " stainless steel can that 'll constantly remind you with annoying mobile alerts .

  16. 鱼并不都是以相同的方式让水在自己的鼻孔中进出的,但嗅觉敏锐与否的关键在于鱼是不是有能力让水快速通过自己的嗅觉感受器官。

    Not all fish move water in and out through these nares in quite the same ways , but key to a strong sense of smell for fish is the ability to move water rapidly over these sensory pads .