
  • 网络identity
  1. 第三部分是对大学生时尚消费认同问卷和消费主义价值观问卷的编制。

    Third , student ' fashion consumer identity questionnaires and values of consumerism questionnaires were established .

  2. 本文提出了消费认同建构的价值创造模式。

    On the basis of that , this paper puts forward the model of value creation in construction of consumer identity .

  3. 消费认同意识形态有着自身的特性,它是通过对同一与差异的操控来实现的。

    This ideology has its own peculiarity , which is characterized by the control of the sameness and difference .

  4. 促进80后农民工市民消费认同的因素既有经济资本的决定作用、城市消费文化的渲染,也有市民群体的示范效应、表征个人成功欲求的心理。

    Economic capital , consumption culture in the city , demonstration effect of citizen groups and desire of personal success promote their public consumption .

  5. 商品的符号价值是消费认同的基础,它是通过商品符号化与符号商品化的双向过程产生的。

    The sign value of commodity is the basis for consumer identity and it is produced in a two-way process of the signification of commodity and commoditization of signs .

  6. 本文将采用文献研究法、结构访谈法、无结构观察法和参与观察法等社会学研究方法来分析消费认同对大学生消费行为的影响程度以及大学生群体消费行为的总体态度。

    This article will adopt the literature , the structured interview method , unstructured observation and participant observation to analyze the consumer agree on the impact of the consumer behavior of college students and the general attitude of the consumer behavior of college students .

  7. 旅游产业进行文化营销,一方面是旅游文化属性的客观要求,另一方面,旅游文化营销在构建旅游者文化消费认同、提升品牌形象,提高品牌价值方面具有强大的功能。

    Culture marketing , on the one hand , is the objective requirement of tourism and culture characteristic ; on the other hand , the tourism and cultural marketing has strong function in construction the tourists on cultural consumption identity , enhance the brand image and brand value aspect .

  8. 基于消费主体认同的信息系统评价模型

    Informatio System Appraisal Model Based on Consuption Main Body Acceptance

  9. 消费与认同&对消费社会学的一个分析框架的探索

    Self - study . Consumption and Identify

  10. 男性网球消费者对网球消费的认同度高于女性消费者。

    Male tennis consumer hold a higher recognition on tennis consumption than women consumers . 4 .

  11. 此外,对于受众来说,消费与认同是不可分割的,两者不仅互相影响,还影响着时尚杂志的涵化效果。

    Furthermore , for the audience , consumption and identity were inseparable . They not only influenced each other , but also affected the cultivated effect of fashion magazines .

  12. 韩剧:关于女性、消费与文化认同

    South Korean Plays : With Regard to their Soft Sex , Consumption and Culture Approval

  13. 因而,巧妙的翻译必然要建立在已经取得目标消费群文化认同的基础之上。

    Consequently , a wonderful advertisement translation should be based on getting the cultural approval from the target consumers .

  14. 随着国内信用体系的日趋完善以及消费者对待持卡消费的逐步认同,信用卡市场已成为各家商业银行发力争夺的白热化领域,银行在信用卡市场投入的人力和物力不断加大。

    With the gradual improvement of the domestic credit system and the increasingly identification of paying by card , the credit card market has become the white-hot field for commercial banks . Thus , the banks invest more and more both human resources and capitals in the credit card market .

  15. 《适应丰饶:犹太移民、大众化消费和寻找美国认同》1990。

    Heinze , Andrew R.Adapting to Abundance : Jewish Immigrants , Mass Consumption , and the Search for American Identity.1990 .

  16. 作者的基本观点是:先锋批评在对当前消费现实的直接认同中放弃了文学批评的批评性;

    The author believes that avant-garde criticism has abandoned the criticalness of literary criticism in its identification with the reality of consumer society .

  17. 对于还未进入社会的大学生群体来说,他们往往会通过消费这一方式来建构自我认同感和群体归属感,因此,消费认同对大学生的消费行为具有一定程度的推动作用。

    For college students , they often by the consumer to construct self-identity and group sense of belonging . Therefore , consumer identity on consumer behavior of college students have a certain role .

  18. 人们不仅仅在消费商品和服务,同时也在消费意义和认同。

    People is not only consuming goods and services , but also the meaning and identity .

  19. 研究发现中等城市中产阶层人群运动休闲消费场域与他们的学历、年龄、消费认同、社会地位有很大的关联;

    Found that medium-sized city in the middle class people sports and leisure consumer field with their academic qualifications , age , consumer identity , social status , have great relevance ;

  20. 进而提出了构建和谐消费模式的三个目标:树立科学的消费认同、坚持可持续性的消费模式和要素优化且良性互动的消费模式,并积极探讨出实施的路径作为一点点建议。

    Then proposed to build harmonious consumption patterns of the three targets : to establish scientific consumer recognition , insist sustainable consumption patterns and consumption patterns of Factor optimization as the same time Interaction , and actively explore the implementation of the path as a little bit of advice .

  21. 本文是一篇关于时尚类杂志与女性消费问题的论文,着重探讨时尚类杂志如何建构女性的消费认同进而实现自身的商业推广并对受众形成社会影响的。

    This paper is on fashion magazines and the problem of female consumption , which focuses on discussing how fashion magazines establish female consumption identification , contribute to realize their own business promotion and come into being the social impact on audience .

  22. 在对高消费的分析中,笔者主要通过偶像消费需求的建构以及偶像具有的象征意义和偶像消费具有认同、沟通效用三方面来说明偶像崇拜中的高消费倾向。

    In the analysis of high consumption , the author mainly through the construction and consumer demand idol idol idol with the consumption of symbolic meaning and has recognized the effectiveness of communication in three areas to illustrate the idolatry of the high propensity to consume .

  23. 消费文化中最为核心的问题是对商品的认识,而这也对理解消费文化的实质和审美逻辑有重要作用,同时也引发人们对于消费文化中认同危机和文化失序问题的思考。

    Consumer culture is the core problem in understanding of commodities , and this is also in understanding the essence of the consumer culture play an important role and aesthetic logic , but also cause people to consumption culture identity crisis and cultural disorder problem thinking .