
  • 网络Regional innovation capability;regional innovation capacity
  1. FDI对中国区域创新能力溢出效应的实证研究&基于动态面板数据模型

    Empirical Analysis on Spillover Effect of FDI to regional innovation capability

  2. FDI技术溢出及其区域创新能力门槛效应研究

    Technology spillovers of FDI and its threshold effect of regional innovation capability : An empirical analysis

  3. FDI与区域创新能力&基于省市面板数据的经验研究

    FDI and Regional Innovative Ability & Evidence from Provincial and Municipal Panel Date

  4. 基于SWOT分析的陕西区域创新能力评价

    The assessment on regional innovation capability based on SWOT analysis for Shanxi province

  5. 结果表明,FDI产生了技术溢出效应,确实提高了区域创新能力。

    Some typical variables are chosen to empirical test and the results show that FDI 's technical spillovers effect does exist .

  6. RD投入是提升区域创新能力的重要途径,RD政策对于提升我国自主创新能力尤为重要。银行的创新水平为何不高?

    Input to R D is the key way to improve innovation capability of region , as a result , R D policy is a main measure to improve innovation ability of our country .

  7. 第四章从总体上分析介绍了RIS的可持续发展能力和区域创新能力。

    The fourth chapter analyzes the capacity of RIS synthesis innovation and sustainable development in the mass .

  8. 中西部地区区域创新能力研究

    Study on regional innovative ability in the middle and western area

  9. 我省区域创新能力表现出显著的不均衡性。

    Regional innovation capacity in our province shows a significant imbalance .

  10. 中国区域创新能力的分布与成因

    The pattern of China regional innovation capability and its implication

  11. 基于聚类分析的区域创新能力差异研究

    On the Differences of Regional Innovation Capabilities with Clustering Analysis

  12. 后者体现在区域创新能力上。

    The latter includes the capability of innovation in region .

  13. 创新是人类社会发展的重要动力,区域创新能力更是区域经济发展的引擎。

    The regional innovation is the endogenous motivation of regional economic development .

  14. 区域创新能力指标与网上查询记录数

    The record numbers of inquiry in the web & regional innovation capability

  15. 攀西地区区域创新能力及其建设

    Evaluation and Construction of Regional Innovation Capability in Panxi Area

  16. 论区域创新能力提升的财政政策选择

    On the Fiscal Policy Choice for the Promotion of Regional Innovation Ability

  17. 知识管理对提升区域创新能力的贡献研究

    Research on How Knowledge Management Upgrades the Regional Innovation Capability

  18. 河北省区域创新能力评价研究

    A Study on Regional Innovation Capacity Evaluation in Hebei Province

  19. 基于因子分析法的中国区域创新能力的评价及比较

    The Evaluation and Comparison of Regional Innovation Capacity Based on Factor Analysis

  20. 基于因子和聚类分析的区域创新能力再评价

    Secondary analyses on regional innovation ability in China using factor and cluster method

  21. 基于灰色关联理论的区域创新能力研究

    Research on Regional Innovation Capacity with Gray Correlation Theory

  22. 而区域创新能力的强弱直接关系到区域竞争力的高低。

    Regional innovation capability is directly related to the level of regional competitiveness .

  23. 区域创新能力评估的指标体系研究

    A research of regional innovation capability evaluation index system

  24. 区域创新能力结构及其非线性测评模型

    Structure and Nonlinear Evaluation Model on Region Innovation Capability

  25. 协作共生:区域创新能力的一个增长点

    A New Growth Point of the Capability of Regional Innovation : Cooperation and Intergrowth

  26. 基于专利结构视角的中国区域创新能力差异研究

    A study on divergence of regional innovation capacity in china based on patent structure

  27. 河南省区域创新能力探讨

    Analysis of Regional Innovation Capacity of Henan Province

  28. 我国区域创新能力差异实证研究

    Substantial Study on Regional Innovation Capability of China

  29. 江西省11个设区市区域创新能力动态分析与比较

    Dynamic Analysis and Comparison of the Regional Innovative Capability of 11 Municipalities in Jiangxi Province

  30. 区域创新能力与区域创新效率关联性分析及测度研究

    A Study on Correlation Analysis and Measurement of the Regional Innovation between Capability and Efficiency