
  1. 消费正义:建设节约型社会的伦理之维

    Consumption Justice : The Ethical Key to an Economical Society

  2. 确立消费正义理念是构架消费正义理论的重要环节。

    Establishing consumption justice is the important link of constructing consumption justice theory .

  3. 消费正义理论的生命在于消费正义实践。

    The life of consumption justice theory exists in practice of consumption justice .

  4. 厘清消费正义的内涵是消费正义理论建构的基础,论证消费正义的合法性是消费正义理论建构之正当性支撑。

    Making clear consumption justice connotation is the base of consumption justice theory , demonstrating the legality of consumption justice is the legitimate brace of consumption justice theory .

  5. 从根本上超越消费主义,就要大力倡导消费正义,消费正义已成为构建和谐社会、建设节约型社会的价值主张和实践要求。

    The total transcendence of consumptionism relies on the advocacy of consumption justice which has become the values and practice for building China into a harmonious and saving-oriented society .

  6. 消费正义作为一种全新的消费理念和哲学主张,是超越消费主义的一种思想方案,亦是建设节约型社会的伦理之维。

    Consumption justice , as a totally new consumption concept and philosophical argument , is a thinking design going beyond consumption doctrine and also the key to an economical society .

  7. 主张一般性减免所得税和增加征收对富人直接税的税收政策,对维护消费正义,促进社会分配公平方面起了积极作用。

    It insists on the tax policy which reduces the income tax and increases the direct tax of the rich , and it has active use in maintaining the consumption just and improving the social fair distribution .

  8. 马克思主义创始人以人的全面自由发展作为其消费正义思想的出发点和最终归宿,在对劳动异化和商品拜物教的批判中确立了其生态消费正义思想。

    The thought of rightful ecology consumption of Marxism founders who constructed their thoughts of consumption justice during the process of criticizing labor alienation and commodity worship , with full-scale human development as its starting point and final destination is still wisdom until now .

  9. 随后在合同法、食品安全法以及侵权责任法中都有了惩罚性赔偿制度的身影,在保护消费者合法权益,实现消费领域实质正义等方面发挥着重要作用。

    Subsequently the contract law , food safety law and tort law all have the Punitive Damages figure . The Punitive Damages have played an important role in the protection of legal rights of consumers and achievement of substantive justice .