
shù xué ɡuī nà fǎ
  • Mathematical induction;mathematical methods of induction
  1. 用数学归纳法证明带Lagrange余项的Taylor中值定理

    Proving the Taylor Formula with Remainder of Lagrange by Mathematical Induction

  2. 多级全混流串联模型E(t)函数的数学归纳法推导对二甲苯氧化反应器连续全混流模型

    The Use of Mathematical Induction to Deduce E ( t ) Function of the Mould of CSTR of Multi-degree Series Connection . Cstr Model for p-Xylene Oxidation Reactor

  3. 首先利用向量Lyapunov函数法和数学归纳法,得到了该系统群指数稳定的充分条件以及指数收敛率。

    Firstly , some sufficient conditions for exponential stability of the system are obtained by applying vector Lyapunov function method and mathematical induction method .

  4. 在图的研究中,要用数学归纳法证明图的属性,就必须知道n阶图与n+1阶图的关系。

    In the study of graph , to use the mathematics inductive method proof the property of graph , we need to know the relation of the n order graph and the n + 1 order graph .

  5. 通过分析多面形非圆型面的结构特征,建立了各特征参数之间的关系式,采用数学归纳法导出了任意n面形非圆型面的设计定理。

    Though analyzing the structure characteristics of arbitrary n-polygon non-circular sections , the mathematical formulas among the characteristic parameters were set up , and the theorem for designing this kind of sections was deduced by mathematical induction method .

  6. 同时,本文还分析了ACRP的时间复杂度和空间复杂度,并通过数学归纳法对ACRP的收敛性进行了证明。

    Meantime , we analyze time and space complexity of ACRP , and prove the ACRP convergence by mathematical .

  7. 该算法根据碰撞时的特点,跳跃式前后搜寻,识别N个标签,共需要问询2N-1次。用数学归纳法进行了证明。

    By analyzing the features of tag collision , this paper brings forward an algorithm using jumping method . Using this algorithm , it only needs 2N-1 queries to identify N tags , and this can be proved by mathematical induction .

  8. 依据积分估值对Cauchy型积分F(z)在z平面上简单逐段光滑曲线C外任一区域D内的解析进行了证明,其方法是利用数学归纳法。

    In terms of the assessment value of integration , a proof of the analysis of Cauchy integration F ( z ) in the arbitrary area D that is out of the simple field by field smooth curve C on the plane z is given by applying the mathematical induction .

  9. 本文给出了多连域内Cauchy积分定理的两种新证法,一是以双连域内Cauchy积分定理为基础,并用数学归纳法加以证明;

    In this paper , two kinds of new proof of Cauchy 's integral theorem in complex con - nected domain are given . The first one is based on the Cauchy 's integral theorem in doubly connected domain , and proved with mathematical induction .

  10. 采用数学归纳法证明在多圆柱域中Schwarz积分公式,证明方法新颖,并在此基础上讨论在多圆柱域中Neumann边值问题的解。

    In this article , a method of Mathematical inducing has been given to prove Schwarz integral formula on several cylinder domain and the way is novel . Meanwhile , the solution of Neumann boundary value problem on several cylinder domain has been discussed .

  11. 本文阐明Fibonacci序列递推公式的三种证法,数学归纳法、试探法、母函数法(作一收敛的幂级数,作为母函数)。

    This paper illuminates three kinds of prove of the recurrence formula of Fibonacci sequence , that is 1 : Mathematical induction method 2 : Probing method . 3 : The parent function method ( make a convergent series , and let it be the parent function ) .

  12. 理工科学生掌握数学归纳法状况的调查及分析

    Science and Engineering Students ' Condition of Mastering the Mathematical Induction

  13. 数学归纳法的途径多义网络的认知解读

    Ways in the Mathematical Induction A Cognitive Approach to Polysemy Network

  14. X~2&分布的数学归纳法证明

    A proof of x ~ 2 distribution by mathematical induction

  15. 运用范数不等式,使用数学归纳法,证明了几个范数等式。

    Several norm equalities are proved by norm inequality and mathematics induction .

  16. 数学归纳法的一个推广形式及在数论中的应用

    An extended form of mathematical induction and its application in number theory

  17. 非数学归纳法在数学的研究中,起着不可缺少的作用。

    Non & mathematical induction play an essential role in mathematical research .

  18. 数学归纳法教学中的逻辑因素分析

    Analyses of Logical Factors in the Inductive Teaching of Math

  19. 广义数学归纳法证明程序的正确性

    Proving Programs Correctness by a Generalized mathematical Induction Method

  20. 关于数学归纳法证题的注记

    Note On Applying Mathematical Induction Proposition Method in Proving

  21. 谈数学归纳法降低高磁感取向硅钢铁损的研究

    Reducing core loss of high induction oriented silicon steel

  22. 我们的分析方式是以数学归纳法为基础。

    The analysis is based on the mathematical induction .

  23. 数学归纳法在离散数学中的应用

    The Application of Inductive Method in Discrete Mathematics

  24. 一般容斥原理的数学归纳法证明

    Inclusion and exclusion principle proved with mathematical induction

  25. 关于数学归纳法教学的改进

    The Improvements on Teaching Method of Mathematical Induction

  26. 讨论了一类根式的无理性,并用数学归纳法给出了证明。

    This paper discusses a type of method of radical irrational using mathematical induction .

  27. 引理和定理的证明主要用了递推和数学归纳法。

    The Recursion Hash Method The proof of lemma and theorem are mainly by recursion .

  28. 数学归纳法是中学数学教学内容中的重点与难点之一。

    Mathematical deduction is one of key and different points in middle school mathematics teaching .

  29. 数学归纳法的原理及推广

    Principle of mathematical induction and its spread

  30. 数学归纳法的间接用法

    The indirect application of mathematical induction