
  • 网络Time-stamp Protocol;Time Stamp Protocol;timestamp protocol
  1. 在对原有的时间戳协议缺乏可靠的身份认证和可信性分析后,提出了一种新的基于证书权威(ca)中心的时间戳服务协议。

    After analyzing the old time stamp protocol , which lacks reliable identification and trust , a novel time stamp service protocol based on certificate authority center is presented .

  2. 时间戳协议是一种基于Hash函数的报文加密协议。

    Time-Stamping Protocol is a message encryption protocol based-on Hash function .

  3. 基于XML签名和已存在的时间戳协议,构造了时间戳链接模型的XML格式,把该格式应用到线性链接机制并给出了该格式的一个具体实例。

    Based on XML Signature and existing time stamp protocols , an XML format for time stamp linking model is proposed . Finally , we apply our XML format to linear linking scheme and give a concrete example .

  4. 一种基于时间戳协议的电子病历认证方案

    An authenticate scheme of CPR based on Time-Stamping Protocol

  5. 在数字水印设计中加入时间戳协议是对抗解释攻击的一种有效方法。

    Time stamp introduced on design of digital watermarking is an effective way to avoid the interpretation attack .

  6. 本文分析了线性链表和二叉树时间戳协议算法,提出了一种基于时间戳协议的电子病历的认证系统方案。

    By the analysis of link-ing-scheme and tree-like scheme time , stamping protocol algorithm , an authenticate scheme of CPR ( computer-based patient record ) based on time-stamping protocol is proposed in this paper .

  7. 本文提出一种新的实时事务并发控制方法,并对其性能进行了模拟评测:与锁式协议、乐观协议、基于时间戳的协议相比,它可以获得更高的并发度;

    This paper presents a new method for concurrency control of real time transactions and its effectiveness has been evaluated by simulations : comparing to the traditional protocols such as lock based and timestamp based protocols , it can get higher concurrency degree ;

  8. 根据当前移动IP注册过程中安全问题的解决方法,提出了基于时间戳的安全注册协议,由公钥密码体制和时间戳相结合来实现实体认证。

    Following are the main result of this thesis : A timestamp-based registration protocol is presented according to current solution to the security in Mobile IP registration . Both public-key mechanism and timestamp are used for entity authentication .

  9. 通过在时间戳服务系统中引入数字证书,简化了时间戳形成的协议,简化了系统的设计工作,提高了系统的工作性能,并通过数字证书使系统中的用户身份识别过程简化明了。

    By combining Time Stamp Service System with digital certificates , the protocol , design and identification of time stamp is simplified , and the capability of the system is improved .