
  1. 文章首先分析了衰退产业中企业创新的目标层次;

    Firstly , the paper analyses objects of the innovation .

  2. 本文在分析创新概念的基础上,提出了企业创新体系的目标及总体构建,并对创新体系的主要内容进行了具体研究,为企业创新实践提供参考。

    It also have a concrete research in the main content of innovation system and provide a reference for enterprises 's practice .

  3. 在开放式创新的全新思维下,通过利用外部创新资源和渠道快速增强自身的创新能力,进而实现企业的技术创新目标。

    Using the new open innovation thinking , these enterprises enhance their own ability to innovate quickly through the external innovation resources and channels , and finally achieve the technological innovation goals .

  4. 企业技术创新的多目标模糊决策模型及MATLAB实现

    Fuzzy Decision Model with Multipurpose for the Technological Creation in Enterprise and the Realization of MATLAB

  5. 农业龙头企业循环经济技术创新目标探析

    On New Strategic Target in Revolving Economic Technology of Agricultural Lead Enterprises

  6. 企业管理创新的行为目标分析

    Analysis of Behavior and Objective on Enterprise 's Managerial Innovation

  7. 企业知识创新的战略目标及模式分析

    Goals and Modes Analysis of Knowledge Innovation Strategy in Enterprises

  8. 本文分析了传统企业组织模式,提出了供应链管理下企业组织创新的目标、特征、内容以及实施。

    Organization patterns of conventional enterprises have been analyzed in this paper . It presents the aims , features , contents and measures of business organizational innovation with supply chain .

  9. 结合顾客价值理论中的顾客让渡价值理论和顾客价值过程理论,进行了顾客满意和企业顾客让渡价值分析,从消费者角度提出化肥企业分销渠道创新的目标。

    Mixed the customer deliver value theories and customer value process theories , put forward the target of fertilizer distribution channel creative from customer perspective .

  10. 产学研战略联盟是企业、高校和科研院所基于各自的利益需求,通过法律契约的形式,建立的以提升企业技术创新能力为目标的合作组织。

    Strategic alliance of industry , academia and research community makes enterprises , colleges and researches united together based on the benefit need of each part , and it is also aimed at improving creativity of enterprises with some limitation from laws .