
  • 网络Talent capital;human capital
  1. 人才资本在企业中是其他企业不可能复制,更不可能以相同代价获得的。

    Human capital in business can not replicated in other enterprises and cannot got in the same price .

  2. 作为重要生产要素的人才资本在区域的发展中起了关键作用。

    As an important factor of production , human capital played a key role in the region development .

  3. 激发广西北部湾经济区人才资本活力的对策

    The Countermeasure of Stimulating Talent 's Capital Vigor of Guangxi Beibu

  4. 人才资本投资价值计量与模式选择

    On the Measurement and Models of the Value of Human Resources Investment

  5. 为什么人才资本没有转化为当地的经济优势?

    Why talent capital was not turned into the local economic advantage ?

  6. 论组织价值与人才资本价值的关系

    Relationship Between Value of Organization and that of Talent Capital

  7. 人才资本内涵、特征与运行规律探析

    On Talents Capital : Definition , Features and Operating Law

  8. 人才资本产权实现的路径分析与制度安排

    Analyses on Approach and System Arrangement in Talent Capital Property Right Realization

  9. 关于人才资本的构成与特征的研究。

    On the construction and features of qualified personnel capital .

  10. 实施人才资本投资需要研究如何提高其投资回报率。

    It 's important to raise the rate of return on investment .

  11. 人才资本是经济发展的特殊资本。

    Human resource is the special capital in the development of economy .

  12. 人才资本形成中教育投资的成本收益分析

    On Educational Investment Cost and Profit in Human Capital

  13. 第五、第六部分是通过分析人才资本贡献率低的原因并提出相关政策建议。

    Chapter five and six are relevant policy advices .

  14. 人才资本作用机理及其运用

    On the Functional Mechanism and Application of Human Resources

  15. 竞技体育后备人才资本理论新探

    Latest Exploration of Theory of Sports Reserve Talent Capital

  16. 人才资本价值在组织中的实现途径

    Road of Realizing Talents Capital Values in Organization

  17. 最后,对人才资本产权实现的制度安排进行了研究。

    Finally , the systematic arrangements of talent capital property rights realization are studies .

  18. 所以研究人才资本积累与经济增长的关系是一个非常有实践意义的问题。

    So study the relationship between economic growth and talent capital is a practical problem .

  19. 这主要是由于当前我国低水平分工和低人才资本积累造成的。

    This comes from present China 's lower level division of labor and lower talent capital accumulation .

  20. 探讨了组织中人才资本价值有效实现的绩效&薪酬途径和管理途径。

    Discusses the performance which comes true via value of talent capital in organization & salary and management .

  21. 现代管理活动对人才资本的投资赋予了重要意义。

    The nature of modern management is about human management , which vests with significance to the human resources investment .

  22. 因此,对人才资本产权的内涵、特征及其结构等问题进行分析具有一定的现实意义。

    So studying the problem of talent capital property right 's meaning , character and structure has a practical significance .

  23. 加快职业教育的改革与发展,是推进人力资源向人才资本转变的一项重大举措。

    Speeding up the development of vocational education is a significant act to promote the human resource transforming to the human capital .

  24. 其次,文章通过论述人才资本理论和人才资源激励理论,介绍了企业人才管理的相关理论。

    Secondly , the article introduces relative theories of enterprise talents management by discussing the theory of talents capital and talents resource encouragement .

  25. 如何提高人才资本投资的效益,规避人力资本投资的风险,是当今人力资源管理研究中的重要方面。

    It is an important factor of human-resource management theory how to improve the benefit and evade the risk in human capital investments .

  26. 那么,如何设计合理的公司内部薪酬差距,才能使高科技企业保留人才资本的优势昵?本文对此问题进行深入探讨。

    So , how to design a reasonable internal company pay gap , for making the high-tech enterprises to retain the human capital advantage ?

  27. 从微观层面提出了应树立新的人才资本运营观、改善企业管理控制模式、加强公司治理结构建设等对策。

    And from the micro-level we . should establish a new operational concept of human capital , improve corporate management and control mode of response .

  28. 档案如何成为人才资本流动的信用证&试论档案人才资本化管理的法制化

    How Archive Becomes " Letter of Credit " of the Flow of Talents Capital : On the Legalization of " Talent Capitalization " Management for Archives

  29. 人才资本是人力资本中的核心部分,是高能资本,它既具有人力资本的性质,又有着资本的某些性质。

    As a highly competent capital , talents capital is the core of human capital and boasts some features of both human capital and common capital .

  30. 其次,从内涵、结构、功能和属性等方面对人才资本产权进行了探索性研究。

    Second , this essay carries out an exploratory research on talent capital property rights in the viewpoint of content , structure , function and attributes .