
  • 网络Rural commercial bank;RCB
  1. 第五章X市农村商业银行内部控制欠完善的原因分析。

    Chapter Five Reasons of X Rural Commercial Bank Being Less Developed .

  2. 徽商银行融资额达到13亿美元,是自重庆农村商业银行(ChongqingRuralCommercialBank)2010年在香港上市以来中资银行最大的一宗IPO。

    At $ 1.3bn , the Huishang deal is the largest by a Chinese lender since Chongqing Rural Commercial Bank listed in the city in 2010 .

  3. 加入WTO对农村商业银行来说不仅是意味着机遇,更多的是要面临同业的挑战。

    Since China joined the World Trade Organization , it means not only the opportunity but also the challenge for the rural commercial banks .

  4. PEST分析法中主要得出了合肥市科技农村商业银行主要面临着较严峻的声誉风险和较强的监管力度。

    From the analysis of the PEST , the Hefei science & technology RCB is facing a serious fame atmosphere and powerful supervision .

  5. 澳新银行已在华投资约10亿澳元(合8.94亿美元),收购中等规模的天津市商业银行(BankofTianjin)约20%股份,以及上海农村商业银行(ShanghaiRuralCommercialBank)20%的股份。

    ANZ has invested about A $ 1bn ( U $ 894m ) in China , taking about 20 per cent in medium-sized Bank of Tianjin and another 20 per cent in Shanghai Rural Commercial Bank .

  6. X市农村商业银行是在原农村信用合作联社的基础上,由自然人、境内非金融机构共同发起设立组建的股份制商业银行。

    X Rural Commercial Bank is in the original rural credit cooperative association , based on a natural person , co-sponsored by domestic non-financial institutions to establish the formation of joint-stock commercial banks .

  7. 第四章首先对滨海农村商业银行进行SWOT分析,确定战略定位,然后提出竞争力全面提升战略。

    The fourth chapter first uses SWOT method to analyze the Binhai Rural Commercial Bank , then decides the strategic positioning and puts forward the competitiveness all-round promotion strategy .

  8. 通过对ABC农村商业银行核心竞争力的研究,力求为银行实现做大做强、提高自身核心竞争力优势的愿景,提供力所能及的支持。

    By the research core competition of ABC Rural Commercial Bank , the article supports the Bank to be bigger and stronger and enhancing the core competitive advantages with capability of sustainable development .

  9. 滨海农村商业银行竞争力提升战略研究

    The Strategy of Promoting the Competitiveness of Binhai Rural Commercial Bank

  10. 农村商业银行治理结构:比较与借鉴

    Corporation Governance of the Rural Commercial Bank : Compare and Reference

  11. 城市商业银行发展对农村商业银行的启示

    Enlightenment from the Development of City Commercial Bank to Rural Commercial Bank

  12. 我国农村商业银行引进战略投资者问题研究

    An Analysis on Introducing Strategic Investors for Rural Commercial Banks

  13. 最后,笔者以上述分析结论为依据,在经营管理层面,为北京农村商业银行提出了一些切实可行的建议和意见。

    Finally , The writer made some suggestion on the bank management .

  14. 这也是对农村商业银行合规管理研究的目的所在。

    This is also to the rural commercial bank compliance management research purpose .

  15. 农村商业银行将逐渐走向更加激烈的竞争舞台。

    There will be a more intense competition stage for rural commercial bank .

  16. 农村商业银行多跨省设立;注册资本较大。

    Rural commercial banks prefer inter-provincial establishment and high level of registered capital .

  17. 上海农村商业银行运营效率的低效是主要是由其规模效率低而引起的。

    Shanghai rural commercial bank'low result efficiency is aroused by its inefficient scale .

  18. 现阶段我国农村商业银行的市场定位和发展战略

    Position and Development Strategy of Rural Commercial Banks in Our Country at Current Stage

  19. 之后以北京农村商业银行为例,对其改制取得的突出成绩进行了简要介绍。

    Take Beijing rural commercial Bank as an example , introduces its transform results .

  20. 本章回顾了农村商业银行的组建和发展现状。

    This chapter reviewed the creation and development present situation of the rural commercial bank .

  21. 组建农村商业银行的思考

    Thought about Setting up Rural Commercial Bank

  22. 在这种空前的压力面前,农村商业银行的前景尤为引人注目。

    Facing the unprecedented pressure , the foreground of the rural commercial banks is especially remarkable .

  23. 阐述了苏南农村商业银行运作的经验和教训。

    Also , the paper elaborates the experiences and lessons of the operation of the rural bank .

  24. 但信息技术在高速发展的同时,也给农村商业银行带来了不安全因素。

    But information technology in high-speed development , but also give rural commercial bank brings safety factor .

  25. 本章是为提升农村商业银行竞争力的建议。

    This chapter is mainly talk about the advice to enhance the competitiveness of rural commercial bank .

  26. 在农村商业银行乃至农村金融体系的发展变迁中,地方政府发挥着重要作用。

    During this transformation , the local government played a critical role in thedevelopment of the rural financial system .

  27. 分区域看,70%以上的农村商业银行和农村合作银行分布在山东省中、东部地区。

    More than 70 % of the rural commercial banks and rural cooperative banks were located in eastern Shandong .

  28. 除外,还指明了合规管理是农村商业银行一项核心的风险管理活动。

    Except , also pointed out the compliance management is a core of the rural commercial bank risk management activities .

  29. 针对这些问题,本文在参考其他商业银行以及金融机构相关措施的基础上,结合A市农村商业银行的独有特点,提出了针对性的改进措施。

    In order to resolve these problems , thesis proposes pertinent measures combined with the features of rural commercial bank .

  30. 然而改制后的农村商业银行在各方面与现代商业银行相比仍存在较大差距。

    But compared to modern commercial banks , there is still a wide gap in the restructured rural commercial banks .