
  1. 建立在血缘关系上的养老模式,正在面临家庭结构小型化、人口抚养比上升的挑战。

    The old-age model which was based on blood relationship is facing a smaller structure , the challenges of population rise in dependency ratio .

  2. 随着人口总抚养比的上升,我国将进入人口老龄化新的发展阶段,也就是没有人口红利的老龄化(或者是人口负债的老龄化)。

    China is going to enter a new stage of population ageing following the escalation of total dependency ratio , which is called ageing without bonus ( or ageing with demographic debt ) .

  3. 在我国随着儿童死亡率的不断下降和人口老龄化的不断加剧,人口抚养比呈现出两方面不同的变化趋势。

    In our country , with the steady decline in children mortality rates and the aging of the population growing , the dependency ratio of population shows a change in two different trends .

  4. 在世界人口老龄化的趋势下,老年人口抚养比不断提高,养老保险的重要性日益凸显,而养老保险制度所受到的挑战也越来越严峻。

    In the process of global population ageing , old-age insurance becomes more and more important , and is confronted with much greater challenges .

  5. 只有应用粗率的标准化方法,对劳动年龄人口的年龄进行标准化,消除年龄结构的影响,标化人口抚养比和人口红利,才更有可能反映实际。

    Applying the methodology of standardized crude rate is necessary to remove the impact of the age structure so that the standardized dependency ratio and demographic dividend can reflect the reality .