
wài huì zhànɡ hù
  • foreign exchange account
  1. 核准斯坦福大学分别在你行开立一个外汇账户和一个人民币特殊账户。

    We approve Stanford University to open a foreign exchange account and a special RMB account at your Branch .

  2. 本通知没有涉及的,按照现行有关外汇账户管理规定执行。

    For matters clearly stipulated in this circular , this circular shall be followed , otherwise , current rules on the administration of foreign exchange account shall be followed .

  3. 首先你们应把营业执照和申请开立外汇账户的申请书呈交国家外汇管理局进行报批。

    You need an approval to open a foreign currency account with the State Administration of Foreign Exchange by submitting the business license and application form .

  4. 最常见的是储蓄账户、定期存款账户、外汇账户、现金治理账户、货币市场账户和支票账户。

    The most common are savings accounts , time or term deposit accounts , foreign currency accounts , cash management accounts , money market accounts and checking accounts .

  5. 只允许外国投资者在一家银行开立一个多币种专用外汇账户,经外汇局批准的除外。

    A foreign investor is permitted to open only one special foreign exchange account of multiple currencies at a bank except for otherwise approved by administration of foreign exchange .

  6. 外汇账户收支作为最系统、最基础的外汇信息来源,具备成为开展资金流动监测的载体。

    Foreign exchange income and expenditure account , as most systems , the most basic sources of foreign exchange , has become a vehicle to carry out monitoring of capital flows .

  7. 六章内容分别为:第一章,外汇账户及结售付汇管理法律制度发展演变。

    These six chapters are as follows ; Chapter One The change of the legislative system for the administration of the foreign currency accounts and buying and selling of foreign currency .

  8. 合营企业凭营业执照,在境内银行开立外汇账户和人民币账户,由开户银行监督收付。

    A joint venture shall , on the strength of its business license , open accounts in foreign exchange and in Renminbi with banks in China , which shall supervise its receipts and payments .

  9. 包括对所有电子交易征收2%的税,将账户区分为专门的外汇账户和实时结算的电子账户。

    It includes two percent tax on all electronic transactions , and the division of bank accounts into those with real inflows of dollars as well as those holding electronic money , known as real-time gross settlement .

  10. 为了加强对区域性外债的监管,本文运用现代统计方法,以重庆地区为研究对象,从银行结售汇和外汇账户两个方面对外债规模进行分析;

    In order to strengthen the control and surveillance over regional foreign debts , the paper uses modern statistic methods to study the scale of foreign debts from the dealing of foreign exchange and the accounts of foreign debts in Chongqing .

  11. 因此,本文着重于探索建立便捷有效的外汇账户管理和监测体系,实现对外汇收支活动的科学监控,努力为创造一个规范、安全、效率的用汇环境提供决策参考。

    Therefore , this article focuses on exploring the establishment of convenient and effective management and monitoring system for foreign exchange accounts , foreign exchange receipts and payments to achieve the scientific monitoring , efforts to create a standardized , secure , and efficient decision making with the Exchange environments .

  12. 利用数据挖掘技术监测外汇公有账户资金流失

    Using Data Mining Techniques to Monitor the Leakage of Money from Corporation Foreign Exchange Accounts

  13. 根据我的经验,小型外汇交易账户内的资金输光10次,实属正常。

    From my experience , 10 times wiping out from small forex trading account is normal .

  14. 外资企业可以获得贷款,并选择一家银行开立外汇或人民币账户。

    Foreign-funded enterprises may obtain loan and select a bank to open an account in foreign exchange or Chinese RMB .

  15. 亚洲的外汇储备和经常账户余额也有所增强,同时,负债率已经下降。

    Foreign exchange reserves and current account balances have also strengthened , while debt levels have fallen .

  16. 凡从境外汇入、携入或寄入的可自由兑换的外汇可存入外汇账户。

    All convertible foreign exchange remitted , brought or mailed into the territory from abroad may be deposited in the foreign exchange accounts .

  17. 本月早些时候,彭淮南告诉立委们,央行已盯住了20个进行大量外汇活动的外资账户。

    Earlier this month , Mr Perng told legislators that the bank had set its sights on 20 foreign accounts responsible for a large amount of foreign exchange activities .

  18. 开设保险外汇资金的境内托管账户、境外外汇资金运用结算账户和证券托管账户;

    Opening domestic custody account for foreign exchange insurance funds , settlement account for overseas use of foreign exchange funds and securities custody accounts ;

  19. 如阁下欲取得正式报价以作外汇合约买卖,请先登入阁下的外汇交易网上账户。

    You should login your forex trading account to get official price quotation for the dealing in forex / bullion transaction .

  20. 最近几个月来,一些外汇控制已经被适当放松。比如,个人开设外汇银行账户、旅游者持有外汇都比以前要简单很多。

    It is now simpler , for example , for individuals to open foreign-currency bank accounts , and for travellers to get hold of foreign exchange .