
  • 网络consumption levels
  1. 会展旅游是一种特殊的旅游活动,该旅游活动具有组团规模大、停留时间长、消费层次高、联动程度大、受季节影响小等特点。

    MICE tourism is a special tourism activity with characteristics of large scale tourism group , long-stay , high consumption levels , high correlation and insensitive to seasons .

  2. 文化产业是新的经济增长点和重要的产业部门,也是产业优化升级的重心,顺应了人们消费层次不断提升的潮流。

    The cultural industry is the new economic growth point and important industry apartments , is also the optimization and upgrading of industrial center of gravity , complied with people consumption levels rising trend .

  3. 我国货币政策个人消费层次传导的实证检验

    Empirical Test on Our Monetary Policy Transmission on Personal Consumption Level

  4. 在我国国内旅游市场中,城市居民在旅游消费层次和消费总量上都居于主体地位[1]。

    In domestic tourism market , urban people take the majority of tour consumption amount .

  5. 当前珠宝市场的三个消费层次

    Three Consumer Orders in Present

  6. 充分反映大学生受消费层次和消费水平的影响较显著。

    Students fully reflected by the level of consumer spending levels and the impact of more notable .

  7. 作为我国国内旅游的主体市场,城市居民在旅游消费层次和消费总量上都居于主体地位,但其整体消费水平仍不高。

    As the main body of domestic tourism market in our country , its whole level is low .

  8. 同时,入境旅游也获得了快速发展,中低档消费层次的游客数量不断增加。

    And also the traveling of entering our country develops fast , so the number of low-level expensing tourists is increasing rapidly .

  9. 由于我国网络消费者的意识有差距,消费层次不高,并且存在语言障碍,使得网络功能难以充分发挥。

    Moreover , the lack of awareness of net consumption , luxury consumption lag , and language barrier make the network ineffective .

  10. 不同消费层次的客流在换乘网络上的分配问题,可以归结为一个多类用户(消费层次)的用户平衡交通分配问题。

    The problem of passenger flow assignment of different consumption level in the transfer network can be concluded as a multi-level ( consumption level ) user equilibrium assignment problem .

  11. 门票作为俱乐部主要的收入来源,其定价方法应该以更灵活多变的形式出现,以此来吸引更多不同人群、不同消费层次的观众。

    Pricing method for tickets as the main source of incoming for a club should be flexible and diversified , so as to attract more audiences in different social groups and consuming stratums .

  12. 由于电子商务网站的客户庞大而且消费层次参差不齐,本文引入数据挖掘技术,对电子商务网站的客户数据进行聚类分析。

    Since the customer of E-business website is huge , also , consumer level is disproportionate , this paper leads into data excavation technology , carries out clustering for the customer data of E-business website .

  13. 然而在扩张中发现:不同的国家、不同的民族、不同的经济和消费层次和不同的文化背景具有市场的差异性。

    However , in the expansion , they found that different nations , different economy lever , different consume structure and different culture background had market 's difference , which force the MNCS to set up new conceptions .

  14. 随着金融同质化竞争加剧、金融消费层次逐步升级的新形势下,银行业作为现代服务业的重要成员,其最根本的属性服务在当前显得尤为重要。

    Financial homogeneity competition , the escalation of the financial consumption level under the new situation , the banking sector as an important member of the modern service industry , its most fundamental attributes of service in the current is particularly important .

  15. 其次,根据A电信分公司的内部数据,从流失用户的总体情况、消费层次、入网渠道、在网时长、所使用的品牌等角度深入细致的分析了用户的流失规律。

    Secondly , according to the internal data of A telecom branch , from the overall situation , loss of users , access channels , consumption level used in nets duration , the brand of the thorough analysis the Angle of the loss of laws .

  16. 三是休闲消费具有层次性;

    There were different levels of leisure consumption .

  17. 经济增长方式根本转变则是消费需要层次变化的实现条件。

    The fundamental transfomation is the realizing condition for the changes of the consuming needs levels .

  18. 在旅游者消费需求层次不断提升、旅游产业结构转型升级的背景下,实现旅游产业与创意产业的融合发展,成为旅游业未来发展的方向和高级形态。

    With the rising level of tourists ' consumption demand and the upgrading transition of tourism industrial structure , realizing the convergence of tourism industry and creative industry has become the future direction and advanced pattern of tourism industry .

  19. 消费文化的层次划分,以及对健康消费的探索。

    Two , Classify the consume culture and look for a home of consumption .

  20. 消费需求的层次性和多样化决定了品牌存在于差异性市场上,而品牌可以弱化边际效用递减。需求层次上升规律和边际效用递减规律既是品牌迅速发展的理论基础,又是品牌扩展的直接动力。

    The levels and diversification of consumption demand determine that brand exists in the diversity markets , and brand can weaken marginal utility progressive decrease .

  21. 个性与和谐是不冲突的,而是一种互为促进、共同发展的关系。二、消费文化的层次划分,以及对健康消费的探索。

    The individual character , without conflicting harmoniously , but one kind interacts as relation promoted , developing together . Two , Classify the consume culture and look for a home of consumption .

  22. 随着社会的不断发展,旅游消费的需求层次也发生了变化,文化旅游逐渐成为人们欢迎和信赖的旅游方式。

    With the continuous development of the society , level of demand for Tourism consumption has also changed , which leads to the result-cultural tourism has become to a kind of popular and trusted tourism .

  23. 意向性因素对中老年教授的体育参与有较大影响,其中有显著影响的因素是对体育的兴趣程度、参与体育的态度、参与体育的动机和对体育消费的需求层次。

    Intentionality on the middle-aged professors have a greater impact on sports participation , which has a significant impact factor is the degree of interest in sports , participate in sports attitude , motivation and participation in sports for sports consumption demand levels . 3 .

  24. 营销中感性消费的类型和层次

    Discussion on Types and Levels of Perceptual Consumption in Marketing

  25. 随着时代的发展,现代市场消费趋向个性化、层次化和审美化。

    With the development of era , the modern market consumption tends to individuation , arrangement and aesthetic affection .

  26. 我国全面开放零售市场后,二线城市本土零售企业面对激烈的市场竞争态势,市场消费呈现出多层次多样化等特点,本土零售业既有优势也有劣势。

    After the whole opening of retail sales market , the retail sales enterprise in the second-line cities faces serious competition and the consumption appears variety .

  27. 随着旅游者消费水平和需求层次的逐步提高,森林公园在旅游产品的供给上已不能适应旅游者旅游消费升级的市场需求。

    With the level of tourists ' consumption and demand improving gradually , the tourism products supply of forest park can not meet the upgrading market demand any more .

  28. 第四章是深入分析消费社会在理论层次的几个悖论,消费社会影响实践层次的两个危机。

    The forth chapter looks deep into a number of theoretical paradoxes of consumer society , along with the two crises of consumer society which have impacts on social practice .

  29. 同时,本文也强调了资产价格与消费波动之间多层次的联动性,而股市财富效应仅是其中之一,其中的房地产市场财富效应、汇率波动的财富效应,都是后续研究的重要领域。

    Meanwhile , this dissertation also emphasizes that the wealth effect in stock market is only a part of the linkages between asset price and consumption fluctuation , and the wealth effect in housing market and foreign exchange market will be worth studying in the future .

  30. 精神文化消费是消费结构中高层次的消费,具有非常重要的作用。当前我国精神文化消费领域中存在的一些问题给我国的经济发展、社会风气带来了极为不利的影响。

    Currently , there are some problems existing in the field of China 's spiritual culture consumption and bringing bad effects to economy development ?