
  • 网络foreign brands
  1. 外国品牌占中国国内汽车销量的70%,其中大众和通用汽车公司(GeneralMotorsCo.)属最畅销品牌行列。

    Foreign brands accounted for 70 % of sales , with Volkswagen and General Motors Co. GM + 3.91 % nameplates among the top-selling brands .

  2. 外国品牌想说:我们来自国外,上海中国市场研究集团(ChinaMarketResearch)的雷小山(ShaunRein)表示,他指出大多数消费者不想要为中国制造的产品。

    Foreign brands want to say : we are foreign , said Shaun Rein of China Market Research group in Shanghai , noting that most consumers do not want made-for-China products .

  3. 瑞银证券(UBSSecurities)驻上海的运输业分析师RobinXu说:这份波士顿合同表明,中国铁路设备公司能够与外国品牌竞争。

    The Boston deal shows that Chinese railway companies can compete against foreign brands , says Robin Xu , a Shanghai-based transport analyst with UBS Securities .

  4. 这是一个外国品牌在中国胜诉的罕见案例;从苹果(Apple)到喜力(Heineken),很多公司都曾在中国输掉商标战。

    It is a rare victory for a foreign brand in China , where companies from Apple to Heineken have lost trademark battles .

  5. 七匹狼是一家在深圳上市的晋江公司,《21世纪经济报道》(21stcenturybusinessherald)曾援引该公司董事长周少雄的话称,他的公司先是模仿外国品牌,接着学会了如何自我创新。

    Zhou Shaoxiong , chairman of Septwolves , a Jinjiang company listed on the Shenzhen stockmarket , is quoted by the 21st Century Business Herald as saying that his company first imitated foreign brands , then learned how to innovate itself .

  6. 房地产机构世邦魏理仕(CBRichardEllis)的研究人员称,随着零售商在寻求扩张机时越来越多地将目光投向海外,中国和俄罗斯等新兴市场所拥有的外国品牌数量已超过美国。

    As retailers look increasingly abroad for expansion opportunities , emerging markets such as China and Russia are already home to more foreign names than the US , say researchers for the real estate agency CB Richard Ellis .

  7. 阿迪达斯大中华区负责人高嘉礼(ColinCurrie)表示,即便是在不那么富裕的城市,随着收入的增长,消费者也渴望提升消费档次,购买外国品牌的商品。

    Colin Currie , Adidas head for greater China , says that , even in poorer cities , consumers are eager to trade up to foreign brands as their income rises .

  8. 中国最大的四家酿酒商已冒险进军高档葡萄酒市场,计划生产少数几种能与ASC销售的外国品牌相竞争的精品葡萄酒。

    The four biggest Chinese winemakers are already venturing into the market for top-quality wines , with plans to make a small range of fine wines that could compete with ASC 's foreign portfolio .

  9. 他指出,必胜客、星巴克与哈根达斯(hagen-dazs)堪称外国品牌如何在华取得成功的典范。

    He points to pizza hut , Starbucks and Hagen-Dazs as the gold standard for foreign brand success in China .

  10. 拥有奥迪品牌的大众(Volkwagen)在周一发表的一份声明中表示,大众对外国品牌轿车未进入采购目录感到遗憾,但也表示新采购目录的效果可能有限。

    Volkswagen , which owns the Audi brand , said in a statement issued today that it acknowledge ( s ) with regret the foreign car ban , but said the effect is likely to be limited .

  11. 恒安表示,其纸尿裤的质量可以媲美外国品牌——宝洁、金佰利和日本品牌尤妮佳(Unicharm)总共占据了一半以上的市场份额——但许多内地消费者并不认同这一点。

    Hengan says the quality of its nappies equals that of the foreign brands - P & G , Kimberly-Clark and Japanese brand Unicharm together have more than half the market - but many mainland consumers disagree .

  12. 但实体零售店的成本可能会迫使外国品牌重新做出考虑。

    But the costs of physical retail space may force a rethink .

  13. 一直以来,外国品牌特别容易遭到质量问题的指责。

    Foreign brands have been particularly vulnerable to accusations of quality problems .

  14. 相比起本地牌子,我较喜欢外国品牌的货品。

    I prefer to buy foreign brands than local brands .

  15. 自2008年以来,来自外国品牌的竞争一直十分激烈。

    Competition from foreign brands has been fierce since 2008 .

  16. 但是,在中国日化市场上外国品牌几乎抢占了整个中国日化市场。

    However , the foreign brand almost captured the entire China market .

  17. 与此同时,中国消费者对外国品牌汽车的需求似乎得不到满足。

    Meanwhile Chinese consumers can 't seem to get enough of foreign brands .

  18. 一些中资厂商投资外国品牌,以此获得品牌效应和专有技术。

    Some are investing in foreign names abroad for brand cachet and know-how .

  19. 外国品牌通常是身份的标志。

    A foreign brand is often a status symbol .

  20. 由于还同时销售外国品牌的汽车,菲茨杰拉德汽车商城还不至关门。

    The Fitzgerald Auto Mall is staying open because it also sells foreign-made cars .

  21. 我觉得那很重要,那也是我比较喜欢外国品牌的原因。

    It 's very important and that 's why I like foreign brands more .

  22. 此前也曾有一些外国品牌未能通过中国官方的质量监测,并在随后出现了销售额下降的情况。

    Other foreign brands have suffered drops in sales after failing official quality checks .

  23. 现时香港出售的大部分产品是外国品牌,由世界各地输入。

    Also , most products now are foreign brands and are shipped around the world .

  24. 此前的类似调查已迫使外国品牌的药品和婴儿配方奶粉大幅降价。

    Similar investigations have already forced steep price cuts in foreign-branded pharmaceuticals and infant formula .

  25. 但业内人士表示,他们认为奇瑞不会购买一个外国品牌。

    But industry insiders say they do not believe Chery will buy a foreign brand .

  26. 随着全球经济一体化,越来越多的外国品牌进入中国。

    Along with the global economic integration , more and more foreign brands enter China .

  27. 外国品牌在大部分中国人的日常生活中扮演着重要角色。

    Foreign brands play a large role in the daily lives of most Chinese people .

  28. 但是国内品牌过多、过杂,不利于与外国品牌的竞争。

    But there are not enough well known domestic brands to compete against the foreign brands .

  29. 外国品牌主宰着中国市场。

    Foreign brands dominate the market .

  30. 这些汽车的设备齐全、外形时尚,而且售价远低于外国品牌汽车。

    They are well-equipped , more fashionable and have very low prices compared to foreign brands .