
  • 网络Retail procurement;Retailing Buying
  1. 同时介绍了医药连锁零售采购管理的发展趋势。

    And indicates the development trend on purchasing management of pharmaceutical retailing company in the future .

  2. 跨国零售采购市场的营销策略研究

    A Study on the Marketing Strategy of the Buyer ′ s Market of Multinational Retail Groups

  3. 基于ASP模式的零售业采购联盟平台研究

    Research on Retail Procurement Alliance based on ASP

  4. 德国9月份消费信心升至15个月高位,但8月份零售业采购经理指数(PMI)由49.8跌至49.5。

    In Germany , consumer confidence for September rose to a 15-month high , but German retail PMI for August slipped from 49.8 to 49.5 .

  5. 中国家电零售业采购联盟的研究

    The Research on Purchase Alliance of China Consumer Electronic Retail Trade

  6. 今天,第四届跨国零售集团采购会在这里隆重开幕。

    Today , we hold the Fourth International Retailers'Sourcing Fair .

  7. 农村零售店采购与经营模式探讨

    Study on Procurement and Management Mode of Rural Retails

  8. 但经过作者调查研究发现其此较适合于零售业采购人员,通过分析360度反馈评价适于零售业采购人员的原因,并且发现其与教导对谈相结合是零售业采购人员比较有效的绩效管理方法。

    Through researching and investigating , the paper holds that 360-degree feedback is fit for buyers of retail enterprises , and finds that it is an efficacious way of performance management to combine 360-degree feedback with conversation .

  9. 根据国内外连锁零售企业采购配送体系的发展趋势以及国内外连锁商业经营成功的案例分析归纳出不同业态连锁零售企业的共同配送模式;

    Thirdly , this paper studies the foreign and domestic successful case and the development trend of chain retail enterprises ' purchasing and distribution system in the world , then concludes the different joint distribution mode for kinds of chained retail enterprise .

  10. 医药连锁零售企业的采购管理优化

    Research on Optimal Purchasing Management of the Pharmaceutical Retail Enterprise

  11. 农贸市场和早夜市作为传统的零售终端在采购、运输以及具体销售环节均存在着较不经济行为,本土超市的组织经营模式与传统模式相差无几,问题重重。

    There are less economic behaviors in traditional retail outlets during procurement , transportation and retail links .

  12. 同时也希望此研究成果对其它同类零售企业激励采购人员能有一定的借鉴与指导意义。

    At the same time , we sincerely hope it can be useful and reproducible for other retail companies to encourage their procurement staff .

  13. 数据中包括政府在零售店的采购,而且在北京等许多城市,通过发放代金券,为购买电脑到举办婚礼等各种支出提供资金,政府也间接提供了帮助。

    Government purchases at retail stores are included in the figures and in many cities , including Beijing , the government has also been helping indirectly by handing out vouchers to finance purchases of anything from computers to weddings .

  14. 零售产业壁垒:采购角度的博弈分析研究

    Analysis on Procurement Game between Super retailer and Entry Retailer

  15. 那是来自米德兰的一家连锁零售企业的时装采购员的名字

    That 's the name of an actual fashion buyer from one of those chain retailers , Midland .

  16. 国内零售业竞争的激烈、跨国零售集团的强烈冲击对中国零售连锁企业的采购模式创新也提出了很高的要求。

    Competition of retailers and fierceness of transnational retailers proposes very high requests for purchase modes of chain retailers .