
  • 网络Private bank;banking sector
  1. 试论我国民营银行监管的法律问题

    Discussion of the Legal Issues on the Regulation of Private Bank

  2. 民营银行是我国金融体制改革的战略选择和必然选择。

    Discusstion on the path choice and development of private bank ;

  3. 政策制定者希望民营银行能满足这类借款人,经济学家们表示,小型民营企业提供了约60%的国内生产总值(GDP)以及约75%的新就业岗位。

    Policy makers hope that private banks will meet the needs of such borrowers , which economists say provide about 60 per cent of gross domestic product and about 75 per cent of new jobs .

  4. 近代民营银行的经营理念与管理制度

    Management Concept and Administrative System of Modern Local People Owned Banks

  5. 论黑龙江省民营银行的发展路径和制度设计

    Development Route and Institutional Design of Private Banks in Heilongjiang Province

  6. 我国民营银行公司治理结构的经济分析

    An Economic Analysis of the Governance Structure of our Private-owned Banks

  7. 金融制度变迁与我国民营银行的发展

    Changes of Financial Institution and Development of China 's Private Banks

  8. 民营银行安全网模式选择:经验与借鉴

    Experiences on Choosing an Applicable Safety Net for Private Commercial Banks

  9. 民营银行发展的基本理论和战略选择

    Basic Theory and Strategic Alternatives for the Development of Privately-owned Banks

  10. 我国发展民营银行的现实路径选择

    The Choice of the Practical Paths to Develop Private Banks in China

  11. 论民营银行发展的必要性与策略

    The Necessity and Strategy of Privately Owned Banks ' Development

  12. 民营银行的构建模式与发展方向

    The Building Mode and the Developmental Trend for Privately-run Banks

  13. 民营银行进入农村金融市场的博弈分析

    Game Analysis of Rural Financial Market Enter of Private Banks

  14. 中国民营银行发展的新制度经济学分析

    The New Institutional Analysis on the Development of Non-Governmental Banks

  15. 民营银行市场准入的时机及其框架设计

    Market Access for Private Banks in China : Opportunity & Framework Design

  16. 民营银行:敏感而需要讨论的金融热点话题

    Private Bank : A Sensible Hot Financial Topic Which Should Be Discussed

  17. 民营银行公司治理研究:一个理论综述

    A Study on the Corporate Governance of Private Bank : Literature Review

  18. 第一章论述发展民营银行的国际经验。

    Chapter One describes the international experience of developing the private bank .

  19. 论民营银行市场准入压抑问题

    On the Problem of Oppression on the Market Entrance of Private Banks

  20. 我国金融制度创新的一种尝试:民营银行

    A Try of Chinese-feature Financial System Innovation : Civilian Bank

  21. 发展民营银行支持中小企业

    Development of Private Banks to Support Medium and Small Enterprises

  22. 民营银行发展要形式多样,不拘一格。

    The development of private banks can take different forms .

  23. 在国内开放民营银行,是一项政策性非常强的研究课题。

    Opening civilian banks is a very strong policy topic .

  24. 民营银行的发展在我国具有特别重要的意义。

    The development of private banks has special significance in our country .

  25. 民营银行的市场定位和发展路径探析

    Market orientation and developing analysis of the route of the private bank

  26. 中国民营银行风险与防范

    Risks of Individual-Owned Finance in China and Means to Guard Against Them

  27. 第四,民营银行应当强化风险管理。

    Forth , private banks should strengthen risk management .

  28. 发展民营银行和资本市场建立金融市场新格局

    Private Banks , Capital Market , and the New Pattern of Financial Market

  29. 民营银行的市场生存空间及进入选择

    Non-governmental Bank 's Living Space in the Market and Its Market Entrance Choice

  30. 民营银行的发展与监管之我见

    My View on Supervision of Non - Governmental Banks