
kāi zhènɡ yín hánɡ
  • issuing bank;opening bank
  1. 1.letterofcredit信用证,简称L/C“可撤销的”或“不可撤消的”信用证与开证银行责任有关。

    Letter of credit , which may be either " revocable " or " irrevocable , " relates to the liability of the issuing bank .

  2. 软条款可以从进口商、出口商和开证银行的角度去防范。

    The flexible clauses can be guarded against from the respect of the importer , the exporter and the issuing bank .

  3. 开证银行付款问题是重大的理论和实践问题。

    The payment of the issuing bank is an important theoretical and practical problem .

  4. 议付银行必须将所有单据一次用航空邮寄开证银行。

    The negotiating bank must forward all documents to us in one cover by airmail .

  5. 受益人于每次装货议付后,须待收到进口商或开证银行发出的通知,方可恢复到原金额使用。

    The amount of each shipment shall be reinstated after each negotiation only upon receipt of credit-writing importer 's issuing bank 's notice stating that the credit might be renewed .

  6. 跟单信用证明确地规定单据寄送给开证行A银行的代理人B银行。

    The documentary credit specifically states that documents are to be sent to Bank B as agent of the issuing bank , Bank A.

  7. 一般情况下,议付行可以通过出售开证行的银行承兑汇票来融资。

    This is often achieved by selling the issuing bank 's bankers acceptance to other investors .

  8. 这也是开证行的中央银行要的。

    He is standing in the middle of the room .

  9. 开证申请人是指向银行申请开立信用证的人,即进口方。

    Applicant is the party who applies for the opening of a letter of credit , that is , the importer .

  10. 根据你方开立不可撤销信用证的要求,我方已经通知我方开证行——中国银行开立金额为10万人民币的信用证,你方为受益人,有效期至4月2日。

    In compliance with your requirement to open an irrevocable L / C , we have instructed our bank , Bank of China , to open a credit in your favor for ¥ 100000 . The L / C will be valid until April 2 .

  11. 开不可撤销的信用证,开证银行收到符合信用证条款及本合同规定之单据后付款。

    By irrevocable letter of credit available against opening bank 's receipt of the documents in compliance with the credit terms and conditions as stipulated .