
  1. 但是研究作者指出,由于零工经济和远程办公等现象的出现,这些年来过劳问题愈演愈烈,疫情很可能加剧了这一趋势。

    But its authors note that overwork has been on the rise for years due to phenomena1 such as the gig economy and telework - and they say the pandemic will likely accelerate those trends .

  2. 根据麦肯锡全球研究所(McKinseyGlobalInstitute)估计的零工经济规模,美国和欧洲70%到80%的人都没有涉足零工经济。

    According to estimates of the size of the gig economy by the McKinsey Global Institute , 70 to 80 per cent of people in the US and Europe have nothing to do with it .

  3. 他们开始对无保障合同、不稳定的工作时间安排、微薄的工资以及依托优步(Uber)等在线零工经济平台的新形态工作感到忧心忡忡。

    They are beginning to fret far more about insecure contracts , precarious scheduling , low wages and new forms of work via online gig economy platforms such as Uber .

  4. 詹姆斯苏洛维尔奇(JamesSurowiecki)最近在《纽约客》(NewYorker)的专栏认为是这属于“其他性质”,呼吁进行监管改革给“零工经济的工作者提供一个更好地兼顾灵活性和安全性的办法”。

    James Surowiecki , writing in The New Yorker , recently argued for " something else , " and called for a regulatory overhaul to give " gig-economy workers a better balance of flexibility and security . "

  5. 在其他地方,O2O模式已经遭受过审视,尤其是在美国,许多组成“零工经济”(gigeconomy)基础的应用都在风险资金枯竭后失败。

    The O2O model has been subjected to scrutiny elsewhere , especially in the US , where many apps that form the basis of the " gig economy " have failed after venture funding dried up .

  6. 我还想知道,在零工经济中,有没有可能像Deliveroo和优步(Uber)等公司时常声称的那样,赚得超过全国最低工资标准(每小时7.2英镑)。

    I also wanted to see if it would be possible in the gig economy to earn more than the minimum national wage of £ 7.20 per hour , as companies such as Deliveroo and Uber often claim .

  7. 她曾在2015年夏季的一次演讲中指出,按需型经济,或说零工经济中的创业公司——优步和Airbnb之类——既是释放创新,同时也在工作场所安全保障和未来什么样的工作是好工作方面,带来一些难题。

    In a speech in the summer of 2015 , she noted that start-ups in the on-demand or so-called gig economy - Uber , Airbnb and their ilk - were unleashing innovation but also raising hard questions about workplace protection and what a good job will look like in the future .

  8. 如果审判小组做出有利于GMB的判决,这可能扩大英国有关员工的法律定义——这会让其他国家的类似原告更有信心,同时让许多身处英国零工经济中的人有资格获得更多权利和保护。

    If the tribunal panel finds for the GMB , it could broaden the legal definition of who counts as a worker in the UK - emboldening similar claimants in other countries , while making many in Britain 's gig economy eligible for more rights and protections .

  9. 它让许多兼职司机拥有了他们渴望的零工经济的灵活性。

    It provides its many part-time drivers with the flexibility they crave in the gig economy .

  10. 就零工经济的命运来说,英国将是一个值得关注的关键国家。

    As for the fortunes of the gig economy , the UK will be a key country to watch .

  11. 回到18世纪,你会发现像伦敦这样的地方就存在大规模的零工经济。

    Go back to the 18th century and you would find a place like London was one big gig economy .

  12. 不管喜欢还是厌恶,有关零工经济,大多数人都认同一点:这是一个新生事物。

    Love it or hate it , the one aspect of the gig economy that most people agree on is its newness .

  13. 零工经济却用没有能力提前计划、也没有时间去争取补偿性小费的生手代替了这些熟练员工。

    It has replaced them with amateurs with no capacity to plan ahead - and little time to hustle for compensatory tips .

  14. “零工经济”只是过去30年发生在就业领域的转变的一部分,这一转变是科技和全球贸易带来的。

    The gig economy is only part of a shift in employment over the past three decades , unleashed by technology and global trade .

  15. 许多律师认为更有可能的情况是,该判决将会改善如今受雇于英国零工经济的数十万人的工作条件。

    Many lawyers think it more likely the judgment will improve the working conditions of hundreds of thousands of people now employed in Britain 's casual , or " gig , " economy .

  16. 她已指示对劳动者权利进行调查,以确保这些处于零工经济中的人受益于灵活性和创新性,同时不会从裂缝中掉入18世纪的零工经济世界。

    She has ordered a review into workers " rights to make sure those in the gig economy benefit from flexibility and innovation and do not fall through the cracks into an 18th-century world .

  17. 零工经济实际上让服务业熟练员工降低了身价,他们从自身经验中明白了一点,从专业化角度来讲,让低峰期价格和高峰期价格保持平稳是有意义的。

    What the gig economy really does is undercut seasoned service workers who have learnt through experience that it makes sense to smooth prices across low and high peak periods for the sake of professionalism .

  18. 在零工经济中,员工很难赚到最低标准的薪资,又不能指望从现金交易中得到收小费的机会,自愿给小费机制完全不适用。

    In the gig economy , where workers struggle to make the minimum wage but cannot rely on a cash exchange to generate a tip-giving opportunity , the discretionary system just does not cut it .

  19. 为了把盈利潜力最大化,零工经济的员工往往会成为多面手,他们会尽可能多地登录不同的任务应用,以便尽最大可能抓住赚取高峰工资的机会。

    To maximise earning potential , gig economy workers often become jacks of all trades , signed up to as many different task apps as possible to capture surge rate opportunities as best they can .

  20. 不过,最近在零工经济(这种经济模式正试图全面取消小费)领域的一段体验让我认识到,上述差异或许与我们对服务业员工敬业程度的期望密切相关。

    But a recent experience in the gig economy , which is trying to do away with tips altogether , has made me realise that those differences may be closely tied to how career-minded we expect our service workers to be .

  21. 一个解决方法是,零工经济企业可以让工人在不同的安排之间进行选择:一种是个人接受企业对个人的工作方式施加的控制,从而换取一些保护;另一种是个人拥有更多自由,但也承担更多风险。

    One answer could be for gig economy companies to let workers choose between arrangements : one where they exert control over how the person works in exchange for some protection , and the other where the person has more freedom but shoulders more risk .