
rén cái yín hánɡ
  • talent bank
  1. 在美国,越来越多的人才离开银行业投身教育,这可能是经济危机带来的最令人欣慰的影响之一。

    More and more , banks are losing talent to Teach for America , a fact that may turn out to be one of the most heartening consequences of the financial crisis .

  2. 此外,人力资本、银行员工的薪酬激励与创新能力正相关,显示出人才在银行创新能力提升中的核心促进作用。

    Additionally , human capital and the compensation bonus for bank employees are positively related to the innovative capability , which shows the core role of talented people in promoting banks ' innovative capability . 4 .

  3. 我国已加入WTO,它必将对我国传统的、计划色彩浓厚的银行业在调控能力、市场份额、人才竞争、银行业市场化、国际化、整体素质等方面产生一定的冲击和影响。

    Our country has entered WTO , which will make a strong impact on our traditional and programmatic banking in adjustment ability , the portion in the market , competition of talent , banking market internationalization , whole quality .

  4. 论人才竞争与银行业发展

    Discussion on the talent competition and banking development

  5. 由于担心竞争对手抢走优秀人才,多数银行今年支付了丰厚奖金,以留住员工。

    Most banks paid out decent bonuses this year to retain staff for fear of losing top talent to rivals .

  6. 规模较大的收购基金认为,它们拥有最精明的人才、与银行关系最密切,同时长期以来表现一直优于中型市场。

    The bigger buy-out houses argue they have the smartest people , the strongest relationships with lenders and have historically outperformed the mid-market .

  7. 资金、信息、人才是商业银行经营发展的三大核心要素。

    Capital , information and talents are the three core components of the operation and development of commercial banks with information flow as their lifeline .

  8. 但是由于体制制约、经验欠缺、技术落后、人才短缺以及银行内部管理规则与国际规范还存在诸多差距等原因,中资银行在国际化过程中存在着一系列的风险。

    Yet because of the restriction of the supervisory regulations , lack of experience , undeveloped technology , lack of talents and the big differences between the inner regulations and the international standard , Chinese banks till face a series of risks in internationalization .

  9. Kjelleren说,美国金融机构过分强调用巨额奖金(留住人才)以及对银行救援资金的依赖在一定程度上也要为目前这场经济危机负责。

    The emphasis on big bonuses at American financial institutions and expectations for bank bailouts were partly responsible for the current crisis , Kjelleren said .

  10. 加强人力资源管理,优化人员结构,以企业的发展留住人才,与外资银行在人力资源方面展开竞争;

    Strengthen the human resources management optimize the personnel structure ;

  11. 不过,由于可用人才短缺,其它银行被迫雇用相对年轻和缺乏经验的银行家。

    But other banks are being forced to hire relatively young and inexperienced bankers because of a shortage of talent available .

  12. 从加快业务创新、扩大市场份额、提高管理水平、加紧培养人才方面来加快银行业改革的步伐;

    Expedite the step of banking reform through quickening operational innovation , enlarging market quotient , increasing managing level , strengthening talent training ;

  13. 人是商业银行业务创新的基础,人才将是商业银行提升企业竞争能力的重要基础。

    People are foundations of business innovation of commercial bank , the talent will be an important foundation that the commercial bank promotes enterprise 's competitive power .

  14. 作为经营金融市场多年,拥有一大批成熟人才的国有商业银行,成为各类银行争夺人才的对象。

    Operating the financial market for many years and owning a large number of mature personnel , state-owned commercial banks are the targets of other kinds of banks to fight with talents .

  15. 众多的国有银行核心型人才纷纷涌向外资银行及其他金融机构,人才流失日趋加剧,其中客户经理为银行业绩的主要创造者,流失最为严重,这给我国四大国有银行造成巨大损失。

    Many core talents flocking to foreign banks and other financial institutions increasingly from state-owned commercial banks exacerbated the brain drain , among which the drain from the account managers brings terrific losses to the state-owned banks .

  16. 猎头和银行家表示,由于缺乏人才,以及各银行为了扩张或重建这一快速增长地区的业务而展开竞争,一些银行家的薪资水平已飙升至金融危机前的水平。

    A shortage of talent combined with rivalry among banks to expand or rebuild operations across the fast-growing region has sent compensation levels for some bankers soaring to levels last seen before the financial turmoil , according to headhunters and bankers .

  17. 高素质的金融人才和管理人才日益成为银行业人才竞争的焦点,这就需要对员工所具有的潜力进行激励。

    High-quality talented people in finance and management have become a focus in banking competition for talent , which needs banks inspirit personnel 's potentials in these aspects .

  18. 因此,如何留住人才,如何用好人才是国有商业银行亟待解决的重大问题。

    Therefore , how to keep the elitists and use them , which is an important problem for the state-owned commercial banks at present .

  19. 行业特性、人才稀缺等因素使人才竞争成为投资银行竞争的最重要表现。

    It is the character of the industry and the scarcity of talent person that make the human resource competition become the most important representation of the investment bank competition .