
shí jiān guǎn lǐ
  • time management;time control
  1. 处事态度、才干、外向性和情绪性能够有效预测时间管理倾向。

    Walk attitude , ability , extraversion and emotionality could predict TMD and the ability of time control effectively . 4 .

  2. 但由于自身的基础薄弱,在其发展过程中仍旧存在很大问题。目前仪器仪表企业面临的主要问题有产品研发过程管理混乱,研发项目过程中时间管理控制不足,测试与研发过程脱节等。

    There are several problems in instrument development process because of the weak foundation , for instance the chaos of product development management , the weakness of time control in product development , the disjoint between test and R & D as well .

  3. 读高中时,我遇到的最大挑战就是时间管理。

    Time management is the greatest challenge for me in high school .

  4. 尽早养成良好的时间管理习惯。

    Develop good time management habits early on .

  5. “番茄工作法”是上世纪80年代末由弗朗西斯科·西里洛创立的一种时间管理方法。

    The Pomodoro Technique is a time management method developed by Francesco Cirillo in the late 1980s .

  6. 网络产品和服务提供者不得向未成年人提供诱导其沉迷的产品和服务。网络游戏、网络直播、网络音视频、网络社交等网络服务提供者应当针对未成年人使用其服务设置相应的时间管理、权限管理、消费管理等功能。

    Providers of online services , including game , livestream , audio and video , and social media , shall set up corresponding functions such as time limit , authorization and consumption limit for minors , according to the revision .

  7. 优等生不是智力超群,而是会提早,他们把时间管理得很好,而不会在考试过后内疚自己本可以做得更好。

    Topper students are not ahead of intelligence or mental skill . But they are ahead of time . They manage time so well that they won 't need to feel guilt after exams that they could have done better .

  8. GTD(gettingthingsdone)是一种先进的时间管理理论与方法。

    GTD ( Getting Things Done ) is an advanced time management theory and method .

  9. HLA中时间管理及对实时仿真改善方法的研究

    The Research of HLA Time Management and Amended Method to Real-time Simulation

  10. ABC时间管理法在急诊科轮转护士带教中的应用

    Application of ABC Time Management on Teaching for Rotating Nurses in Emergency Department

  11. HLA中时间管理算法死锁的规律性

    Rules of Deadlock in Time Management of HLA

  12. 对高层体系结构(HLA)的剖析高层体系结构的时间管理技术

    The Analysis of High Layer Architecture Time Management Technology of the HLA / RTI

  13. HLA时间管理与PDES仿真算法研究

    Research of Time Management in HLA and Simulation Algorithms of PDES

  14. 基于Agent的分布仿真是当前国内外研究的热点,而时间管理是其中的关键技术,也是影响系统性能的主要因素。

    Agent-based distributed simulation is an active research area currently . Among this area , time management is not only one of the most important technologies but also the key factor affecting system performance .

  15. 在RTI上增加时间管理扩展组件,用来实现基于时间区间的乐观时间同步机制。

    A component based on RTI is implemented , which ensures a practical time warp mechanism .

  16. 根据HLA规范,论文深入分析了Lookahead及LBTS两者在HLA时间管理中的关系,对Lookahead重新进行定义,提出了时间管理的动态调整Lookahead算法。

    In the paper , we define the definition of Lookahead based on the specification of HLA .

  17. 在基于HLA的半实物仿真系统中,时间管理策略的设置是保证两种不同机制系统能够进行正确时间推进的有效方法。

    In the semi-physical simulation system based on the HLA , the setting of time management services is an effective way to make the two systems to advance correctly .

  18. 首先,找出了通信工程项目管理目前存在问题,通过类比的方法,分析了项目时间管理和Petri网理论之间的联系。

    At first , this thesis finds the existent problem of communication engineering projects . By the method of analogy , this thesis analyses the relation of Project-Schedule Management and Petri net .

  19. 阐述了电力项目设计时间管理的相关概念及XB电厂设计的结果;

    And it expounds viewpoint of the project management and the result of XB electric plant design .

  20. 提出了时间管理的动态调整Lookahead算法。

    2 ) Study of dynamic changing Lookahead algorithm in time management ( TM ) .

  21. 提出了基于Socket的跨协议分布式交互仿真方法的原理和实现,并给出了2种跨协议分布式交互仿真系统的时间管理机制。

    The paper detailedly narrates the principle and development of multi-protocol distributed interactive simulation based on Socket , and brings out two time management mechanisms of multi-protocol distributed interactive simulation systems .

  22. HLA中的时间管理服务是在综合了以往各类仿真中的时间管理技术的基础上提出来的,对于解决分布式仿真中消息的时序问题和保证仿真的正确执行具有十分重要的意义。

    The main goal of time management services is used to resolve time stamp order of messages in a distributed simulation , and ensures that the simulation can be executed correctly .

  23. 因此,本文借签了HLA和PDES中时间管理的概念,提出了多元桥接成员的时间管理。

    So we study the concept of the time management in PDES and HLA . Then we bring forward the time management method of the multi-bridge .

  24. 为此,从RTI体系结构至RTI核心算法包括时间管理算法、数据分发管理区域匹配算法、对象实例发现算法等都必须加以更深入的研究。

    Nowadays , people are doing much more researches on the architecture and core algorithms such as Time Management , region matching , and object instance discovery of RTI .

  25. 然后从支撑系统实现的角度,分别针对基于HLA时间管理的的实时仿真控制和乐观时间同步给出了设计算法,并进行了严格的数学证明。

    In order to construct a HLA system , we solve the problems of real time control and optimistic time synchronization based on HLA time management mechanism by providing the appropriate algorithms and the mathematical proofs .

  26. 对时间管理的TSO/RO消息,时间管制和时间受限的联邦成员概念以及RTI的时间推进技术进行了重点的研究。

    The concept of time management 's TSO / RO messages , time regulating federates and time constrained federates , and the time advancing technology of RTI are mainly studied .

  27. 实时分布式交互仿真是DIS的一个重要分支,但是HLA体制对实时分布式交互仿真的支持存在很大的不足,其中最关键的是时间管理的实时性问题。

    Real-Time Distributed Interactive Simulation ( RT-DIS ) is an important branch of DIS , but HLA has limitations on RT-DIS , in which the real-time limitation of time management mechanism is a key problem .

  28. 然而,当前的GTD时间管理工具存在很多不足,不能够很好地满足用户的需求,甚至会给用户带来十分糟糕的体验。

    However , current GTD-based time management tools have many shortcomings . They are not able to satisfy the needs of users , but even give users terrible experience .

  29. 文章首先分析了离散事件仿真的原理,以及PDES所面临的时间管理方面的挑战;

    This paper firstly outlines the elements of parallel discrete event simulation ( PDES ), and provides the challenges of TM in PDES . Secondly it expatiates on optimistic time management .

  30. 基于此,该RTOS的设计主要包括系统内核结构的设计、任务管理、时间管理、任务之间的通信与同步、与TCP/IP协议栈的结合以及应用程序的设计。

    The design of Embedded RTOS mainly includes the design of kernel structure , task management , time management , task synchronization and communication , the combination with TCP / IP stack and application programming .