
  1. 国有企业体制创新,建立现代企业制度,离不开市场化的资本运作。

    Capital operation is necessary for the system - innovating and establishing modern enterprises system of State-owned company .

  2. 第三章,着重论述加强和完善党的领导体制,对国有企业体制创新的重大意义。

    Chapter III emphasizes the great significance of enforcing and improving the leading system of the Party to the system innovation of the state-owned enterprise .

  3. 其核心的管理理念包括以信息化手段促进企业体制创新、供应链管理、流程再造、工作流与过程控制、客户关系管理、决策支持系统等。

    The core of managerial concept includes : system innovation , the management of supply chain , flow reforger , work flow , process control , management of relationship with customer , decision-making support system .

  4. 同时,根据林业分类经营理论、专业化分工&协作理论、委托代理理论等理论思想,提出了国有森工企业管理体制创新的框架。

    Also , combined with the theory of classified management forest industry , theory of diving specially and cooperation , and trusting-acting theory , this thesis brings up a new design frame to management system of state-owed forest industry enterprises .

  5. 知识型管理体制是知识经济时代管理发展的现代形态,知识的开发与共享、智力的激励和整合已成为现代组织或企业管理体制创新面对的核心命题。

    Knowledge management system is the modern form of management development in knowledge economy era , the exploitation and share of knowledge and the stimulation and conformity of intelligence have become the core issues which modern organization or the innovation of corporation management face .

  6. 物业管理企业必须注重体制创新;扩大物业的外延,拓展服务空间;

    Enterprises of residential management must lay stress on the innovation of systems , on the extension of businesses as well as on the variety of services .

  7. 最后,围绕政府层面应加强环境建设,实现民营经济发展环境升级,以及企业层面以体制创新、技术创新、管理创新为核心,提高民营经济的整体素质等方面提出发展民营经济的具体对策。

    Government should ameliorate the developing environment of private economy by strengthening the environment construction . On the other hand , the private enterprises should carry out innovation on running system , technology and management .

  8. 论现代企业的科学管理体制创新

    Research on Strengthening Scientific Managerial System of Modern Enterprise

  9. 论我国中小企业管理模式及其体制创新

    On the Management Model and System Innovation of China 's Small and Medium Enterprises

  10. 东北老工业基地改造的核心是国有大中型工业企业的体制和机制创新,改造的原则是政府规划引导,全面市场化运作。

    The core of restructuring the state-owned enterprises in the old northeast industrial bases is the mechanism and the institutional mechanism of the state-owned large-sized and medium-sized enterprises . The structuring follows the principles of governmental leadership and market-oriented operation .

  11. 调整种植业、养殖业内部结构,优化农业生产区域布局,大力推进农业产业化经营,推进乡镇企业技术进步和体制创新,实现农业可持续发展。

    Agricultural sustainable development can be kept by adjusting the inner structure of farm production and breeding production , bettering the regional distribution of agriculture , quickening the agricultural industrialization and speeding up the progress of techniques of town enterprises and the system renovation .

  12. 该文从分析青海药用资源状况及开发现状入手,指出了青海医药产业应以市场为导向,建设中藏药药材种植基地,提升传统中藏药生产水平,以企业为主体加快体制创新为发展战略。

    Based on analyzing the resource of traditional Chinese medicine and its developed reality in Qinghai Province , this article points out that medicine industry of Qinghai should be developed according to market-oriented strategy and innovative systems focusing on enterprises innovative abilities should be established .

  13. 影响企业自主创新的因素有很多,包括企业的体制、创新的环境、实施创新的人才结构、创新所必须的激励政策等各种内部和外部条件。

    Corporations ' innovation is influenced by a lot of factors , including interior and exterior conditions , such as the institution of corporation , environment of innovation , the structure of employee .

  14. 分析了企业创新的重要性,结合特大型国有企业&武钢的实际提出了企业体制创新、技术创新和管理创新的具体措施。

    This paper gives an account of institutional innovation , technological innovation and administrative innovation ever conducted in Wuhan Iron & Steel ( Group ) Corp.

  15. 面对国际化竞争的要求,中国大型企业设立CEO职位(首席执行官的领导体制),是大型企业公司治理结构体制创新的产物。

    Facing international competition , China establishes its leadership of CEO ( Chief Executive Officer ) in large-sized enterprises , which is necessary in the improvement of the company management structure for large companies .

  16. 航运企业的体制改革必须建立现代企业制度,真正实现产权明晰、责权分明、政企分开、管理科学的管理模式,必须进一步加强管理,改善服务,实现企业的体制创新和制度创新;

    The reformation should found modern enterprise system that achieves the aim of property perspicuity , responsibility clearly , and it should enhance the management and improve the service .