
  • 网络data consumption
  1. 这些高级手机设备带动了数据消费的飙升。

    Sophisticated handsets have created a surge in data consumption as well .

  2. 提出利用数据库中间件技术,探讨铁路综合应用跨异种数据库的数据消费实现方法。

    It was introduced the data consumption method of railway integrated application which needed different data source by Database Oriented Middleware .

  3. 但他同样很可能是一名严重依赖苹果手机的用户:中国移动(ChinaMobile)曾表示,iPhone用户的数据消费量比3G用户平均值多出四分之一。

    But he is also likely to be a heavy user : China Mobile has said that iPhone users consume a quarter more data than its average 3G customer .

  4. 虽然根据(不可靠的)零售数据,消费正以两位数增长,但GDP占比仍然只有区区37%。

    Consumption , while growing in double digits according to ( unreliable ) retail sales figures , remains a lowly 37 per cent of GDP .

  5. 利用2000~2004年12个省市面板数据构建消费需求Working模型,实证分析了21世纪我国沿海地区城镇居民食品需求情况。

    This paper uses panel data of 12 provinces from 2000 to 2004 to model Working Model , and empirically analyzes the food demand of urban residents in Chinese inshore areas in the 21st century .

  6. 中国国家统计局(NBS)在4月发布的第一季度简报中,报告国内生产总值(GDP)增加了7%,但并未提供整体增长数字的三个组成部分的数据:消费、投资和净出口。

    At its first-quarter briefing in April , the National Bureau of Statistics reported that gross domestic product had increased 7 per cent but did not provide a breakdown of the growth figure into its three components & consumption , investment and net exports .

  7. 通过业务服务大大简化了企业数据的消费。

    This can significantly simplify consumption of the enterprise data by business services .

  8. 第五章讨论的是集成数据的消费问题。

    Chapter 5 aims to the data consumption .

  9. 同时,本文采用1994年&2010年的相关数据就消费税的实施对实现公平的影响进行实证分析,并从对实证分析给出结论和解释。

    As meanwhile , this paper using the related data from 1993 to 2010 to analyze the influence of consumption tax reform on fairness effect .

  10. 最小二乘估计扩展线性支出系统模型是利用横截面数据进行消费结构研究中经常使用的计量方法。

    Least square regression Expanded Linear Expenditure System ( ELES ) model is the measuring method frequently used in consumption structure study done by means of sectional data .

  11. 文章利用1978~2003年样本数据通过消费函数的变参数空间状态模型研究了经济转型期中国农村居民超敏感度消费行为,实证研究结果表明,农户存在着显著的预防性储蓄动机。

    The paper studies the oversensitive consumption behaviors of Chinese rural people based on the state space model using the sample during ( 1978 ~ 2003 . ) The results show that there exists obvious motivation of precautionary saving .

  12. 观察一下各种指标,无论是来自中国本土企业或在华开展业务的全球性企业的坊间数据、消费与投资的官方数据、还是重要的贸易数据,我所说的一切就会一览无遗。

    Looking at a number of indicators , whether they be anecdotal from domestic or global companies that do business in China , published data on consumption and investment , or , importantly , the trade data , all of this is clear .

  13. 目前的阿里影业不仅具备充足资金,同时还有海量的用户数据和消费数据,以及互联网宣发体系和投资融资体系,这些都有助于刺激阿里影业的内容研发与制作。

    Alibaba Pictures already has ample capital , in addition to a wealth of user and consumption data . It has developed its own Internet-based promotion and distribution system , as well as its investment and financing system . These all serve to spur Alibaba Picture 's content development and production .

  14. 椭圆形零件的数据处理香烟消费量趋势


  15. 基于平行数据模型的消费结构问题研究

    Research on Consumption Structure Based on Panel Data Model

  16. 谷歌得以利用这家美国最为炙手可热的数据驱动型消费公司。

    Google GOOG 0.18 % got access to the country 's hottest data-driven consumer startup .

  17. 并将不同城市消费者的文化特征数据、奢侈品消费动机数据进行了类比。

    For comparing the data of the cultural characteristics and the luxury consumer motivation for different urban consumers .

  18. 本文提出的解决方案首先基于数据源的消费质量指标,使用效用函数对数据进行初步筛选。

    The first stage of our solution to solve data inconsistency is based on expense quality and utility function .

  19. 根据修订过的第二季度数据,私人消费下滑了5%,而商业消费则下滑了4.8%。

    In revised Q2 numbers , private consumption fell 5 per cent and business consumption dropped 4.8 per cent .

  20. 美联储主席珍妮特·耶伦称,一些最近的经济数据显示,消费性开支低于预计。

    Federal Reserve Chair Janet Yellen says some recent economic figures have pointed to weaker consumer spending than had been expected .

  21. 但周二公布的数据表明,消费增速也明显下滑。尽管相对于发达经济体来说,这样的增长水平依然非常高。

    But the figures showed that consumption , too , is slowing appreciably – albeit to rates that developed economies would consider alarmingly high .

  22. 总体来看,在外就餐与在家就餐消费结构的差异,将导致统计数据中粮食消费的高估、肉类和蔬菜消费数据的低估。

    In general , the consumption structure of the differences will lead to the statistics over-estimated the consumption of grain , meat and vegetable consumption data underestimated .

  23. 基于对用户历史数据和电力消费行为的分析,通过建立丰枯季节电价的电量电价弹性矩阵来反映用户对丰枯季节电价的响应。

    Based on an analysis of the historical data and electricity consumption behaviors , customers'response to SOU price is first described by a price elasticity matrix of demand .

  24. 这种访问能够让程序员或用户主要关注数据操纵和消费,而不用关注操纵和消费数据所需的算法和编程工作。

    This access enables a programmer or user to focus on data manipulation and consumption rather than the algorithms and programming work needed to manipulate and consume the data .

  25. 这里,我们让一个线程单独负责处理非阻塞通道(生产者),让另一个线程单独负责把数据作为流消费(消费者)。

    Here , we have a thread solely responsible for processing a nonblocking channel ( the producer ) and another thread solely responsible for consuming the data as a stream ( the consumer ) .

  26. 国际酒精政策中心(internationalcenterforalcoholpolicies)数据显示,全球消费的酒精中有30%未注册在案。

    The International Center for alcohol policies says that 30 per cent of the alcohol consumed in the world is unregistered .

  27. 伯南克发表上述言论前,美国商务部(DepartmentofCommerce)发布的数据显示,耐用消费品订单在经过1月份的大幅下降后,2月份出现了微弱的回升。

    His comments came as the Department of Commerce released figures showing that durable goods orders bounced back weakly in February after a plunge in January .

  28. 基于SPA数据结构对农村消费地区性差异的实证分析

    Application of Set Pair Analysis ( SPA ) to analysis on regional difference of countryside consumption expense

  29. 此外,基于中国旅游IO表开展了IO分析,运用面板数据对模型旅游消费参数进行回归估计,并分析了不同收入水平对旅游消费的影响。

    In addition , has launched the IO analysis based on the China tourism IO table , carried on the regression estimate the tourism expense parameter with panel data model , and analyzed the tourism demand according to the different income level .

  30. 国家统计局日前发布了2012年3月的经济数据,全国居民消费价格总水平(CPI)同比上涨3.6%,一季度全国居民消费价格总水平比去年同期上涨3.8%。

    The National Bureau of Statistics of China has released economic data for March , indicating that the national consumer price index has risen 3.6 % year-over-year [ YOY ] , and the quarterly consumer price index has risen 3.8 % over the same period last year .