
  • 网络retail channel;Retail Outlet
  1. RCM是RetailChannelManagement的简称,即零售渠道管理系统。

    RCM is the abbreviation for Retail Channel Management System .

  2. 另一种见解来自对零售渠道的观察。

    Another piece of insight came from looking into the retail channel .

  3. 研究结果表明,混合渠道模式是制造商的理性选择,而Internet直销渠道的引入也并不一定构成对传统零售渠道的威胁。

    The results indicate hybrid channel mode is a right choice for manufacturer , and Internet channel is unnecessarily a threat to traditional retailing channel .

  4. Internet的迅速发展正改变着当今世界的商业规则,越来越多的制造企业开始触网,在传统零售渠道之外自行开辟Internet直销渠道,直接与消费者亲密接触。

    The rapidly developing Internet is changing modern business rule . More and more manufacturers go online , adding direct Internet channel besides traditional retailers to contact directly with customers .

  5. 供应链管理框架下的零售渠道合作

    Retailing Place Co operation in the Framework of Supply Chain Management

  6. 消费类期刊和行业期刊零售渠道与促销手段

    Retailing Channels and Sails Promotion Means of Expense-Class Periodical and Trade Periodical

  7. 它是在流通领域中联接批发渠道和零售渠道的重要节点。

    It is an important hub which can link the wholesale channel and the retail channel .

  8. 物流行业的日渐强大,零售渠道的不断完善,市场转向买方一面

    Logistics industry of increasingly powerful , retail channels of continuous improvement , market turn to buyer-oriented

  9. 目前在我国食品的零售渠道中起主要作用的是超市和农贸市场。

    Currently , it is supermarket and country-market leads the key role in our food retail channel .

  10. 现时,日本的主要服装零售渠道包括私家牌子服装专门店、大型综合商店及百货公司。

    Currently , the major apparel retailers in Japan are spas , general merchandise stores and department stores .

  11. 我国家电传统零售渠道主要分为百货商场、专业连锁店、品牌专卖店等业态。

    There are three main channels of home appliances in China : malls , chain stores and brand stores .

  12. 通过对北京市销售渠道类型的考察,将其归纳为批发渠道、零售渠道和特殊渠道三种类型。分析了各类渠道的特点和适用范围。

    Dairy distribution system in Beijing has three kinds of mode : Wholesale , modem retail and special channel .

  13. 沃尔曼表示:由于跟传统的零售渠道捆绑在一起,传统游戏机往往会遭遇发展瓶颈,英伟达对此深有体会。

    Nvidia sees first-hand how the traditional consoles are in a gridlock because of their traditional tie-in with retail , Warman says .

  14. 制造商不仅可以通过传统的经销商零售渠道销售产品,而且可以通过开通网络通路将产品直接递送给消费者。

    Not only does manufacturer can sell products through traditional retailing channel , but also bring products to consumers by online-channel directly .

  15. 随着政府将处方药销售从医院向零售渠道引导,我国电子商务正在向医药业扩张。

    China 's e-commerce businesses are expanding into pharmaceuticals as the government directs prescription drug sales away from hospitals and into retail outlets .

  16. 这导致零售渠道充斥着卖不出去的存货,迫使商家打折销售,从而也就更难以向顾客推出新产品。

    That left retail channels stuffed with unsold inventory , forcing discounted sales and making it more difficult to get new products to consumers .

  17. 你也可能对花旗银行在首次公开发行新股时,零售渠道的交叉销售产生兴趣。

    You may also be interested to learn more about the cross-selling efforts of Citibank 's retail channels in the distribution of initial public offerings .

  18. 2009年,安赛在美国设立了销售和市场中心,成为为数不多的将销售链条从中国直接拓展到国外零售渠道的企业之一。

    In2009 , we set up our marketing and sales office in the states , successfully set up the business between China manufacturer to retailers .

  19. 针对供应商和零售商组成的供应链,研究单零售渠道下的定价以及供应链协调的批发价策略。

    For a supply chain with a supplier and a retailer , this paper studies the optimal retail price and wholesale price for supply chain coordination .

  20. 整合国内农机零售渠道,需借鉴国内外成功的连锁经营模式经验。

    Learning from the experiences of chain mode at home and abroad , Chinese agricultural machineries chain mode can be built as below : business strategy ;

  21. 家电零售渠道专业化、外资品牌卷入竞争和原材料价格上涨不断压缩着家电厂商的盈利空间。

    Profits have been decreased because home appliance retail channel is getting specialization , foreign capitals brands are involving in competitions and price of raw materials is rising .

  22. 从传统零售渠道与电子直销渠道合作的角度出发,分别设计了两方收益共享契约和价格折扣机制的契约机制,研究了双渠道供应链的协调问题。

    With respect to the cooperation between the electronic channel and traditional channel , two-way revenue sharing contracts and price discount are designed to study on dual-channel supply chain coordination .

  23. 且在此合理的区域内,传统零售渠道订货量减少,直销渠道库存量增大,但供应链总的销售量基本不变。

    In a certain market share range , the whole sale can be made unchanged by increasing inventory for the direct channel and reducing the order quantity for the traditional channel .

  24. 文化海面之下的巨大冰山就潜藏于此,这在传统的零售渠道中毫无意义。

    The vast iceberg under the water of culture all that content that has been out there but hasn 't made sense in traditional retail channels is now available to us .

  25. 其它改革在纸面上看起来也不错,比如更严格地隔离机构与零售渠道,以排除投机性申购,还有放松针对某些股票的禁售期。

    Other reforms also look good on paper , such as a stricter separation of institutional and retail channels to strip out speculative bids , and a loosening of lock-ups for certain tranches .

  26. 作为国内甚至全球范围内第一个在快速电子消费品领域实施零售渠道管理的项目,该项目具有复杂程度高、涉及业务范围广、牵涉人员多、实施周期长等特点。

    As the first domestic or even global project in fast electronic product field , it was very complex , got many business departments and people involved , and had a long implementation cycle .

  27. 然后设计系统的网络和软件架构,并对订单主档管理、零售渠道补货管理等核心子系统进行了详细设计。

    Then the network and system architecture of the platform is designed and the core subsystems such as order main data management and replenishment management in retail channel are designed and implemented in detail .

  28. 证明当制造商的生产能力非常紧张时,直销渠道确实比零售渠道优先获得供货;否则,渠道的选择将由生产能力约束和渠道替代率共同决定。

    We prove that when the capacity is very tight , the direct channel does take priority over the retail channel ; otherwise , channel selection decision depends on the available capacity and the substitution rate .

  29. 从消费者行为的角度来看,消费者信心水平的变化会影响消费信息搜索和品牌、质量标签、价格以及零售渠道等的消费选择行为的变化。

    For the point of view on consumer behaviors , changes in the level of consumer confidence will affect information search and food choice behaviors , such as brand choice , quality label choice , prices and retail choice .

  30. 本文研究的重点即是在竞争环境下制造商销售渠道选择问题。文章首先简单分析了在单个供应链环境下制造商销售渠道选择问题,即制造商在零售渠道基础上是否考虑加开网络直销渠道。

    The research emphasis of paper is optimal channel structure strategies of manufacturers in competitive environment . Firstly , we analyze channel selection problem of manufacturer in single supply chain environment which manufacturer considers whether open online-channel on the basis of retailing channel .