
nián dù ɡǔ dōnɡ dà huì
  • annual general meeting of stockholders
  1. 眼下正值许多公司举办年度股东大会的时候,许多企业的董事会和CEO也有着同样的担忧。

    The same happens with boards and CEOs in the run up to their companies ' respective annual shareholder meetings .

  2. 在本月举行的年度股东大会上,苹果(apple)将面临来自美国最大公共养老基金的全新压力:改革董事选举制度。

    Applefaces fresh shareholder pressure at its annual meeting this month from the largest US public pension fund , to change the way it elects directors .

  3. 沃尔玛(Wal-Mart)也将在6月1日召开年度股东大会,《纽约时报》(NewYorkTimes)近日却又爆出了沃尔玛集团因涉嫌行贿正在接受调查的消息。

    And Wal-Mart ( WMT ) might have preferred for the New York Times ' bribery investigation to hit the presses sometime other than the run up to its annual meeting on June 1 .

  4. 他谈到了年度股东大会、董事会,以及与美国银行(BANKOFAMERICA)之间的合作伙伴关系。与美国银行的战略合作为建行带来了信用卡管理及其它财富管理业务方面的新技能。

    He points to annual general meetings , a board of directors , and a partnership with Bank of America that has brought new skills in terms of managing credit cards and other forms of wealth management .

  5. 佩奇缺席了去年6月的谷歌年度股东大会以及一些其他活动,此前,这家总部位于加州山景城(MountainView)的公司说他失声了,不过,他仍在运营这家公司。

    Mr. Page missed Google 's annual shareholder meeting in June and other events after the Mountain View , Calif. , company said he ' lost his voice , ' though he continued to run the company .

  6. 二月的一天,苹果(Apple)的年度股东大会进行了一个多小时,蒂姆•库克(TimCook)已经耐心地回答了苹果进军电视市场的计划和他如何看待谷歌眼镜(GoogleGlass)等各类问题。

    More than an hour into Apple 's annual shareholder meeting in February , Tim Cook had patiently fielded questions ranging from its plans for the television market to what he thought of Google Glass .

  7. 在年度股东大会上,RIM公布了7款计划在黑莓7(Blackberry7)操作系统上发布的设备,这一系列设备以Bold9900和Torch2为首。

    At its annual shareholder meeting , rim unveiled a line of seven planned devices on the BlackBerry 7 operating system , starting with the bold 9900 and torch 2 .

  8. 鸿海精密(HonHaiPrecision)将在今日的年度股东大会上遭遇罕见挑战,全球机构投资者将质问这家又名富士康(Foxconn)的苹果(Apple)供应商的公司治理事务。

    Hon Hai Precision , the Apple supplier also known as Foxconn , faces a rare challenge at its AGM today from a group of global institutional investors over its corporate governance .

  9. 今天,摩根大通在坦帕举行的年度股东大会将表决该行是否应当拆分CEO和董事长职位。

    Next Tuesday , at its annual meeting in Tampa , JPMorgan ( JPM ) will reveal the results of a shareholder vote on whether the bank should split the role of CEO and chairman .

  10. 周四,华特迪士尼公司(WaltDisneyCompany)在年度股东大会上宣布了几项电影计划,其中最大的是《冰雪奇缘》续集。2013年,这部动画音乐片在全球赚得逾13亿美元。

    The Walt Disney Company on Thursday used its annual shareholder meeting to make several movie announcements , the biggest being about a big-screen follow-up to " Frozen , " the animated musical that took in more than $ 1.3 billion globally in 2013 .

  11. 声明发布之前的一周,特斯拉召开了年度股东大会。这位同时也在担任私人空间开发公司SpaceX公司CEO的亿万富翁在这次股东大会上表示,他计划未来至少四、五年将继续担任特斯拉公司CEO。

    The announcement comes a week after Tesla 's annual shareholder meeting , at which Musk - a billionaire who is also CEO at private space exploration company SpaceX - said he plans to stay on as Tesla 's CEO for at least another four or five years .

  12. 美国州县和市政工人联合会(Afscme)官员表示,工会计划在明日花旗集团年度股东大会上呼吁其他投资者,支持将花旗投资银行业务与商业银行业务部门分拆。

    The American Federation of State County and Municipal Employees ( Afscme ) plans to call on other investors at tomorrow 's annual shareholder meeting to support a split between Citi 's investment banking and commercial banking divisions , union officials say .

  13. 巴菲特周日说,伯克希尔旗下Marmon和金属加工公司Iscar等实业类公司的业绩明显好转。这是详述了他一天前在内布拉斯加州奥马哈的公司年度股东大会上的话。

    There is ' significant improvement ' at Berkshire 's industrial units , including Marmon and metalworking company Iscar , he said Sunday , expanding on comments he made a day earlier at his company 's annual shareholder meeting in Omaha , Neb.

  14. 年度股东大会的日期提前到五月十日。

    The date of the agm have been advanced to may 10th .

  15. 董事长正在修改他的年度股东大会上的讲话。

    The chairman is revise his speech to the agm .

  16. 上周,它甚至在西安举办了年度股东大会。

    Last week , it even held its annual shareholders'meeting in Xi'an .

  17. 公司秘书正在为年度股东大会作所有的安排。

    The company secretary is making all the arrangements for the agm .

  18. 在年度股东大会上两名董事被免职

    Two directors were removed from the board at the AGM

  19. 董事长负责年度股东大会组织。

    The chairman handle the organization of the agm .

  20. 一今年有多少人参加年度股东大会?

    One . How many people attended the annual general meeting this year ?

  21. 男:莎拉,你参加了年度股东大会,是吗?

    Man : Sarah , you were at the AGM , weren 't you ?

  22. 在年度股东大会上非股东成员不能参加表决。

    Non-members may not vote at the AGM .

  23. 挑选了三个委员会委员在年度股东大会上发言。

    Three members of the committee have been selected to speak at the AGM .

  24. 年度股东大会委任公司审计员。

    The AGM appoint the company 's auditor .

  25. 如今,拖延已久的雅虎年度股东大会终于可以放心召开了。

    Today , Yahoo 's long-delayed annual general meeting of shareholders can finally be assured held .

  26. 代理投票已经收到;现场投票将在周四的年度股东大会上进行。

    Proxy votes are in ; the remainder will be cast at the AGM on Thursday .

  27. 在年度股东大会上通过对他不信任票后,董事长辞了职。

    The chairman resigned after the vote of no confidence in him was passed by the agm .

  28. 他还继续主持年度股东大会,一支点燃的香烟在手。

    He has also continued to preside over annual shareholder meetings , a lit cigarette in hand .

  29. 据麦当劳说,周四的年度股东大会不打算更改。

    McDonald 's said it has no plans to make any changes for Thursday 's annual meeting .

  30. 他们应把年度股东大会视为一个与投资者展开有意义的对话的机会。

    They should treat the annual general meeting as an opportunity to have a meaningful conversation with investors .