
  • 网络Entrepreneurship and Innovation;corporate innovation;innovation;Business Innovation
  1. 为此该项工作成为政府宣传的重点,企业创新的亮点。

    So it became the focus of government propaganda and corporate innovation highlights .

  2. 企业创新反映了中国人的巨大能量。

    Corporate innovation reflects the energy of the people .

  3. 雇主们必须意识到,新生力量是企业创新及创造力的重要来源。

    Employers must realise that young blood is a significant source of innovation and creativity .

  4. 今年我深圳一家公司审批一个饮料包装水,审批了半年,后来找关系才把它批下来,这个审批制度影响了企业创新。

    It took me about six months to have one of my products approved by authorities . And I had to find connections to get this done . The examination and approval system is not good for company innovation .

  5. 在这个基础上运用CAS理论和方法,对高技术企业创新网络的演化机理进行分析。

    And then , the dissertation analyzes the mechanism of evolution of the High-tech enterprise innovation network by applying the theories and methods of CAS .

  6. 鼓励服务企业创新,提高竞争能力;

    Encourage service enterprise to innovate and improve their competition ability ;

  7. 网络中心性对企业创新绩效有直接的正面影响,而网络密度与企业创新绩效之间存在着一种非线性的关系。

    There is positive relationship between network centrality and innovation performance .

  8. 把握知识经济的特点推动企业创新与发展

    Handling Knowledge Economy Properties to Drive Enterprise Innovation and Development

  9. 企业创新贵在持续,也难在持续。

    Sustainable is very important in enterprise innovation , and also difficult .

  10. 高素质人才是企业创新与发展的根本保证。

    Talents of high quality is its fundamental guarantee .

  11. 论资源利用与企业创新

    Research on resource utilization and enterprise innovation

  12. 组织冗余的利用对中国企业创新产出的影响

    The Application of Organizational Slack and the Impact on the Innovative Output of Chinese Enterprises

  13. 产品开发技术与企业创新

    Product Development Technology and Enterprise Innovation

  14. 家族企业创新思考

    The Family Enterprises 's Innovatory Thoughts

  15. 企业创新与环境控制

    Enterprise Innovation & Environmental Control

  16. 市场失灵与企业创新

    Market failure and business innovation

  17. 朝阳行业与企业创新

    Sunrise industry and enterprise innovation

  18. 信息化建设与企业创新

    Informatization Construction and Enterprise Innovation

  19. 在知识经济时代,开放式创新成为了决定企业创新成败的关键。

    In the era of knowledge economy , open innovation is significantly vital for enterprises to innovate .

  20. 近几年,政府不断推出提倡发展生物制药产业的鼓励政策,为国内生物制药企业创新提供了良好的政策环境。

    In recent years , the government has provided a formulated policy environment to encourage domestic bio-pharmaceutical companies to promote the innovation .

  21. 实证结果对于研究中国目前企业创新绩效的提高,尤其是在企业所有制结构转型、行业准入方面以及行业引进外商资本方面提供了十分重要的参考价值。

    The empirical results for the study of Chinese present enterprise structure transformation and industry access provides a very important reference value .

  22. 规范设计流程、提高创新能力和设计效率以快速满足市场的需求,已成为制约企业创新和壮大的关键问题。

    Regulating designing method , promoting creativity and improving designing efficiency to cater for market demand fleetly has been a key problem for enterprises ' development .

  23. 本项研究,将对我国公路运输行业的自主创新研究给予思路上的支持,并对其他类型运输企业创新工作的开展提供一定的启示和借鉴。

    This research will support the research on the independent innovation of road transportation industry in China , as well as other type of transportation enterprises .

  24. 在此基础上,本文对集群中小企业创新孵化网络进行了构建,明确了其功能定位、网络构成、框架模型及网络特征。

    On this basis innovation incubation network is built and the paper sets forth the functional orientation , network structure , framework model and network characteristics .

  25. 产品的创新是企业创新的基本任务,产品的概念设计则体现了产品创新的最重要最大的价值部分。

    Production innovation is the basic tasks of the enterprise innovation , and the conceptual design of product incarnates the most important and valuable of the production innovation .

  26. 不同于已有研究的地方是,已有研究的重点是隐性知识对企业创新活动的重要作用,研究对象多为促进企业利用隐性知识的组织结构、环境等。

    Existing research focuses on the importance of tacit knowledge for radical innovation , trying to promote enterprise organizational structure and environment to use tacit knowledge more efficient .

  27. 如何客观、科学地评价创新型企业创新能力所带来的经营绩效已经成为学者和企业管理者们讨论的热门话题。

    How to evaluate the operating performance brought by the innovative enterprises ' innovative capability objectively and scientifically has become a hot discussion topic among the scholars and enterprise managers .

  28. 美国等众多发达国家的成功经验也已经证明了私募股权基金是推动企业创新极为有益的制度安排。

    As the successful experience of the United States and many other developed countries , PE have been proved to be extremely useful institutional arrangements to encourage enterprises for innovation .

  29. 首先,作者明确了社会资本以及企业创新等相关概念,提出了研究问题,确立了研究对象,即集群企业社会资本的构成及其对企业创新的影响。

    First of all , on the basis of the explicit " social capital " and " Business Innovation " concept , it proposes research questions and establishes a research object .

  30. 最后,通过构建结构方程模型,对概念模型进行适当的修正并获得最终的确定模型,并运用多元回归的方法分析了不同的创新网络类型中各种网络能力的对企业创新水平具有的不同影响。

    At last , structural equation is used to revise the model and analyze the effect of different network capabilities on firms ' innovation levels in different types of innovation networks .