
  1. 作为中国市场体系重要组成部分的中国房地产市场、资本市场、产权转让市场的发展,在很大程度上得益于房地产估价业这一社会中介服务市场的发育和发展。

    As an important part of Chinese market system , to a great extent the development of Chinese property market , capital market , property transfer market profit from the development of the real estate evaluation in the society intermediary service market .

  2. 规范市场准入和质量监管,全面放开社会检测服务市场,积极培育民营中介机构、高等院校、科研院所等设立的食品检验机构。

    To regulate the market access and supervision quality , open-up the social testing services market fully , cultivate food inspection agencies set up by private intermediary agencies 、 universities and research institutes . ( 3 ) To improve the supporting measures of food inspection and testing system .

  3. 随着科学技术的进步,艺术与科学将逐渐缩小门类之间的空间距离,汇流成一种总体服务于社会、服务于市场、推动人类进步的视觉传播学科。

    With the development of science and technology , the gap between art and science is being narrowed down , and they are converging into a course of visual communications serving the society and market as well as contributing to human progress .

  4. 广州健全社会中介服务体系与市场信用制度的研究

    Research on Perfecting Intermediary Service System and Market Credit System of Guangzhou

  5. 从国际社会司法管辖服务的市场特征来看,它更类似于一个自由竞争市场。

    According to international judicial jurisdiction service , it is more similar to a complete competition market .

  6. 文章认为公共管理社会化与公共服务市场化是美国政府再造的重要政策工具。

    The socialization of public administration and marketization of public services are important policies in the American government reinventing .

  7. 公共管理社会化与公共服务市场化&美国政府再造对珠海市城市管理制度创新的启示

    A study on the socialization of public administration and the marketization of public services & the reference from the " Government Reinventing " in US to city management in Zhuhai

  8. 政府通过执政理念的更新、职能的转变,开放公共服务领域,实现公共管理社会化和公共服务市场化。

    Through the renewal in ruling principle and the transition of function , the government opens the field of public service to realize socialization of public management and marketization of public service .