
  • 网络time effect
  1. 港口单证流转过程中应用EDI的时间效益量化分析

    Quantification Analysis on the Timed Benefit of EDI 's Application in Port Bills ' Circulation

  2. TaaS(TestingasaService)作为云计算在软件测试领域的应用,由于能降低企业成本、加速时间效益和提高测试质量,越来越受到软件业的关注。

    As a Cloud Computing application in the field of software testing , TaaS ( Testing as a Service ) has gained more and more attention because of its reducing costs , increasing efficiency and improving quality .

  3. 在运行样例应用程序时,要确定pureQuery异构批处理是否提供运行时间效益,您需要分别在异构批处理模式和非异构批处理模式下运行应用程序。

    To determine if pureQuery heterogeneous batching provides an elapsed time benefit when running the sample application , you need to run the application with and without heterogeneous batching .

  4. 交通管理水平提高的时间效益评价研究

    Evaluation of Time Benefits by Improving Level of Traffic Management

  5. 关于管道建设时间效益的分析

    An Analysis of the Time Efficiency Relevant to Pipeline Construction

  6. 本文就管道建设中的时间效益问题作了详细的分析。

    The article makes a detailed analysis of the time efficiency in pipeline construction .

  7. 最后分析了划分内存阵列的数目与时间效益的关系。

    Finally , we analyze the relations between time cost and arrays which have been divided .

  8. 突发事件物流是以追求时间效益最大化和灾害损失最小化为目标的一种特殊的物流活动。

    Emergency logistics is a special logistics activity , which pursues the greatest time benefit and the least loss of disaster .

  9. 行政效率是行政管理中的核心问题,由社会效益、经济效益以及时间效益三个部分组成。

    Efficiency is the key matter of administration , which is composed of social effect , economic returns and time efficiency .

  10. 在实现方法上,对效用因子进行了标定,并应用最大似然法对出行者停车选择行为时间效益模型作了计算。

    Utility factors are expressed by functions , and maximum likelihood estimation is also applied to calculate traveler choice behavior time utilities .

  11. 结果表明:中、外优秀田径运动员基础训练投入时间效益百分比较为接近其平均值,约为55.8%;

    The result shows that percentage of input of time efficiency of basic training process approach the 55.8 % of equal value .

  12. 面向物流用户,运营方案设计主要基于空间效益和时间效益进行分析;

    The operation facing the customers was divided into the operation based on the spatial benefit and the operation based on the time benefit .

  13. 其中仓储物流由于适应了供应链上不同角色的业务需要,创造了时间效益和空间效益,从而获得了良好的发展。

    Due to adapting the different needs of roles on the supply chain , creating time-space benefits , warehousing logistics have gained a good development .

  14. 优秀男子田径运动员的专项训练投入时间效益百分比约为75%~80%,中国优秀女子田径运动员中也有60%的人专项训练投入时间效益高于75%;

    The percentage of input of time efficiency for elite male athletes is 75 % ~ 80 % , while this value for our elite female athletes is higher than 75 % .

  15. 与其它复垦工艺相比,拖式铲运机复垦技术具有速度快、效率高、工期短的优点,在土地复垦过程中发挥出明显的时间效益和经济效益。

    In comparison with other land reclamation technologies , the land reclamation technology with the towed scraper has a quick travel speed , higher efficiency , a shorter construction period and other advantages . The reclamation technology has obvious time and economic benefits .

  16. 我是实践学术招聘展览会的宝拉·尚德玲,今天我在这里向大家介绍一下我们在世界各地的业务,还有使我们的展览以成本和时间效益而闻名的专门服务-以最少的付出触及到你们的目标受众。

    I 'm Paula Shandling from Praxis Academic Recruitment Fairs and I 'm here today to tell you a little about our operations in various parts of the world and the specialist services we offer to make our exhibitions well known for being cost and time effective - reaching your target audience with the minimum of effort on your part .

  17. ATIS条件下出行时间节约效益评价方法研究

    Research on the Benefit Evaluation Method of Travel Time Saving under ATIS

  18. 并介绍了TPI的配料工艺、制法、形状记忆树脂的用途和开发,以及形状记忆树脂的质轻、耐用、使用方便、节约时间、效益显著等优点。

    The shape memory plastic possess the advantages of light mass , durability , easy to use , time saving and good benefit , and therefore have a bright future .

  19. 若能如此,则不出一代人的时间,效益便可抵消前期费用。

    The results would offset the upfront costs in less than one generation .

  20. 在高速公路项目的国民经济评价和社会评价中,都涉及对时间节约效益的分析。

    There are time-saving benefits in both economic and social evaluation for freeway project .

  21. 将网络计划技术应用于炼厂装置停汽检修,向时间要效益。

    Applies net analysis technique for refinery equipment repairs , acquires benefits from time .

  22. 本公司新开发的会计电算化软件集时间和效益于一身,汇科技和方便于一体。

    The accounting software developed By our company comBines time with efficiency , and integrates science and technology with convenience .

  23. 通过对岭北煤矿型号为KZL2&7的自动化锅炉炉排进行机械技术改进,降低了采暖期故障率的发生,缩短了故障维修时间,效益显。

    Based on the machinery technical improvement on KZL2-7 type automation boiler grate , the trouble ratio in heating period is reduced , the repair time is shorted and benefit is obliouse .

  24. 本文针对当前高速公路项目社会评价中时间节约效益的构成不很明晰的情况,从国民经济评价及社会评价关于时间节约效益的区别入手,分析了社会评价中时间节约效益的构成及测算。

    Considering the situation where benefit analysis of time-saving in social evaluation on expressway project is not very clear , this paper analyzes it beginning with discussing the difference of time-saving benefit between social e-valuation and economic evaluation .

  25. 高速公路项目社会评价中时间节约的效益构成分析

    Benefit Analysis of Time-Saving in Social Evaluation on Expressway Project

  26. 导出了系统经长期运行单位时间内期望效益的明显表达式。

    Meanwhile , the expression of the long-run average benefit per unit time is derived .

  27. 相比之下,投资到新厂房新设备上要数年时间才能见到效益。

    In contrast , investment in new plant and equipment may take years to recoup .

  28. 节省时间及成本效益。

    Time savings and cost effective .

  29. 实践证明,花粉酶解破壁操作简便、成本低、时间短、效益高。

    The enzyme broken ways of rape bee pollen is proven by practice that is simple , low cost and efficient .

  30. 模型以标么值形式表示的。导出了系统经长期运行单位时间内期望效益的明显表达式。

    The model is in the per - unit system . Meanwhile , the expression of the long-run average benefit per unit time is derived .