
  • Regional Manager;area manager;District Manager
  1. 最后我的目标是可以做区域经理的位子。

    Eventually , I wanna be a regional manager .

  2. 新区域经理上任要做好的五件事

    Five matters which new regional manager must do

  3. 每个区域经理在他们各自负责的地区的运营上都享有高度的自主权。

    Each of the area managers enjoys considerable autonomy in the running of his own area .

  4. 区域经理要确保所有认定的HSE未完成行动项能尽快地得到落实。

    Area Manager is to ensure that all outstanding HSE action-items identified are resolved as soon as practical .

  5. 花旗集团于1985年聘用了刚刚获得沃顿商学院MBA学位的彼得森,然后他通过工作表现逐步获得晋升,从阿根廷企业银行部门客户经理职位晋升到哥斯达黎加区域经理,此后又曾担任乌拉圭区域经理。

    Citi hired Peterson in1985 , fresh from Wharton 's MBA program , and he worked his way up from corporate banking role in Argentina to country manager in Costa Rica and then Uruguay .

  6. 据《镜报》报道,区域经理在检查超市监控录像时,发现Jean每天都比正常打卡时间提前一个半小时来上班。

    Regional managers reviewed the store 's CCTV footage and found that the man often arrived at work an hour and a half before he officially clocked in , the Mirror reported .

  7. 精通美国诉讼。“它让我们能够轻松的对美国的公司进行法律研究,”该公司的区域经理BenjaminRomualdez说。

    Familiarity with America helps . " It makes it very easy for us to do legal research for American firms , " says Benjamin Romualdez , the firm 's country manager .

  8. 优兴丹麦区域经理杰斯珀(JesperDansholm)说,由于丹麦的所得税在全球最高,这些期望月薪“并不是太高”。

    Jesper Dansholm , Universum 's Denmark country manager , says because Denmark has the world 's highest income tax , these salary expectations " aren 't really exorbitant . "

  9. 嗯。我的新职位是区域经理。

    Well , my new position is the district manager .

  10. 贯彻执行销售总监和区域经理指示的工作。

    Implement direction from director of sales and regional managers .

  11. 陈兆鸿获晋升为维东区高级区域经理。

    Raymond Chan is promoted to senior district manager of Victoria East district .

  12. 他是华东地区的区域经理。

    He is the region manager of eastern China .

  13. 我和我的区域经理以及她的部门经理分到了一组。

    So , I was with my area manager and her division manager .

  14. 然后我会开始处理区域经理指派的专案。

    Then I would begin to work on the project assigned by the regional manager .

  15. 约瑟芬是从最基层做起,但她已经升到区域经理了。

    Josephine started at the bottom , but she 's been promoted to regional manager .

  16. 在开始维修前,请向当地或区域经理提交善意索赔申请。

    Please lodge a goodwill application with your local area or regional manager before starting repairs .

  17. 我很高兴你要求给你们的区域经理每人一份。

    I am very pleased that you want a copy for each of your regional managers .

  18. 协助区域经理维护酒店供应商关系及产品管理。

    Assist regional manager to maintain the relationships the hotel suppliers as well as products management .

  19. 与区域经理共同合作,透过加强政策及程序降低风险及信贷损失。

    Work with city managers to strengthen credit policies and procedures to minimize risk and credit loss .

  20. 如果你和大公司打交道,要确保你能见到区域经理。

    If you are dealing with a large firm , make sure you see the local manager .

  21. 区域经理是他所在区域销售代表通往成功的关键。

    The district manager is the key to the success of the sales representatives in his district .

  22. 别问我新的区域经理是谁。我不知道。

    Don 't ask me who the New District Manager is . I don 't have a clue .

  23. 千万别跟你的区域经理谈恋爱,他什么都不会给你。

    Don 't fall for your regional manager . And think that he 's not gonna give you crabs .

  24. 来中国总部之前,我在公司做了四年的区域经理。

    I 've been working as an area manager of my company for4 years before becoming to the Chinese head office .

  25. 作为住宅物业管理项目负责人的区域经理,但也必须承担相应的责任。

    As a residential property management project leader of the district manager , but also have to bear the corresponding responsibility .

  26. 区域经理还将负责监督家具的安装,饰品的摆放和销售及软件应用的培训。

    The area manager will also be in charge of supervising furniture installation , accessories display , sales and software training .

  27. 主管要确保班前安全谈话检查表被交给区域经理供其审查、落实措施和签字。

    Supervisor to ensure that TEAM TALK card is handed to the Area manager for his review , action and signature .

  28. 高效地管理整个销售部门,包括客户经理、区域经理和员工;

    Managing the performance and activities of the entire sales units , including account managers , regional managers , and staff .

  29. 当地一个社区理事会的区域经理雷迪克说,出现了不少非法入住者。

    ' You 've got squatters going in , 'said Yvonne Reddick , district manager of a community board for the area .

  30. 他决定以讨论区域经理们对公司长远发展的重要性来结束会议。

    He decided to end the meeting with the conversation about the importance of the district managers to the company 's plans .