
  • 网络Retail banking;retail bank
  1. 此次的交易标志着,工行、中国银行(BankofCHina)、中国建设银行(ChinaConstructionBank)等大多数中资银行抛弃了早先的战略,集中精力在英开展公司银行及零售银行业务。

    The deal marks a departure from a previous strategy by most Chinese banks such as ICBC , Bank of China and China Construction Bank to mostly concentrate on corporate and retail banking in the UK .

  2. 在招聘公司MichaelPage,AndrewBreach正在为中国银行寻找一位普通话流利的英国人来领导英国的零售银行业务。

    At the recruitment company Michael Page , Andrew Breach is looking for a Briton fluent in Mandarin to head retail banking in Britain for the Bank of China .

  3. 美洲银行(BankofAmerica),美国最大和最赚钱的零售银行,市场份额差不多比花旗大三倍。

    Bank of America ( BoA ), the country 's largest and most profitable retail bank , is almost three times bigger .

  4. 如今的美国银行(BankofAmerica)似乎正在向零售银行的所有领域推进,可以预料的是,效果不会令人满意。

    Bank of America now seems to be pushing itself on every aspect of its retail offering , with predictably disappointing results .

  5. 汇丰银行(HSBC)则可以收购其位于土耳其的零售银行。

    HSBC could buy its Turkish retail bank .

  6. 接着,2010年初,他将自己的模式输出到了英国,在那里创立了MetroBank,这是英国100多年来第一家新成立的零售银行。

    Then , in early 2010 , he exported his model to Britain by creating metro bank , the first new retail bank in the UK in over a century .

  7. 紧缩已扩散到了零售银行:希腊阿尔法银行(alpha)第三季度存款总额减少了5%。

    The squeeze has spread to retail banks : Greek bank alpha lost 5 per cent of its deposits in the third quarter .

  8. 苏格兰皇家银行(rbs)的愿景是在一家全球性零售银行内缔造一家全球性投行。

    At RBS , the vision was a global investment bank within a global retail bank .

  9. 这适用于美国零售银行富国银行(WellsFargo)的交叉销售丑闻,也适用于此次Note7事件。

    That applies to the cross-selling scandalat Wells Fargo , the US retail bank , and is also true of the Note 7 affair .

  10. 作为此流程的示例,我们在进行与大型零售银行的合作项目时在内部使用了CBM。

    As an example of this process , we used CBM internally during an engagement with a large retail bank .

  11. 举例来说,城里没有高盛的零售银行机构和ATM机,也看不到任何摩根士丹利的借记卡。

    For example , there aren 't any Goldman Sachs retail bank branches or ATMs around town and there are no Morgan Stanley debit cards in sight .

  12. 汇丰(HSBC)将关闭在俄罗斯的零售银行业务,这是多月以来第二家离开这个由俄罗斯国家主导的行业的外国银行。

    HSBC is to close down its retail operations in Russia , making it the second foreign bank to leave the state-dominated sector in as many months .

  13. BankEkonomi还可以让汇丰进入零售银行业,以及进入目前尚未进入的城市。

    Bank Ekonomi will also allow HSBC to expand into retail banking , taking it into cities where it has no presence .

  14. 美联储与其它传统银行监管机构监控着零售银行,美国证券交易委员会(sec)监管华尔街投行,而各州监管机构负责监管保险公司。

    The Federal Reserve and other traditional bank regulators monitored retail banks , the securities and Exchange Commission supervised Wall Street firms , and state regulators looked after insurance companies .

  15. 受美联储监管,可能会比受美国证券交易委员会(SecuritiesandExchangeCommission)监管要好,但只是将它视作另一家银行,拥有与零售银行及信用卡公司相同的特权与义务,几乎说不通。

    It may be better regulated by the Fed than the Securities and Exchange Commission but counting it as just another bank , with the same privileges and obligations as retail banks and credit card companies , makes little sense .

  16. 根据沃尔克规则(VolckerRule),到明年夏天,在美国控股零售银行的公司,在行为方面将受到严格限制。

    Under the Volcker rule , companies that control retail banks in the US will be subject to stringent requirements on what they can do once the rule is brought in next summer .

  17. 汇丰银行(HSBC)正试探投资者对于将其英国业务上市的兴趣,此举将实现其零售银行业务的价值,并化解监管压力。

    HSBC has sounded out investors about a flotation of its UK arm , in a move that would realise value from its high street banking business and address regulatory pressures .

  18. 据知情人士透露,英国汇丰银行(HSBC)明年初将在日本推出零售银行业务,并计划4年内在日本开设多达50家分行。

    HSBC is set to launch retail banking operations in Japan early next year and plans to open as many as 50 branches within four years , according to people familiar with the situation .

  19. ICB并未建议将零售银行业和投行业完全分离,因为它看到了风险分散化的优势。

    The ICB did not recommend full separation between retail and investment banking because it saw the advantages of diversified risks .

  20. 在苏格兰皇家银行增强其投行业务时,santander银行则坚持致力于零售银行业务,在拉美和美国进行扩张。

    RBS was building up its investment banking business while Santander had stuck to retail banking , expanding in Latin America and the US .

  21. 咨询公司博思艾伦(boozallenhamilton)对17个国家的零售银行进行了研究,结果发现香港的银行表现最佳,其次是瑞士和美国的银行。

    Research by consultants Booz Allen Hamilton , which studied retail banks in 17 countries , found that Hong Kong has the best-performing banks , followed by Switzerland and then the US .

  22. 在最初得知ICB的核心建议是禁止零售银行从事投行业务和自营交易后,本报表示对此持保留态度。

    This newspaper expressed reservations when it first became clear that the core proposal was to ring-fence retail banks from investment banking and trading activities .

  23. 美国财务会计准则委员会(fasb)主席鲍勃赫兹(bobherz)表示,他预期美国零售银行和监管机构的反应“将不会很热烈”。

    Bob Herz , chairman of the US financial accounting standards board , said he anticipated that the reaction from US retail banks and regulators " will not be very warm " .

  24. 在英国,抱怨尤其强烈的是针对将零售银行业“圈护”(ringfence)起来、与其他活动隔离的计划。

    In the UK particularly strong complaints are directed at the plan to ringfence retail banking from other activities .

  25. 首席执行官潘伟迪(vikrampandit)昨日表示,尽管美国零售银行业务举步维艰,第四季度勉强实现盈亏平衡,但它仍是该行的一项核心业务。

    Vikram Pandit , chief executive , said yesterday that the struggling US retail bank , which barely broke even in the fourth quarter , remained a core business .

  26. 目前在87个国家拥有业务的银行业集团汇丰(hsbc)已表示,预计会关闭部分国家的零售银行和理财业务,因为这些部门未能创造足够的利润。

    HSBC , the banking group , has already said it expects to shut down retail banking and wealth management operations in many of the 87 countries where it maintains a presence , because these units are failing to generate sufficient returns .

  27. 专业服务公司毕马威(KPMG)的客户和渠道管理顾问大卫霍奇金森(DavidHodgkinson)也认同这一点,即:如果谨慎行事,那么,即便是零售银行业这样受到严格控制的行业也可以使用Twitter。

    David Hodgkinson , an adviser on customer and channel management at KPMG , the professional services firm , agrees that even tightly controlled industries such as retail banking can use Twitter , if they do so with care .

  28. 由德国保险公司安联保险(allianz)所有的德累斯顿银行上周公布了一项计划,打算将其批发和零售银行业务组建为一家控股公司旗下的两个单独实体。

    Dresdner , owned by Allianz , the German insurer , last week outlined a plan to establish its wholesale and retail banking activities as two separate entities owned by a holding company .

  29. 当时,外资零售银行即便是像汇丰(hsbc)这样在亚太地区根基深厚的银行不被允许在中国内地注册成立法人银行,这严重制约了它们向企业和零售客户提供本币产品的能力。

    At the time , foreign retail banks even those with deep roots in the region , such as HSBC were not permitted to incorporate their mainland operations locally , which severely restricted their ability to offer local currency products to business and individual customers .

  30. 如IBC建议的那样,将这种集团内贷款当做第三方风险看待,或许能够阻止这种阴谋得逞。但我们需要严格限定可接受零售银行资产的范围,以防产生更多类似实效的复杂交易。

    Treating such intra-group loans as third party exposures , as the commission proposes , would block that stratagem ; but strict limitation on acceptable retail bank assets is needed to prohibit more complex transactions with similar practical effect .