
  1. 结果通过人力资源重组,节省人力,提高护理工作的安全性。

    Results Through reorganization , manpower resources was optimally used , and nursing safety was improved .

  2. 目的探讨人力资源重组在妇产科护理管理中的运用效果和方法。

    Objective To explore the effect of human resources reorganization on nursing management in gynaecology and obstetrics .

  3. 围绕如何增强远达公司核心竞争力,本文从项目驱动式经营过程再造、组织机重组、人力资源重组、市场营销再造等方面,深入地分析了远达公司企业经营过程再造的实现方式和过程。

    Aiming at how to enhance the core competency , this paper deeply analyses the approach of business reengineering in aspects of project-driven processes reengineering , organization reconfiguration , and marketing , etc.

  4. 全科医学培训基地、组织和协调及县城社区服务参与者的地位。县医院要搞好社区卫生服务,一是搞好人力资源重组;

    County hospitals occupy an important place in the delivery of community health service as they are the center of technological guidance , the base for training in general medicine , and a coordinator of and participant in the community health service of the county seats .

  5. 通过改革人事制度,实现人力资源优化重组,加速图书馆发展。

    By reforming the personnel system to reorganize and making good human resources to .

  6. 结论人力资源的重组减轻了护士由于连班导致的工作压力而出现身体疲劳,提高了护理工作质量。

    Conclusion Manpower resources reorganization can reduce the fatigue in nurses caused by irrational shifts and improve nursing quality .

  7. 人力资源的整合(重组)如果符合现有印刷资源与电子资源并存的特征,将极大提高图书馆在资源的有效利用和获取方面的能力。

    If the integration of human resources is based on the condition that print resources and electronics resources are also available , the utility rate of library resources will be greatly increased .

  8. 根据公司的竞争和发展战略,有效地配置人力资源,及时促进公司内部技术和人力资源重组,调整组织结构,构建规范的人力资源管理体系已是刻不容缓。

    It is urgent to configure the human resources of the company effectively in order to timely promote the reconstruction of internal technique and human resources and adjust the organizational structure to set up the standard management system of human resources .