
  • 网络open-plan office;OPEN OFFICE;OpenOffice.org
  1. 讨厌开放式办公室还需要其他的理由吗?

    Here 's How to Get Along With Your Messy Co-Worker Need another reason to hate the open office ?

  2. 此次调查中只有61%的人称在开放式办公室里工作,但所有受访者中有98%表示自己在工作时受到了干扰。

    Only 61 % of the survey respondents reported working in an open office , but 98 % of everyone surveyed said they get distracted at work .

  3. 即便在开放式办公室和社交网络的时代,某些工作最好还是留给个人来做。

    Even in the age of open-plan offices and social networks some work is best left to the individual .

  4. 在新冠病毒疫情期间,数以百万计的人从大型开放式办公室搬到了自家客厅里工作。

    During the pandemic , millions of people swapped1 their large open-plan offices for their living rooms .

  5. 开放式办公室中的员工在听到喧哗的声响或者其他声音时,总忍不住在格子间抬头张望,观察四周的动静,这就是“土拨鼠效应”。

    Prairie-dogging refers to the practice of workers in an open-plan office raising their heads above the partitions1 surrounding their desks when they hear a loud voice or other noise .

  6. 一个巨大的开放式办公室是公司的ceo和其他行政人员的工作地点。

    The CEO and his fellow executives work from a large open-plan office .

  7. 《亚太健康管理期刊》(asiapacificjournalofhealthmanagement)最近刊登的一篇文章指出,开放式办公室员工的眼睛、鼻子和、喉咙更容易产生疼痛感,染上流感的机率也更大。

    A recent article in the Asia Pacific Journal of health management said that employees in open-plan offices were more prone to eye , nose and throat irritations , and more likely to come down with flu .

  8. 在Healthways总部的开放式办公室工作数年之后,特纳觉得他想要一间私人办公室。

    Mr. Turner thought he would like having a private office , after working for years in Healthways ' open-plan headquarters .

  9. 开放式办公室内的噪音类干扰是专注的头敌。Gensler建筑公司的联合总裁戴安-霍斯金斯对《纽约时报》说道,宝贵的时间会因此而被浪费。

    Noise-related distractions in open offices are the enemy of focus , Diane Hoskins , co-chief executive of the Gensler architecture firm , told the New York Times , adding , Its meaningful time thats being lost .

  10. 我在一个开放式办公室写这篇书评。

    I am writing this review in an open plan office .

  11. 开放式办公室可能会使你效率低下、情绪低落。

    Open offices could be making you unproductive and unhappy .

  12. 不过,和所有的好东西一样,开放式办公室的应用也必须保持平衡。

    But like all good things , must be kept in balance .

  13. 开放式办公室造成工作效率下降的原因不只是分神。

    It is not just the distractions of open-plan offices that lower productivity .

  14. 越来越多人开始抵制开放式办公室的方案。

    There 's a growing backlash against open-office plans .

  15. 开放式办公室声环境评价、预测和设计方法

    Advances in Study of Sound Fields in Open-plan Offices

  16. 不过,工作时受到干扰不是开放式办公室才存在的问题。

    Distractions at work are not just a problem for open offices , though .

  17. 开放式办公室声环境研究开放式办公室中的语言私密问题

    Study on Speech Privacy in Open-Plan Offices

  18. 另一个朋友认为,将毫不相关的部门堆砌在一起的开放式办公室布局会滋生不满情绪。

    Another friend thinks open-plan offices that dump unrelated departments next to each other foster grievances .

  19. 开放式办公室或许会给你带来友谊,但前提是你喜欢那个与你共享办公空间的人。

    Open-plan offices may offer companionship , but that assumes you like the people whose space you share .

  20. 我说他试图掩盖事实。我们两个人站在一间大大的开放式办公室中央对骂。

    The two of us stood in the middle of a large , open-plan office and let rip .

  21. 随着越来越多的雇员在开放式办公室和共用办公空间中工作,因为杂乱出现的冲突也越来越多。

    With more employees working in open-plan offices and shared workspaces , look for more clashes over clutter .

  22. 老板是否应坐在开放式办公室里,这个问题的实质在于,人们是否应在开放式办公室中工作。

    Underlying the question of whether the boss should sit in an open-plan office is whether anyone should .

  23. 虽然开放式办公室不一定适合所有人,但它能给文化、创新和合作带来巨大影响。

    While open-offices dont work for everyone , they can have great impact on culture , innovation and collaboration .

  24. 此时世界管理中心的办公大楼里,数千名菲律宾年轻人涌入无数的开放式办公室。

    At the Worldwide Corporate Centre office block , thousands of young Filipinos are crowding into endless open-plan offices .

  25. 研究发现,开放式办公室导致面对面合作减少,工作效率降低,尤其是那些从事创意工作的人。

    Studies have found that open plans lead to decreased face-to-face collaboration and decreased productivity , particularly for creative people .

  26. 较之于在标准办公室工作的员工,开放式办公室的员工还可能遇到更大压力,专注力和动力也会被削弱。

    Employees in open offices may also experience higher stress levels and less concentration and motivation than those working in standard offices .

  27. 一项研究发现,现代的开放式办公室带给女性的这种压力迫使她们对衣着更加讲究、购买考究的服装,还会化妆。

    Modern open workspaces put women under pressure to dress up , buy elegant clothes and wear make-up , a study has found .

  28. 他们说开放式办公室使他们更难以集中精神,因为其他人的喧闹和电子噪音是如此令人分心。

    Workers say that open-plan offices make it more difficult to concentrate , because the hubbub of human and electronic noise is so distracting .

  29. 几乎所有人都在开放式办公室工作,用着相同的电脑、相同大小的办公桌面和相同的椅子。

    Almost everyone works in open plan offices , with the same computer , the same amount of desk space and the same chair .

  30. 无论开放式办公室为增进沟通贡献了何种微薄之力,它都被工作效率的降低所抹消。

    Whatever small gains open-plan offices do offer in enhanced communication are , in any event , wiped out by the loss of productivity .