
  • 网络annual performance review
  1. 亲爱的安妮:最近,我拿到了自己的年度绩效评估。

    Dear Annie : I recently had my annual performance evaluation .

  2. 他补充道:年度绩效评估不适合千禧一代。

    Annual performance reviews do not work with Millennials , he adds .

  3. 你知道我要和你谈谈你的年度绩效评估的事情。

    As you know , we need to talk about your annual performance evaluation .

  4. 我认识的几对夫妻都有各自的年度绩效评估。

    Several couples I know have their own version of a yearly performance review .

  5. 他补充说,命令与控制式管理文化的另外一种症状则表现在年度绩效评估令员工大吃一惊的时候。

    One symptom of a command-and-control culture , he adds , is when people are surprised by their annual performance evaluations .