
  1. 安徽省一名女性银行职员也有同样的忧虑,她说:“我会先考虑我的工作进度。如果不能如期完成工作任务就会受到惩罚。我怕我老板不高兴。”

    Similar worries were felt by a female bank employee in Anhui , who said : " I will consider my work schedule first . There are penalties for those who fail to complete work tasks . I 'm afraid my boss will be unhappy . "

  2. 玛丽就是总部设在纽约的女性世界银行的主席。

    Mary Allen Iskenderian is president of New York based women 's world banking .

  3. 我的研究还显示,处于怀孕期和产假期的女性从银行获得的待遇更差。

    My research also identified that pregnant women and women on maternity leave were being treated less favourably by lenders .

  4. 眼下正是银行更为审慎地对待贷款业务的时候,如果要歧视女性,银行必须认识到它们所面临的法律后果。

    At a time when banks are thinking more carefully about their lending practices , lenders must recognise the legal consequences that face them should they discriminate against women .

  5. 女性越多,银行越好?

    More women , better banks ?

  6. 在印度社会中,家庭资产多由男性掌控,75%的印度女性甚至没有银行账户。

    India is a society where men mostly control family financial resources . 75 % of women do not even have a bank account .

  7. 美国一位名叫约翰-史密斯的男子决定抢劫银行,他身穿女性紧身内衣进入银行大厅,所有客户和安全保卫均对史密斯的怪异行径捧腹大笑。

    In1910 , an American named John Smith man decided to rob Banks , he wore a female tight underwear to enter the bank hall , all customers and security of the strange behavior Smith laugh .