
  1. 在过去的两个世纪中,发生了许多具有深刻意义的营销、零售变革。

    In the past two centuries , a lot of changes have taken place in marketing and retailing system .

  2. 生鲜农产品零售业态变革研究

    The Research on the Transformation of Fresh Agri-product Retailing Modes

  3. 因此,一场由超市取代农贸市场的主导地位的生鲜农产品零售业态变革应运而生。

    Therefore , a reform of fresh agri-product retailing modes that supermarkets replace traditional agri-product markets in leading status is required .

  4. 第二部分,探讨了业态的含义,并结合相关研究提出了业态新的内涵,对零售业态变革理论进行了比较分析,在此基础上提出了生活方式理论。

    Part two discusses the concept of " type of operation " first , then puts forward the Life style theory on the basis of analyzing the traditional retailing reform theory .

  5. 零售业态的变革与选择

    Transformation and Choices in the Forms of Retail Trade in Our Country

  6. 零售业态的变革有其内在规律性。

    There is its inherent regularity in the change of retail forms .

  7. 过去的流通革命主要是指零售业态的变革以及整个流通渠道效率化的过程,其基本特征表现为流通业经营方式和组织形式的变革。

    The circulation revolution in the past means the change of retailing business forms and the process in which circulation channels become more effective .

  8. 现实中,随着零售业的变革,下游零售商很可能在产业链中成为主导企业,从而导致零售商要求生产商交纳通道费的现象十分普遍。

    With the reform of retailing industry , retailers are becoming the dominant firms in industry chain , as a result of the prevailing phenomena of slotting allowance .

  9. 消费者多样化的需求与零售业的营销变革团结圈活动之变革

    Diversified demands of the consumers and the sales change in the retail trade

  10. 通过实证分析的结果,本文提出了电子商务环境下零售企业的营销模式,零售企业营销模式变革过程中要注意的问题,以及实施变革时的一些建议。

    Through the empirical analysis of the results , paper gives the retail marketing business model in e-business environment . Retail should pay attention to the issue of marketing business model change process , as well as the implementation of changes to some of the recommendations .

  11. 世界零售业的发展经历了很多过程,零售业态的变革经历了从最初的百货商店,连锁店,折扣店,便利店等到购物商场,这种变化是和消费者需求的变化相一致的。

    Development of world retailing went through many processes . Retailing formats experienced the changes form initial department store , chain store , discount store , convenience store , etc. to shopping mall . This change is complying with changes of consumer demand .