
  • 网络Coaching;Business Coach;Corporate coaching
  1. 请点击这里开始企业教练咨询的第一步企业教练核对表。

    To pursue any of the above business coaching issues , please take your first step by clicking here .

  2. 第四章用一个真实案例来说明企业教练实践计划模式运行一年半以来所获得的一些实践成果。

    In Chapter 4 , a real case is used to show the practical achievements made by the corporate coaching practice plan in the past 1 and a half years .

  3. 如果说,传统的培训和管理咨询是短期的效果,则企业教练则是长期的甚至影响企业主和企业一生的教练。

    So we can say the traditional training and consulting are just for the short term value but the business coaching will be a lifetime value for the business owners and the MS enterprises .

  4. 根据相关文献研究结果提出通过引入企业教练的方式培训职业经理人,职业经理人素质提升的发展方向是成为21世纪的教练型领导。

    According to the document research results , this paper proposed to introduce enterprise coach to train professional managers , and proposed that the development of professional managers is to become a 21st century Coaching-style Leader .

  5. 而在近两年前的四川成都,笔者和几位专业企业教练组成的教练团队也已悄悄的在将教练技术应用于中国中小企业管理领域的实践道路上迈开了探索的步伐。

    However , in recent years , several professional corporate coaches and I have organized a team in Chengdu , Sichuan , to take an initial step toward application of coaching technique in management of small and medium-sized enterprises in China .

  6. 企业教练是一种新兴的管理技术,是将体育界教练训练运动员的方式移植到企业管理中,让员工树立积极的态度去面对工作,提高企业生产力。

    Enterprise management is a rising management technique , comes from transplanting the means of the sportsdom coaches training their athletes into enterprise management , which can make the personnel set up an active attitude of works and improve the enterprise productivity .

  7. 基于人本管理健身企业对教练资源的开发与管理

    On the Development and Management of Fitness of Human Capital in Fitness Enterprise at the Angle of Theory of People-oriented Management

  8. 单程实现激光喜欢你的生意目标是着眼于企业聘请教练林志雄帮助您和您的组织达到你的目标。

    One way to achieve laser-like focus on your business goal is to hire a business coach , whose job is to help you and your organization achieve your objectives .

  9. 估计有多达30%的美国中小型企业正在使用商业教练服务。

    It 's estimated that up to30 % of American small and medium businesses are using them .

  10. 如果那样的话,经常用来解释错过最后期限的借口将会呈几何级增长,让政府领导、企业经理、运动教练、编辑和教师叫苦不迭。

    For one thing , the list of common excuses for missed deadlines would be exponentially expanded . This would be a headache for leaders in government , managers in business , sports coaches , editors , teachers and so on .

  11. 由于目前的企业的数量出现了空前的锐减,故而对能够为拯救企业出谋划策的职业教练的需求正大量增加。

    As an unprecedented number of businesses downsize , the demand for career coaches who can develop strategies for those seeking a " Plan B " is growing .