
  1. 制度方面,户籍制度、社会保障制度对人才流动的壁垒、企业缺乏人事管理权、经营机制尚未转化;

    On the aspect of system , household registration system 、 social security system 、 management system and operation mechanism of state-owned enterprises ;

  2. 作为司法职权的有机组成部分,司法行政权被界定为辅助审判权行使的行政事务管理权,包含着审判事务管理权、司法政务管理权、司法人事管理权和司法裁判执行权。

    Judicial administrative power is an organic part of the judicial functions and powers which including the managerial power of the judicial affairs , judicial administrative affairs , judicial personnel and executive power of the case .

  3. 目前,国内对我国不同体制社区卫生服务机构现状(规模、人员素质及结构、业务收入及支出、人事管理权等)比较的研究较少。

    At the present , the comparative study of community health service institutions with different ownership ( size , staff quality and structure , business income and expenditure , personnel management , etc ) is less in China .

  4. 由有实力的五强集团公司购买煤矿50%以上股权,将煤矿作为集团的一个子公司,控制煤矿公司的自主销售权和人事管理权。

    Wuqing Group could buy more than 50 percent stake in coal mines , and take the mine as a subsidiary of Group , so that group would control the sale of coal and personnel management in mine .

  5. 高等学校人事管理自由裁量权的法治思考

    Legal Thinking on the Discretion of Personnel Management in Colleges and Universities