
  • 网络personnel assessment;personnel appraisal
  1. 人事考核的多层次模糊综合评判法

    Multiple Fuzzy Synthetic Judgement Method to the Personnel Assessment

  2. 应用实践表明该研究可以有效地解决企业原有人事考核的问题,建立了现代企业的绩效管理体系,提高了涟钢检修中心的管理水平,有一定参考和借鉴意义。

    Practical application shows that this achievement can effectively solve the problem of previous personnel assessment , and establish new performance management system of modern enterprise . It has raised the management level of maintenance center . So it has certain reference and significance .

  3. 浅谈企业人事考核

    Talking about Personnel Vocational Assessment of Enterprises

  4. 动态的绩效考评模型的创新之处就在于他破除传统的人事考核观念,提出了现代绩效管理四大的核心理念;

    The innovation of dynamic performance appraisal model abolishes the traditional notions and proposes four major key notions of modern performance management .

  5. 第四部分从人才选拔、人事考核、工资福利三个方面对中国西部科学院的人事管理进行研究。

    The fourth part from the three aspects of personnel selection , personnel assessment , salary and welfare of the West China Academy of Sciences personnel management system .

  6. 绩效考核和绩效管理二者有实质性的区别,前者是传统的人事考核方式,而后者却是现代意义上的人力资源开发方式。

    Both of achievement assessment and achievement management have substantive distinguish , The former is traditional assessment way of personnel system , however the latter is modern development way of personnel resources .

  7. 地方政府考核:双重委托人失效及其政策含义高校图书馆从传统人事考核走向现代绩效考核的探讨

    Inefficiency of Local Government s Performance : Two Principal-agent Inefficiency and Its Policy Signification . ; On the Shift of Human Resource Management from Traditional Inspection to Modern Achievement Inspection in College Library

  8. 本文从人事考核的模糊性入手,运用模糊理论和模糊思维,将定性分析和定量分析相结合,为人事考核工作的量化提供一种更能符合客观实际、且简便易行的方法。

    The paper , by applying fuzzy theory and fuzzy thought and by joining the qualitative analysis with quantitative analysis , provides a concise and workable personnel assessment method which is more suitable to the fact .

  9. 本文根据现代绩效考核的理论和方法,对澧水公司传统的人事考核体系进行了深入的分析和研究,并提出了相应的改进对策。

    This paper has made deep research and analysis to exist performance appraisal system in Lishui Hydro & Power Corporation ( LHPC ) on the basis of modern performance appraisal theory and methods ; some corresponding improvement countermeasures are also given .

  10. 然而,从我国商业银行的管理实践来看,原有的人事考核模式没有发挥绩效管理应有的作用,反而严重影响了银行吸引、保留、激励人才的能力。

    However , from our point of view the management practices of commercial banks , the existing staff performance management evaluation model does not play its due role , but a serious impact on banks to attract , retain , motivate personnel capacity .

  11. 针对人事考核中的阻力,为克服偏差,服务于组织的长期发展,可实行对模型加以修正的末位淘汰法,以达成合作策略。

    In order to reduce the deviation and serve the long-term development , the paper combines with the obstacles in the personnel examination to create the method & eliminate the end location to revise the scheme of the model how to reach the cooperative tactics .

  12. 人事部门考核、录用新职工,要做到既讲学历,又不惟学历,“不拘一格降人才”。

    When testing and hiring new workers , personnel departments must pay attention to educational background , but not as the only criterion .

  13. 应用模糊综合评价理论通过确定评价因素、因素权重等建立模型来评价高校管理干部的综合素质,为高校组织部门和人事部门考核、选拔、任用干部提供科学的测评工具。

    With the help of fuzzy mathematics evaluation theory , synthetic model has been formed to evaluate the all-round quality of managers in universities so as to provide a scientific testing and e-valuating tool for the department of organization and personnel administration to assess , select and appoint cadres .

  14. 分析江汉区社区卫生服务机构及人员情况、人事制度、绩效考核制度和经费投入情况。

    To analysis the personnel system , Performance Appraisal System and investment were studied .

  15. 完善干部人事管理制度和考核机制,控制乡镇债务规模;

    Perfect staff the personal management system and investigate the mechanism , control the village obligation scale ;

  16. 运营分析,进度跟进,成本监控,质量监控,人事配备,评定考核,制度健全和执行力,标准执行。

    Operations analysis , the progress of follow-up , cost control , quality control , personnel and equipment , evaluation of assessment and implementation of systems , and standards .

  17. 与此同时,智囊机构日本总合研究所的副所长山田久表示,即使有政府的助推,他认为每周四天工作制也不会在日本迅速普及,因为这种工作制会让人事管理和绩效考核变得更复杂。

    Meanwhile , Hisashi Yamada , vice chairman of think tank Japan Research Institute , said he does not expect a four-day workweek to rapidly spread in Japan even with the government pushing it because it would complicate personnel management and evaluation .

  18. 为了提高人事办公整体的科技含量与管理效率,加快人事管理的信息化建设,设计并实现了城市商业银行人事考核系统,本系统能够全面、高效地进行银行内部人事考核管理。

    In order to improve the overall efficiency of management , and speed up the information construction , a personnel evaluation system was designed and implemented for city commercial banks .