
  • 网络time utility;time utilization
  1. 电信服务中基于时间效用的拉姆斯定价

    Ramsey Pricing on Time Utility in Telecom Services

  2. 为此,从时间效用的新角度考虑电信服务定价方法,引入时间效用损失来均衡消费者之间的差异性;

    Therefore , the study takes telecom services pricing into account from the new angle of the time utility .

  3. 关于《了不起的盖茨比》一书中时间效用的探讨

    On the Role of Time in the Novel The Great Gatsby

  4. 如今人们被工作、孩子、朋友、账单等等生活琐事耗神太多,大家开始倾向于通过网络交友网站将自己的时间效用最大化。

    As people become more consumed by their work , kids , friends , bills , and whatever else they have going on , they turn to online dating sites to maximize their time .

  5. 高校物力资源的优化配置,则应重视经费投入边际效用与时间效用对物力资源增置、调配和使用的影响,重视物力资源的充分利用;

    The allocation of material resource is also an important respect in which more attention should be paid to the influence of marginal utility and time effect on adding , transferring and making use of material resources .

  6. 认为区域物流网络具有时间效用和空间效用,其优化改善能够节约交易成本,促进地区聚集经济与规模经济的形成。

    The regional logistics network is believed to have time utility and space utility . Its optimization and improvement can economize the exchange cost and promote the economics of agglomeration and the economics of scale in the area .

  7. 创造物品的空间效用和时间效用是物流系统的两项最主要功能,它们分别通过运输和储存来实现,因此运输和储存被看作是物流系统的两大支柱。

    Creating the space utilities and time utilities of articles , two main functions of the logistics system , is realized through transporting and storing separately . So transportation and storage are two major pillars regarded as logistics system .

  8. 模型采用基于证据的信任推理体系模拟人类思维的自然方式,并通过引入时间效用、相似效用等概念来强调信任关系的动态性、主观性和不确定性。

    It uses an evidence-based inteference system to achieve intelligence in human thinking . Concepts such as time utility and similarity utility are introduced to incorporate attributes of trust such as dynamics , subjectivity and uncertainty into the model .

  9. 生产物流技术是先进制造技术的重要组成部分,以先进物流技术为支撑的生产物流系统运用机械化和自动化技术提升物流活动的空间和时间效用,实现对生产的促进作用。

    Production logistics technology is an important part of the advanced manufacturing technology , the problems which to solve by the production logistics system is to achieve the mechanization , automation and rationalization of logistics in order to achieve the time and space efficiency of the logistics system .

  10. 它能够促使循环使用并节省维生素C和E,使他们在身体里长时间发挥效用。

    It recycles and spares vitamins C and E , so they act longer in your body .

  11. 执行下面的特殊作业总计时间会失去效用。

    The total time spent performing all the specific operations that follow .

  12. 结论乌头生物碱与浙贝母总生物碱配伍应用后在动物体内的滞留时间延长和效用时间延长。

    Conclusion : Retention time and affection time of aconite alkaloids after used with thunberg fritillary bulb omni-alkaloids were longer than these before matching .

  13. 过了一段时间后,边际效用就为负了:这棵树变成了令人恼火的东西,既没有使用价值,又不能做装饰。

    After a while , the marginal utility is negative : the tree becomes an irritation , offering neither use nor ornament .

  14. 我觉得我们可以按照以下思路来假定一个效用函数:在圣诞节期间有一棵圣诞树可以带来正的效用,但随着时间流逝,边际效用就会递减。

    I think we can postulate a utility function along the following lines : having a Christmas tree up during the Christmas season brings positive utility , but diminishing marginal utility over time .

  15. 时效因子作为描述时间对运动规则效用的影响被加入到频繁轨迹支持度的计算中,通过加入该参数,支持度度量就能充分反映时效性对预测精度的影响。

    Time efficiency factor is added to the computation of support for frequent trajectories as a description for the effect of time on movement . By adding this parameter , support can fully reflect the influence of time on the accuracy of prediction .

  16. 随着城市化水平不断的提高,人们出行距离和时间不断增加,使得对出行时间效用更加重视,而城市道路交通网络系统都面临着不确定性的问题。

    With the level of city increasing , the travel time and distance of citizens is longer and longer , so the time avail is more and more attention , while all traffic networks is facing uncertain problems .

  17. 该模型考虑出行者采用贝叶斯方法根据ATIS提供的交通信息和出行经验来更新路径运行时间预测(意识),并使用意识运行时间效用函数作出出行选择计划。

    The model considers that travelers update their travel time perceptions from one day to the next in light of information provided by ATIS using Bayesian updating , and travelers make travel choice plan by an utility function of perceived travel time .