
  • 网络Zero Tariff;duty-free
  1. 面对台湾水果零关税提升福建果业竞争力

    Enhance Competition Capacity of Fujian Fruit Industry Facing to Zero Tariff of Taiwan Fruit

  2. 浅析网络贸易中的零关税问题

    A Brief Analysis of the " Zero Tariff " Issue in the Trade via Internet

  3. 岛上还设有3000个鸟舍,供鸟类在迁徙中歇脚。ZeroTariff|零关税从自贸区建设到互联互通,是否有一天APEC区域内真会实现“零关税”这个理想化的目标?

    One day there may be no tariff between APEC economies with the development of the free trade area and regional connectivity .

  4. 零关税政策是在今年6月1日《海南自由贸易港建设总体方案》正式公布后,中央和海南省政府推进海南自贸港建设的最新举措。

    The zero-tariff list is among the latest of the policies that have been released by the central and Hainan provincial authorities to promote construction of Hainan FTP , following the issuance of the Master Plan for the Construction of Hainan Free Trade Port on June 1 .

  5. 财政部、海关总署、税务总局印发《关于海南自由贸易港原辅料“零关税”政策的通知》,该政策自2020年12月1日起执行。

    According to Notice on the Hainan Free Trade Port 's Zero-Tariff Policy for Raw and Auxiliary Materials , jointly issued by the Ministry of Finance , the General Administration of Customs and the State Taxation Administration , the zero-tariff policy went into effect on December 1 , 2020 .

  6. 随着我国加入WTO承诺的履行,众多行业将直面零关税。

    With fulfilling the promise of entry into WTO , many enterprises will face zero customs tariff problems .

  7. 描述CEPA给予本港货物出口至内地的贸易优惠条款,以及向有关机构申请获得零关税待遇的手续和程序。

    Description of the content of the CEPA in the trade of goods and the procedures to file for a non-tariff application to the authorities .

  8. 同时,加入WTO后数码相机零关税,技术的发展导致国产数码相机失去了以往的价格优势,缺乏核心技术也进一步的限制了国产数码相机的发展。

    After China joined into WTO , the digital camera customs duty is zero now , and the technical development cause the national digital camera company lose the price superiority , the lack of core technology also further limits national digital camera development .

  9. 产品贸易协议的签署是贸易逐步自由化的一大体现,中国与泰国蔬菜和水果零关税协议正是中国&东盟自由贸易区(CAFTA)进程加快的先期成果之一。

    Agreement of products is one way of trade liberalization . The Agreement of Zero Tariffs on Vegetable and Fruit is one early achievements of CAFTA .

  10. 2010&2015年,CAFTA进入发展的第二阶段,零关税政策将覆盖到东盟四个新成员国的大多数商品,中国与其他东盟成员国之间的关税也将进一步削减。

    From 2010 to 2015 , CAFTA will get into the second stage of development , and the zero-tariff policy will cover the new four members of ASEAN . The tariff of goods between China and other ASEAN members will also be further cut .

  11. 中国零关税机制的现状与发展

    On the Status Quo and Development of China 's Null Tariff System

  12. 问:未来会不会有更多的商品享受零关税待遇?

    Question : will there be more imports entitled to zero-tariff treatment ?

  13. 中泰蔬菜水果零关税协议浅析

    A Brief Analysis on Sino-Thai Treaty of Null Tariff on Vegetables and Fruits

  14. 我国企业应对零关税的措施

    Measures to Deal with Zero Customs Tariff for Enterprises

  15. 保护墙消失玩具行业将进入零关税时代

    Toy industry to march into Duty free times

  16. 海峡两岸农产品贸易零关税机制的法律探讨

    The Legal Research on the Null Tariff for Agriculture Products between Mainland and Taiwan

  17. 今后,我们还将继续扩大输华零关税产品范围和受惠国家范围,并鼓励国内企业扩大对发展中国家的投资。

    We will continue to encourage Chinese companies to expand investment in developing countries .

  18. 非但如此,中国还与某些贸易伙伴签订了零关税协议,进一步降低了其平均关税水平。

    Furthermore , China has also assigned null tariff agreements to lower her duties further .

  19. 浅析零关税对世界和中国经济的影响

    The Effects of Tariff - free Plan on the Economy of the World and China

  20. 经海关核对确认证书无效的,不适用零关税。

    Where certificate is invalid upon the check , zero tariff shall not be applied .

  21. 并且对他们出口到中国的95%的货物实行零关税。

    We will also apply zero tariff treatment to their exports to China for95 % of their exports .

  22. 中国已经承诺逐步给予有关最不发达国家95%税目的产品零关税待遇。

    China has promised to grant least developed countries the privilege of free-duty on 95 % of imported products .

  23. 零关税优惠使香港产品进入内地市场时,较海外产品更具竞争力。

    The zero-tariff treatment gives Hong Kong products the edge over overseas products in penetration of the mainland market .

  24. 英国应该离开这个组织,其发出这样不公平:国际贸易法规会保证零关税进入欧盟经济。

    Britain should leave the club , such ultrasceptics growl : world trade rules would guarantee tariff-free access to EU economies .

  25. 同样吸引人的还有,目前,中国从非洲购买的棉花产品实行零关税,这是的价格很不错(便宜)。

    Also attractive is that China currently has no tariffs on cotton from African countries , which makes the price good .

  26. 也就是说,双方90%的贸易产品将实现零关税,实现商品贸易自由化。

    In other words , 90 % of trade products will be imported with zero tariff treatment and achieve trade liberalization in goods .

  27. 特方许多传统优势产品在中国关税税则中已经享有零关税或较低关税。

    Many products of Trinidad and Tobago that are traditionally competitive are subject either to zero-tariff or to fairly low tariff rates in China .

  28. 我国必须坚持反对电子商务的零关税政策,适度的保护性关税政策是带动和促进我国经济发展的必然选择。

    We must protest zero - tariff policy of e-business and adhere to modest protective tariff policy the alternative for propelling our economic development .

  29. 问:零关税政策对中非贸易有什么促进作用?关于我国增值税的问题研究及完善对策

    Question : In what way will zero-tariff policy benefit China-Africa trade ? Some Problems on the Added - value Tax and Its Relevant Policies

  30. 中国官员承诺采取更多措施,鼓励非洲产品向中国出口,包括扩大适用零关税商品的范围。

    Chinese officials pledged to do more to encourage exports of African goods , including expanding the range of products that qualify for zero tariffs .