
  • 网络Social Progress Index
  1. 因为关于“社会进步指数”也有很多好消息。

    Because the Social Progress Index also has some very good news .

  2. 那么,“社会进步指数”可以帮助我们算出来,

    Well , the Social Progress Index can help us calculate this ,

  3. “社会进步指数”主要提了关于社会的三个基本问题。

    The Social Progress Index basically asks three fundamental questions about a society .

  4. 但根据社会进步指数的数据,

    But according to the Social Progress Index ,

  5. 在“社会进步指数”模型中没有国内生产总值或经济增长的指标。

    there 's no GDP or economic growth in the Social Progress Index model .

  6. 所以为了我们更好地认识这项研究,我要引用一个名为“社会进步指数”的工具。

    So to help us with this benchmarking , I 'm going to use a tool called the Social Progress Index .

  7. “社会进步指数”用52个指标把这些都集中到了一起,算出了一个百分制的总分。

    The Social Progress Index sums all this together using 52 indicators to create an aggregate score on a scale of 0 to 100 .

  8. 区域经济发展实力及相应的社会进步指数对可持续发展能力贡献较大,区域资源开发度及环境质量水平对可持续发展能力的限制将越来越明显。

    The regional economy actual strength and society development index more contribute to the ability of sustainable development , and regional resources exploited and environment quality level restraint its ability more and more .

  9. 我们的研究结果表明:广州市当前选取的可持续发展策略基本是正确的,同时社会进步指数状况高于其它指数反映了广州市在城市发展中追求社会进步的倾向和成果。

    The results show that the present strategy of the urban sustainable development of Guangzhou is right . And social development index is higher than other indexes , which shows that Guangzhou city pay more attention to the social progress .