
  • 网络Corporate consumption;enterprise consumption
  1. 企业消费化的趋势已经不远了。

    The consumerization of the enterprise is upon us .

  2. 现在经济需要一场企业消费盛宴,这将会提高就业率和消费者收入。

    What the economy needs now is a business spending spree that will lead to a hiring boom and rising consumer incomes .

  3. 文章着重分析了农村地区能源消费形势:1995年农村能源消费总量达690Mt标准煤,其中乡镇企业消费325Mt标准煤;

    The paper analyses mainly the energy consumption conditions in the rural area . The total energy consumption ( converted to coal equivalent , the same below ) in rural area reached to 690 Mt in 1995 , including 325 Mt consumed by township enterprises .

  4. 东京股市恢复了在周二中断的涨势。就在周二,来自日本央行(BoJ)的一项季度性调查显示,多家企业对于消费税由5%上调至8%会产生的影响十分担心。

    The gain in Tokyo resumed an upward streak that halted on Tuesday after a quarterly survey from the Bank of Japan indicated companies were worried about the impact of the sales tax rising from 5 per cent to 8 per cent .

  5. 提出电信企业客户消费的RFM模型,通过AHP法得到电信行业RFM指标的权重,并应用K-均值聚类法对客户进行分类。

    Telecom market segmentation is the key of winning the intense competition for telecom enterprise . In this paper , The RFM model of telecom customer is proposed , the weight of the RFM indexes is attained through AHP and the K-means cluster is used to group customers .

  6. 本论文系国家社会科学基金项目《我国学习型企业信息消费的满意度研究》课题(批准号:03BTQ022)的研究成果之一。

    This paper is within the research of national social science fund projects " The Research on the Satisfaction Degree of Learning Enterprise Information Expense in China " ( No. 03BTQ022 ) .

  7. 我国企业信息消费满意度研究

    The Research on Satisfaction of Information Consumption in Chinese Enterprises

  8. 企业文化消费带来的经济效益;

    Secondly , business cultural consumption will cause economical benefit .

  9. 企业信息消费满意度分析与评价

    Analysis and Evaluation on Satisfaction of Enterprise Information Consumption

  10. 企业信息消费满意度指标体系构建

    Construction of Enterprises Information Consumption Satisfaction Index

  11. 主要的制造企业、消费品检测局以及其他场馆都需要此类人才。

    Employment is found in major manufacturing companies , consumer testing labs , and other venues .

  12. 企业信息消费环境初探江西省居民信息消费的现状分析及发展对策

    Analysis on the Present Situation of the Residents ' Information Consumption in Jiangxi Province and Developing Countermeasures

  13. 笔者认为企业信息消费满意度应从两方面加以考虑,一是从发展的角度,即信息消费应有利于企业发展;

    From the angle of development , it is that information consumption should help the enterprise to develop ;

  14. 决策层认识到就业市场复苏速度快于预期,家庭和企业的消费也在增长。

    Policymakers acknowledged that the job market improved more than expected and that households and businesses were spending more .

  15. 个人和企业的消费意愿取决于许多因素收入和各类资产,包括金融资产和实物资产。

    The readiness of individuals and businesses to spend depends on many things income and assets of all kinds , financial and real .

  16. 中小企业客户消费特点和定位决定了其在采购时要求价格低廉、操作简便并且开发周期较短。

    Consumption characteristics and location of small and medium enterprises customers determine its focus on software products more cost-effective procurement and shorten development cycle .

  17. 本文在理论分析和实践调查的基础上,构建了我国企业信息消费满意度的指标体系。

    This text structures the information index system of information consumption satisfaction in Chinese enterprise on the basis of analyzing in theory and investigating in practice .

  18. 最后,本文以某企业快速消费品库存系统为背景,对IMOMAS模型进行了系统模拟实验,并对实验结果做了对比分析。

    Finally , taking an inventory system of fast-consuming goods as background , this paper dose system simulation experiment and makes contract and analysis of testing result .

  19. 了解体育消费的主要特征,有助于企业创造消费时尚,抓住体育消费的商机,开发潜在的体育消费市场。

    Knowing the maim characters of sports consumption can help enterprises create consumption fashion , grasp trade chance of sports consumption and exploit potential market of sports consumption .

  20. 企业是消费资料的主要提供者,生产性消费是造成目前生态危机的主要原因。

    Enterprises are main providers of consuming material . But at the same time , the consumption during producing is also a main cause of present ecology crisis .

  21. 目前没有迹象表明,进一步降息或者加大量化宽松力度,将会推动谨慎的消费者或企业进行消费或投资。

    There is no sign that cautious consumers or businesses are going to be encouraged to spend or invest by a further rate cut or more quantitative easing .

  22. 企业信息消费环境,是指影响企业进行信息消费的各种因素的总和,包括宏观外部环境和微观内部环境。

    Enterprise information consumption environment is an integration of all factors affecting the consumption of information by enterprises , and can be divided into macroscopic environment and microscopic environment .

  23. 此平衡将长期嘉惠予化学品制造厂商、进口商、使用者、中小型企业、消费大众、健康及环境。

    This balance will be to the long-term benefit of chemicals manufacturers , importers , users , small and medium sized enterprises , consumers and for health and the environment .

  24. 货币政策股票价格传导机制指货币政策工具变量通过改变股票资产价格,进而影响居民和企业的消费、投资决策,从而传导至实体经济部门的过程。

    The stock price transmission mechanism of monetary policy is a mechanism that the monetary policy tools transmit to real economic area through causing fluctuation of stock asset price which could influence consumption and investment .

  25. 日本企业每年消费2.5万至2.7万吨稀土,但是中国表示,2012年稀土出口配额将和去年一样,为3万吨。

    Japanese companies consume 25,000 to 27,000 tonnes of rare earths a year , but China has said its total rare earths export quota for 2012 will be 30,000 tonnes , as it was last year .

  26. 该部分所提出的评价方法、评价的内容以及评价应该注意的问题为评价企业信息消费满意度提供了指导性的建议。

    The research of every respect will build frame of satisfaction index . This part of appraisal methods , content and question that appraisal should notice offers the guiding suggestion for appraising enterprise 's information consumption satisfaction .

  27. 吨钢可比能耗,是反映钢铁企业能源消费水平和利用水平的主要技术经济指标,多年来,它一直是冶金企业能源管理者的一个重要研究课题。

    The comparable energy consumption per ton steel is a principal technical and economic index which reflects energy consumption and utilization level in iron and steel industry and an important research project of energy management in metallurgical industry .

  28. 首先提出了模型构建的前提和思路,然后对电信运营企业顾客消费生命周期和企业战略投资进行了相关假设;接着在假设的前提下,构建了电信运营企业顾客资产的实物期权测量模型。

    Based on the prerequisites and basic ideas of the proposed model , we make some hypothesizes about the customers lifetime profitability and the business strategic investment of telecom companies , and then complete measurement model of customer equity in telecom enterprises .

  29. 第二部分对用户满意度的理论进行了分析,并运用该知识给出了信息消费满意度的定义,探讨了信息消费满意度的层次,为下文开展企业信息消费满意度研究奠定了基础。

    The second parts analyses the theory of customer satisfaction , defines the satisfaction of information consumption in using this knowledge and discusses the level of information consumption satisfaction , which establishes foundation of information consumption satisfaction in enterprises for the ensuing chapters .

  30. 本文通过问卷调查、访谈及相关文献资料的分析,概述了大庆油田企业青工消费的一些基本现状、消费特点和消费过程中存在的问题,并具有针对性的提出了解决问题的途径。

    This article by Questionnaire survey interviews and relevant documents and data analysis and outlines the Daqing oilfield business Young workers consumption of basic the status quo , consumption and the problems in the process , has personally raised the way to solve the problem .