
  • 网络Fashion Consumption
  1. 与感情做的一次买卖时尚消费中情感走向及营销对策

    Emotion Trend in Fashion Consumption and Marketing Countermeasures

  2. 健身俱乐部中的价格定位在一个非常普通的消费层面,而在我国仍然是一种时尚消费。

    It fixes a price for normal level of consumption instead of fashion consumption in China .

  3. 紧扣受众的表现心理,倡导时尚消费;

    Seize the their behave psychology , spark plug mode consume ;

  4. 城市女性白领整容时尚消费的社会学解读

    A Social Analysis on the Plastic Surgery Fashion of Female White-collars

  5. 解读现代发展观下的时尚消费

    The Comprehension about Fad Consumption of Modern Developmental View

  6. 时尚消费的文化心理机制分析

    Investigating the Cultural - Psychological Mechanism of Fashion Consuming

  7. 新时代的恋旧情结&闻一多的文化心态研究时尚消费的文化心理机制分析

    Study into the Cultural-Psychological State Mind of Wen Yiduo Investigating the Cultural-Psychological Mechanism of Fashion Consuming

  8. 摘要时尚消费本质上是一种文化现象。

    This paper investigates the Culture-psychological mechanisms of fashion consuming from the standpoint of cultural analysis .

  9. 第三部分是对大学生时尚消费认同问卷和消费主义价值观问卷的编制。

    Third , student ' fashion consumer identity questionnaires and values of consumerism questionnaires were established .

  10. 时尚消费是大众消费中最具生命力、最有情感因素参与的消费形式。

    Fashion consumption is the consumption which has the strongest vitality and the participation of emotion factors .

  11. 消费者在追求时尚消费方式的同时,还是需要谨慎选择。

    It is quite advisable for consumers to stay cautious enough when seeking after a new consumption pattern .

  12. 整形美容时尚消费的身体社会学解读&基于福州市女性白领的实证分析

    Body sociological interpretation on fashion consumption of plastic surgery : an empirical analysis based on urban female white-collar in Fuzhou city

  13. 象牙塔中的大学生不可避免地受到消费主义热潮的影响,追求时尚消费,凸显自我个性,追求自我价值实现。

    Therefore , students have been inevitably impacted . They pursue fashionable consumption , highlight the self-personality , and pursue self-worth achieving .

  14. 人们在追赶韩流的过程中,表现出了很明显的自恋主义,他们的时尚消费带着很强烈的自我展示和自我表演特点。

    When catching-up the Korean wave people show obvious narcissism , and their fashion consumption has very strong features of self-presentation and self-performance .

  15. 然而,吧文化为作一种时尚消费文化,唤醒了人们的潜在消费欲望。

    However , as a kind of vogue consuption culture , the " Bar Culture " awakens people 's latent desire of consumption .

  16. 引领时尚消费,缔造国际品牌。入住南长城国际大酒店,彰显您无限尊贵。

    Leading the fashion consumption and creating the international brand , choosing the International Southern Great Wall Hotel is the way to reveal your unlimited honor .

  17. 现代服务业:金融业、广告业、会展业、高档酒店、商业现代物流、时尚消费等;

    Modernized service industry : financial industry , advertisement industry , convention and exhibition industry , high-grade hotel , business , modern logistics and fashionable consumption .

  18. 大学生的身体消费、交往消费、信用卡消费、购物中心消费、时尚消费、炫耀消费、超前消费等等后现代性消费,与其相对理性、合理的现代性消费形成了鲜明的对比。

    The collegians ' body-consumption , communication-consumption , credit card-consumption , shopping center-consumption , fashion-consumption , and so on , is contrast with the relative rational modernity consumption .

  19. 结果显示中医药大学生总体消费水平低,学习消费积极健康,时尚消费尚不成熟,感情消费缺乏理性。

    The results show that their general consumption level is below average with active consumption in study , immature consumption in fashion and unreasonable consumption in emotional interactivities .

  20. 这些社会责任和义务的要求不能为了满足自己的时尚消费需求以及对时尚的追捧和热爱,损害了社会利益和生态环境。

    These social responsibility and obligation can not meet the requirements of their own fashion consumption demand and love , it is harm to the social interest and ecological environment .

  21. 本文论述的电影观众消费局限于影院消费这一形态,它具有视听消费、休闲消费、社交消费、时尚消费四个特征。

    The film consumption in this thesis is restricted to cinema consumption only , which is characterized by audiovisual consumption , recreational consumption , social consumption , and vogue consumption .

  22. 新奢侈品消费者作为时尚消费敏感群体,其消费习惯、生活方式和消费观念都为一定的时尚文化所塑造和影响。

    The new American luxury consumers are sensitive to fashion consumption , their consumption habits , life style and consumption concepts are always formed and influenced by certain fashion culture .

  23. 现代消费中,文化消费成为一种时尚消费被越来越多的消费者认同和效仿,文化商品化,消费符号化特征也越来越明显。

    Modern consumption , cultural consumption to become a fashion consumption is a growing number of consumer identity and to follow , cultural commercialization and consumption of symbolic features also become increasingly evident .

  24. 在当今社会,体育消费行为已成为一种时尚消费行为,花钱买健康已成为人们的共识。

    In modern society , with people 's ever-strengthening health consciousness , the sports consumption behavior has become a fashionable consumption behavior and it has been accepted as worthwhile to spend money on health .

  25. 本文拟从符号学的角度切入,通过广告来解读时尚消费现象,因为很大程度上,广告可以反映时尚、制造时尚、传播时尚。

    This paper will take a semiotical perspective to analyze the fashion consumption phenomena through advertising which , to some extent , can reflect the fashion , build the fashion and communicate the fashion .

  26. 而从个体的心理认同角度来说,人们为了逃避社会生活和工作的压力,把精力转移在时尚消费领域,把它作为表达自我的方式。

    From the individual psychological identity angle , people tend to escape the pressure of social life and work and transfer energy in the fashion consumption field to put it as a way of self-expression .

  27. 但是我们正在以更为合理的价格推出其他颜色的玉石,这样就可以更大胆、更具创意,让硬玉首饰更加贴近时尚消费人群,他说。

    But we have been advocating other colors , which are more reasonably priced , and we can be more daring and creative , making jadeite jewels more relevant to the fashionable customer , he said .

  28. 作者试从时尚消费的发生、时尚消费中情感心理特点、时尚消费中情感维度及其营销对策与控制方面进行多角度的探讨分析。

    The author tries to make a multi-angle exploration and analysis of the occurrence of fashion consumption , the characteristics of emotion psychology in fashion consumption , the emotion dimensions in fashion consumption and its marketing countermeasures .

  29. 同时我们的生活消费方式也正在悄然的发生着改变,网上购物已经从当初的时尚消费走进了寻常百姓家,电子商务对我们来说已经不再陌生。

    At the meantime , our lifestyle and pattern of consumption are being changed generally . Online shopping was considered as the fashion consumption in the past , but it is popular among the ordinary people now .

  30. 第三章,对上海时尚消费类创意产业园区的地域分布和现状分析,在实地考察基础上,得出该类创意产业园区目前所存在的主要问题。

    The third chapter analyzes the current situation of the Shanghai fashion type creative industry parks and , on the basis of site visits , come to present the main problems in the Shanghai creative industry park .