
  1. 建筑与品牌之恋&商业时代品牌旗舰店建筑研究

    Architecture Joins with Brand , Research on the Brand Flagship Stores

  2. 因此,互联网时代品牌危机研究具有一定的理论与实践意义。

    Brand crisis shows new features in internet age , which also offers enterprises an opportunity to build brands .

  3. 所以,在文章的第四部分,在简要概述国内互联网品牌塑造现状的基础上,探讨和总结了互联网品牌塑造或网络时代品牌塑造的一般原理。

    So at the forth part of this paper , on the basis of briefly introduction of present status of internal Internet brand creating , the general principle of creating Internet brand in networking era is discussed and concluded .

  4. 精神经济时代的品牌学报

    On The well-known brand Journals in spiritual economic times

  5. 论体验经济时代的品牌定位

    On the Orientation of Brand in Experiencing Economy-based Time

  6. “诚信山东”&齐鲁文化的时代精神品牌

    Honest Shandong : Ideological Brand of Qilu Culture

  7. 受众认知主导时代的品牌深度沟通

    Brand communication in times of public realization

  8. 新时代的品牌竞争

    COMPETITION Competitive of Brand in New Age

  9. 形象经济时代,品牌消费成为日常生活的重要组成部分。

    In image economic times , brand consumption becomes an important part of everyday life .

  10. 进入信息时代,品牌成为市场竞争的强有力手段。

    Entering the information age , brand has become the powerful means of market competition .

  11. 当今时代,品牌已成为企业决胜市场的重要工具。

    Nowadays , brand has become the strategic tool of enterprises use to win market .

  12. 这是中国企业完成从财富时代到品牌时代的最大契机。

    It is the biggest opportunity for Chinese enterprises to finish transforming Wealth Age to Brand Age .

  13. 这意味着,北京房地产市场是必然发展成为时代的品牌竞争。

    This means that Beijing real estate market is inevitably growing into the era of brand competition .

  14. 在知识经济、注意力经济时代,品牌就是生产力,就是文化力,就是竞争力。

    Brand means productivity , cultural strength and competitive edge in knowledge economy and attention economy times .

  15. 在产品伤害危机频发的时代,品牌资产对考虑集的影响效果如何?这个问题至今仍缺乏详细的实证研究。

    In the day which Product Harm Crisis occurs frequently , how Brand Equity affects Consideration Set ?

  16. 存于消费时代的品牌理想

    Brand ideality in consumption times

  17. 学术期刊进入了一个品牌竞争的新时代,品牌竞争关乎期刊的未来。

    Academic journals enter a new area of brand competition , these competition bear upon the future of journals .

  18. 但在知识经济时代,品牌和技术永远是汽车工业发展的关键。

    The brand and the technology is the key point of developing automobile industry forever in the knowledgeable time .

  19. 21世纪将是以品牌竞争为主要形式名牌竞争为主宰的时代,品牌经营已是势在必行。

    In the 21st century , brand competition will take the dominant form of competition . Brand operation is imperative .

  20. 进入品牌经济时代,品牌要素已经渗透到社会经济生活的各个领域。

    In the brand economy age , the brand factors have permeated into every field of social and economic life .

  21. 在市场经济的时代,品牌已经成为企业占领市场的重要工具。

    In the time of market economy , brand has become a important tool for enterprises to occupy the market .

  22. 这是一个品牌消费的时代,品牌传播活动因此而在全球各地蓬勃展开。

    This is an era of brand . Therefore , the brand communication activities around the world boom in expansion .

  23. 在经济全球化与信息化的时代,品牌的形成离不开传媒与公众的正面评价与肯定。

    In the era of economic globalization and informationization , the brand is formed with positive evaluation of the media .

  24. 在经历了产品阶段后,市场营销已经进入了品牌时代,品牌成为企业在攻城夺地中最大的利器。

    Marketing already reaches at brand times after the product phase , then brand already become the best tool in competition .

  25. 在这渠道为王的时代,品牌服装企业的发展对渠道有着更多的依赖性。

    In this channel is the king of time , the brand clothing enterprise development to channel is having more dependence .

  26. 中国体育用品行业经历产品时代与品牌形象时代后,正处于品牌定位时代。

    Having been through the products phase and brands image phase , Chinese sports brands has entered the era of strategic branding .

  27. 21世纪的中国房地产市场已经从以往的品质竞争年代进入了品牌竞争时代,品牌溢价力已经成为全方位能力最显著的代表。

    Real estate market of 21st century has changed from the quality of competition of previous years into the era of brand competition .

  28. 激烈的竞争导致旅游地进入品牌竞争时代,品牌营销的作用日益突出。

    The intensive competition leads tourism to an age of brand competition and function of brand marketing is getting more and more prominent .

  29. 放眼新的环境及时代,品牌营销应从战略上做出调整,以适应新的市场营销环境。

    In view of the current situation , it is necessary to make strategy adjustment in brand marketing to adapt to new marketing environment .

  30. 本文认为,企业经营经历了产品经营、质量经营、资本经营和品牌经营四个时代,品牌化经营,是现代企业经营-的基本特征。

    Before brand operation lie product operation , quality operation and capital operation . Brand operation is the basic feature of modern enterprise management .